Chapter 7

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At home, 7:34 pm
・Y/n's POV・
"Can I get my clips back?"
"No!" they shouted.
Oh my gosh. These guys are stealing from me. How could they. I'll never get my stuff back.
"Justin are we there yeeeeeett!?" I asked.
"Gosh, Josh was right. Young people are impatient."
     "We're the same age!" I said sulking.
     He's only 5 months older and thinks he's better. Ugh. I look outside and see we're almost to mine and Ken's house. Everyone fell asleep. They're all so cute! They're so knocked out. I wonder if they're still up for karaoke.
     "We're here!!" Justin shouted.
     They all woke up. Everyone but Josh and Ken.
     "WAKE UP!!" me and Justin shouted.
     They woke up startled. We all grab our stuff and go upstairs. Them going to ken's room and me going to mine to change. I'm guessing they're going to borrow ken's clothes.
     I hear them running down the stairs. I changed into this.

     I went out to my room

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     I went out to my room. I look over to them and they look at me. They all were in onesies.
     "GO CHANGE!!" they shouted at me.
     Jeez, they're crazy. I went back up to my room and change into this.

     Ken gifted it to me not too long ago

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     Ken gifted it to me not too long ago. It was a gift for my birthday. I went back downstairs. They look at me an I look back with a face asking for approval. They approved. I walk over and see that they already had the karaoke set up. 6 mics and a speaker.
     I turn on the TV and ask for a song to sing. We all ended up agreeing on making a list. We started the night with "Wannabe" by ITZY. I was amazed to see the members knew the choreo. We sung and danced to songs like "Lalisa" by Lisa, "Part of that world" from The Little Mermaid, and "Bite Me" by Enhypen.
     We were in pairs for that song. Sejun with Josh, Justin with Stell, Ken with me. The dance was fun but me and Ken were blushing the whole song. We sung around 10 songs including their songs Mana, Nyebe, I Want You, Bazinga, and Crimzone. I learnt their choreographies after going to practices with Ken.
     Sejun ordered fried chicken for us. We all stopped singing to take a break. Sejun ordered us drinks too. I got sprite. We sat and ate. We joked around and talked for the rest of the night. They all went to ken's room while I went to my room at the end of the night.
Next morning
       7:24 am.
     I woke up and went to ken's room. I was gonna ask him a question.
     "OW." Josh shouted. Oh my god. I forgot they slept over.
     "Help me wake up the others." I said, shaking him awake.
     He got up. We whispered for a bit and went downstairs. We both screamed as loud as we could.
     They all woke up and rushes downstairs. Me and Josh were laughing so hard! They look so tired of us.
     "Oh my god I thought-"
      "We." Sejun interrupted Stell.
      "We thought somebody was getting murdered. Why would you guys wake us like that!?"
     "Cause it's funny!" Josh replied.
     "Also, Y/n stepped on my hand this morning!" Josh snitched to Ken.
     "I was gonna ask Ken for something and forgot you guys slept over!"
     "What did you want?" Ken asked.
     "To go grocery shopping. We need more snacks. "
    " LET'S GOOOOOO!!" Justin shouted.
     Kuro woke up and ran to me.
    "You're loud ass woke up kuro!" Ken said.
    "Sorry dude!"
     We all went up to our rooms to change. I shouted down the hall.
    "What's our outfit concept!?"
    "None! Just dress how you usually do!"
     Okay wow. We usually have an outfit concept. Oh right. They don't have they're clothes. I change into this.

     We all come out of the rooms and saw

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     We all come out of the rooms and saw. We're all in grey jackets. Oh my god. What is up with these coincidences. This is terrifying. We need to stop doing this. It's becoming too much.
     They all had their clips in. I grab mine and put it on. We grab out stuff and go into the car. Josh is driving today. Who's paying? Stell. He lost a game of rock paper scissors.
10 minutes later
We're at the store and sejun went to grab a cart. He comes back with two. We're splitting in groups. Our groups were split after a game. Ken, Justin, and I for team 1. Josh, Stell, and Sejun in team 2.
They wanted to have a competition.
"Whoever's cart is more expensive wins." Sejun said.
"Dude! You guys are gonna make me broke!"
"Too bad! You lost!" Josh stuck his tongue out at Stell.
" 1 2 3. GO"
We go dashing towards the snack aisle. Justin grabbed a bunch of chips. Ken grabbed a bunch of instant ramen. I grabbed sweet things like candy and sweet breads. We grabbed so many snacks. Then we ran to the drinks.
We grabbed so many juices, milks, sodas, and more. How are we gonna finish all this....
30 mins later.......
Our cart ended up being the most expensive. Stell was absolutely stressed out. Sorry stell!! We took the bags into the car and to their dorms. They we're going to stay over for at least a week. They needed to back their bags.
Me and Ken waited in the car as they packed. It was kinda awkward. He was doing something? He turned back toward me and pulled out... A paper ring?
"Give me ur hand."
He slipped the ring onto my ring finger. He's so flipping cute. I'm gonna die from blushing. He kissed my cheek then turned back around. I was frozen in shock. I turn around and see THE BOYS AT THE DOOR. They saw it all. They were giggling and shocked. Ahhajansissksjd. We drive back to mine and ken's house in silence. I was smiling the whole time.....
What do you guys think? It took me 3 says for this chapter. My heads been pretty blank! Stream the new Pagtatag ep! Love you guys!! 🌽🌽

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