Chapter 13

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Authors note: Hey guys!! It's been a very long time since I've updated this book!! This will probably be the last chapter but if I have time I'll try to make a bonus chapter just for my special readers!! I appreciate the love so much!! Enjoy! 🌽🌽...

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Authors note: Hey guys!! It's been a very long time since I've updated this book!! This will probably be the last chapter but if I have time I'll try to make a bonus chapter just for my special readers!! I appreciate the love so much!! Enjoy! 🌽🌽

                       ~1 year later~
       I woke up today feeling amazing! I don't know why but I just feel so amazing. Ken was still fast asleep so I decided to get up and get ready without him so he could rest. Ame has been doing so well with Luke. They're perfect for eachother!!
       I did my morning routine as usual and just stayed in my pajamas since I had no plans. I made myself coffee and some extra for Ken for once he wakes up. Ken and I got married some time after Ame and Luke!!
       Ken has been the best to me. I'm honestly so grateful to have him. I wasn't feeling very hungry so I just sat on the couch and watched TV. Ken woke up some time after.
       He laid on the couch with me and rested on my shoulder.
       "Good morning, love"
       "Mm good morning.."
       I could tell he was still tired. "I made us coffee. go and get yours, okay?." He got up lazily and headed to the kitchen. How can someone still be so handsome when they've just woken up.
       "Justin invited us and the other guys to go out to the amusement park."
       "Let's get ready then! I've missed them so much! It's been forever since we've hung out with them."
       He came to me and I was lost for a second. The next second, he picked me up with no effort and carried me to our room. Our cats were sleeping peacefully on the bed...
                 ~After getting ready~

                  ~After getting ready~

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(Pick your outfit! It's up to you. 💋)
                  *In the group chat*
🌭: yooo I'm here, come out

🐔: hold on we're coming🙄

🌽: did y'all bring money?

🍢: obviously who wouldn't

🍓: yup

🌭: yes

🐔: yes and we're coming out now
       We got in the car and made our way to the amusement park. Stell had packed us all simple sandwiches and all our favorite drinks for the way there. "Oh my I almost forgot!!" Josh exclaimed. "WHAT" we all replied in unison. He pulled out the little hair clips from the first time we all hung out at the amusement park together...
       We all grabbed one and put the little sprout clips in our hair. We all laughed together at how silly and memorable these were. "We need to take a group photo together once we get there." Said Justin.
          ~At the amusement park~
       "YAYYY LET'S GOOOO" yelled Stell.
"Shut up!!" Ken responded. Gosh they still act like kids. It's so sweet... We all ran together to find a spot to take pictures together. "How Abt we get food and take pictures with our food?" Said Pablo. "Smaaaart" Josh replied.
       We spent the rest of the day just messing around and having the time of our lives. I've made so many memories with these guys. Especially my beloved Felip. Justin dropped his drink after one sip, Josh face planted, tripping over air, Pablo choked on his own spot while talking, Stell spent so much money on just accessories, Ken threw up after one ride.
       Gosh, these boys are a mess. We all went home around 7-9 pm. It was getting dark. It's late at night but it was summer time so we were used to it. Me and Ken were the last to be dropped off. "Bye Pablo! Goodnight."
Ken and I said as we got out of the car.
       "I'm so tireddd." I whined to Ken. "Me too, love. Let's get some rest once we both wash up." Ken replied. We both got inside and did our nightly routines. He showered first as I took off my makeup. He changed and did his stuff as I showered. But he waited on me to do our skincare together.
       We both were in comfy clothes and got in bed. "Goodnight, I love you y/n." Ken mumbled loud enough for me to hear. He must've been so tired.. "Goodnight, I love you too Ken." I responded as we both embraced each other and fell fast asleep....

       Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. If I have time like I said, I will try to make a bonus chapter just for you guys! No promises though. I wouldn't doubt that I won't make one though. I've been very busy with school and activities in participate in so I haven't had time to update. I wish you guys the best. Thank you reading and I appreciate it so much. Love you guys forever🌽🤍

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