Chapter 9

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         9:08 pm        ・Y/n's POV・     It was getting late and I was starting to get tired

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         9:08 pm
        ・Y/n's POV・
     It was getting late and I was starting to get tired. I got up and started to walk to my room. "I'm going to sleep!" I told them. "Good night!" they all replied in sync. These boys hang out a lot. Wow.
     *I went to sleepsies*
        5:37 am
     It was so early, but these boys wanted me to watch a movie with them. Well, it's dark out still, but it's 5 am. I didn't feel like getting up but, as soon a I rolled over to go back to sleep. I was lifted up by Pablo. Damn, these men don't take no.
     I was carried downstairs and placed on the couch. I rub my eyes and look up. They wanted to watch a scary movie. I hate scary movies. I grabbed ken's blanket an scooted closer to him. He hugged me and asked, "are you scared?"
"Yes" I replied, looking up at him. We all ended up sitting on the floor because the couch got boring. They already had breakfast made.
Throughout the whole movie, there was so many jumpscares. Josh screamed so high pitched and it was so funny! I shed at least 1 tear from all the jumpscares.
We ate all our snacks and saw that Pablo fell back asleep. How the fuck did he carry me all the way down here after waking me up and the have the audacity to sleep. I got up and grabbed one of the pillows off the floor. I used all my might and smacked him with it! He woke up. "That's what you get!"
      Stell was laughing hysterically. We ended up sitting in a circle while listening to Stell and Jah's dumb jokes. It's too early for them to be this energetic.
     I fell back asleep later on.
          8:34 am
     I woke up in my bed. But didn't I sleep in the living room? Oh well. I get up and go downstairs. I look in the kitchen and see Pau cooking. He greeted me with a good morning and I said it back.
     I saw the others in the living room. They were huddled at the TV. Justin and Josh were playing horror games. Ken and Stell watching and jumping at the scares.
     I went and say by Ken. He greeted me a good morning and I said it back of course. He kissed my forehead. I think I'm redder than a cherry. I smiled at him and kissed him.
     Pau finished cooking and we all went to eat. This man can cook well. Him and Stell should have a cooking battle! "Wahh this is so good! You and Stell should have a cooking contest for dinner."
     The two of them looked at each other smirking. Oh, so they're both very competitive. I finished up eating and almost washed my plate but, "I'll wash dishes." Josh said.
     I went and sat on the couch. Today feels boring. I checked my phone and I saw a message from Amelia. Since when did she start texting me again. I opened the message. "Hey y/n, I know we haven't talked in a while. I'm getting married soon and I would love for you to be a bride's maid. I'm coming back for my wedding and it would be nice to see you again. Love you."
     Amelia is inviting me to her wedding. AHHH I'M SO EXCITED FOR HER. I text her back, "Oh my god! Of course! That's amazing and I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see you!"
Sorry late update guys. I've been pretty stressed and ran out of ideas. Hope you guys can forgive me. Lov you guys! 🌽🌽

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