Chapter 12

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     It's the noon of the wedding

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     It's the noon of the wedding. Ame looks absolutely stunning. The make up artist did her makeup wonderfully. I'm so emotional seeing my best friend, since 7th grade, getting married. She really deserves this moment. Luke makes her so happy and I love that. I'm so proud of her.
     We're all getting dressed and ready. Her sisters look absolutely stunning and I'm loving the fun we're having while getting ready.
     The 5 of us are doing karaoke as we get our hair and makeup done.
     "Ame you look absolutely stunning!" I compliment my best friend.
     "Thank you so much, y/n!"
     We finish up around a couple hours later and we're currently driving to the wedding venue. It's beautiful. Just like how she talked about since we were young. She's having her dream come true.
     We arrive at the wedding and I go to find Ken. I brought him as my plus one, of course. I spot him and kiss him before going to prepare for the wedding that's starting.
                               ~6 hours later~
     The wedding has come to an end. It was an amazing time. Ame is happy with her now husband. Josh and Jah got too drunk so Pau had to drive them home. Stell tagged along so that he wouldn't be left alone.
     Ken was drunk so I had to drive tonight. As I was driving he was mumbling to himself. I couldn't really hear what but I giggled a lil hearing him babble like a baby.
     We arrived him and he could walk very well so I had to support him on my shoulder. God this man is kinda heavy. We make it inside and I put him in his room. Shit, he has to change. A suit isn't very comfy to sleep in.
     I find a pair of sweats and a T-shirt in his closet. I get his attention and tell him to change. He successfully does without much struggle and flops back onto his bed. I make sure he is comfy and stand up to leave.
     I try to leave but he grabs my wrist.
     "Ken, what are you doing?"
     "Can you sleep with meeee?"
     "I don't wanna be aloooooone"
      I get rid of his grip and scoot him over as I lay next to him. He hugs my back and snuggles his nose into my neck. He's so warm, this is nice. He falls asleep and I fall asleep some time later....
Sorry guys! I haven't been really motivated to write so I didn't write much. I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging so I wrote this very short chapter. Love you guys lots!! 🌽🌽

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