Chapter 8

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       4:06 pm        ・Ken's POV・     Ahhh why did I do that

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4:06 pm
・Ken's POV・
Ahhh why did I do that. Should I ask her to be my gf today? We've known eachother for 3 years now. She's worked for me the whole time and we've gotten so close. I love her so much but what if she doesn't feel the same!
"Ken. Y/n. Sit on the couch. Now." Sejun demanded.
"Is something going on that we don't know about?"
"No." y/n replied
I wish something was.
"Ken stop staring at her look at me. "
"Nothing's going on. "
" mhm sure. "
Okay plans going well. Now I need to get up and go to my room. I get up and walk to my room pretending to be annoyed with the instigating. Y/n looks at me worried. Shit. Is this too much?
I grab the bouquet, Justin grabs the sign, Josh and Stell grab the flower petals. We all run out and go to y/n.
" y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
" YES!! "
Stell and Josh throw flower petals like some little girls at a wedding. Maybe I should've went with the confetti. Y/n jumped up at me and hugged me. I pick her up and swing her around. I'm so happy she said yes. She's the only person I would spend my entire life with.
・Y/n's POV・
" I love you. " I whispered in his ear when I hugged him.
" I love you too. "
Sejun had to break us apart. Thanks a lot bro. Everyone smiled at us. Ken kissed my cheek again and I blushed so hard. I'm probably redder than the color itself.
     "Do you guys want ramen?" Justin asked.
      "Yeah" we replied.
     We all went into the kitchen and grabbed ramen. We had to wait for the water to boil. We all sat down. Josh pulled out a deck of UNO. "Do you carry a deck of UNO everywhere?" Pablo asked. "Yes what about it." Josh replied.
     Josh started passing out the cards and we played a couple rounds. "Pick up 2." Josh told me. "Pick up 6." I told Ken. "Pick up 8." Ken told Pablo. "Pick up 12." Pablo told Justin. "Pick up 16." Justin told Josh. It kept going until Josh, the one who started it, had to pick up 24.
     He sat there, jaw dropped. Ken started laughing like a maniac while grabbing cards for Josh. Josh ended up losing of course. Who won? Me, cause I'm just so good at games.
     The water was done boiling. Now all we had to do was wait for our ramen to finish cooking. "Oh my gosh. You guys should do skincare with me! Like a little spa night!" they all looked at me. "YEAHHH LET'S GOOOOO!" Stell shouted.
     "You guys have no choice!" I said to the others. Our ramen was done cooking and we all sat and ate. We joked around. Joked around so much that at one point Pablo choked from laughing and eating. We all laughed hysterically while Stell was trying to help him.
Another short chapter but short chapters are still good. It's better than not updating! 😝. This chapter took me a few days. Maybe a week. Yeah it's short but I couldn't think of much. Love you guys! 🌽🌽

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