Chapter 2

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     *ding* y/n received a message

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     *ding* y/n received a message.
     "Sorry y/n, I won't be able to pick you up. Family emergency."
    Ah shit. Now how am i gonna get home. Should I ask Ken?
     "Ken, can I ask a favour?"
     "My friend has an emergency and I don't have another ride, could you take me home?"
     "Hmmm okay, why not."
     "Thank you thank you thank you!!"
     I won't be walking! Oh my Lord, my feet will be so rested.  Y/n and Ken walked back to the company and went to the dining room. They set their snacks and drinks down. They chatted for a while and turns out, they're really similar. Same music taste, play the same instruments, same interests. Almost every little thing was similar about the two of them.
     "Hey it's almost noon, could you take me home now?"
     "Ah right, I almost forgot. "
   " Let's goo!! "
     She got up, smiling. She doesn't know why she's smiling. Is it because of Ken? He's handsome, nice, charming, and amazing. Y/n seems to be happy with him. Gosh they just seem perfect.
     They walked out, y/n following Ken. She was all giddy but didn't know why. Gosh she must be head of heels for this man and doesn't even realize that!
      ・ken's POV・
     She's so cute. Agh what am i thinking, I just met her! But she's so cute! I'm smiling at her so much. Does she even notice how much we're smiling at each other? Oh my gosh my heart is pounding like crazy for her. We just met, but something about her wants me to stay with her forever.
       ・y/n's POV・
     Why is he so amazing? I want to make him mine. He's just so charming and nice. We have so many similarities! Oh. My. God. He's driving me home. It's not much but I'm basically head over heels for this guy! We just met and I'm already crushing over him so badly! I want him and only him.
     We continue talking as he's driving. I was staring at him. I can't stop myself from my looking. He has all my attention. I wonder what he thinks of me? He thinks good of me, right? I mean, we have similar interests and more. We get along so well! Gosh I love him already.
       ・author POV・
   Oh my lord. They're falling for each other badly. And they just met! They arrive at y/n's place and she thanks him again. He smiles at her and drives off. She goes inside only to see her best friend smirking at her.
     "Soooo who is heeee."
     "He's a new friend, he's also the CEO. We hung out for a bit and turns out we're very similar."
     "You're blushing!! Dude you just met this guy and seems like you're already dying for him!"
     "Stop!! Ahhhh he's so nice though! I'm just scares he doesn't think of me that way."
     "Why wouldn't he! I mean, yeah you guys just met, but you guys are so similar!"
     Y/n and Amelia continued talking for a good while. They ended up passing time by doing some karaoke. Amelia's voice was deep and charming. Meanwhile, y/n's was slightly higher and captivating. Their voices perfectly complimenting the other. They loved doing karaoke. It reminded them of their senior year. When they would perform in school.
     Y/n yawned. "I think we should sleep now, I'm pretty tired." y/n said, chugging a bottle of water. "Yeah." Amelia replied drink her own water. They both went to their rooms getting ready to sleep. Y/n couldn't stop thinking about Ken. She was laying in bed, smiling to herself. Ken just couldn't get off her mind. She soon fell asleep. Thinking about Ken of course.

WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK. I'M LOVING THISSSS. Oh my god, I am loving my creativity right now. This so fun too me. I really am hoping you guys are enjoying this story. I know this chapter isn't long, but in trying!! And of course, again and again, have fun reading!! 🌽🌽

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