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Y/n is an very extroverted person

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Y/n is an very extroverted person. Everyone who knows her, knows how much she loves music, art, and animals. She's looking for a new job at the moment. She sees a poster up. "A secretary?" y/n whispers to herself. That's not too bad.
      She lives with her best friend, Amelia. Amelia is just as extroverted as y/n. They met in 7th grade and have been friends ever since. Everyone saw them as an unbreakable duo throughout high school. It's true, their bond was absolutely unbreakable.
      They had pretty good Jobs and could afford what they wanted. Their home was pretty average. It's just a nice comfortable house. Not too much and not to little. Perfect for the both of them. Y/n was fired from her last job after a jealous co worker framed her for trying to hook up with the CEO's husband.
     " I think I'll go, I have time". As she walks home she bumps into someone. She quickly apologizes and continues her way home. She was walking, she only went to the park close to her home."AMELIA!!", y/n calls out for her bsf. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Amelia yells back as she rushes towards her.
      "I saw a poster and they're looking for a new secretary, should I go to the interview?"
      "When's the interview."
       "Next week, Thursday."
      "Yup go for it! "
Little does she know that the CEO is the man she bumped into that day she saw the poster.

Idk how to feel about this 😭. I'm liking this idea but i don't know if others will. I've seen a couple people do this secretary concept so I want to try it out. I hope you guys enjoy the book!! Have fun reading...
Sending hugs. Love you guys so so much. 🤍🤍

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