Chapter 2

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It was now full drawn night, and Hua Ying was still roaming the market. He had brought many things, raging from high quality fans to the highest quality hair accessories. He even got himself a new Vail hat, now he didn't have to cover his face with his hand fan anymore. The veiled hat can do it for him.

He wandered the town before bumping into someone. Or somebody bumped into him. Whatever happened, Hua Ying didn't comprehend as he fell onto someone.

And as if by sheer bad luck. The two fell into the lake.

Hua Ying gasped, he didn't know how to swim, well, he knew how to float but panic made it hard concentrate. And someone fell with him, he didn't know if that person could swim or not.

His panicking turned into surprise when someone pulled him by the collar. Hoisting him to the dock.

Hua Ying gasped air into his burning lungs. Looking at his savior as some elder sisters took in their state, fussing over them.

The other drenche


Zhengyi had fallen asleep on Hua Ying's shoulder when the boy settled in a restaurant to eat at. He had ordered various spicy dishes all varying in spice. After this he would go back to the heavenly realm unnoticed or if Yin Yu had already informed his parents then he would come clean. He had nothing to fight for.
His food came and he digged right in. His hat on the seat next to his while he ate.

Looking out the window he noticed a silver butterfly but it didn't notice him, knowing who it belonged to he quickly finished his food and payed running out being careful not to lose his new hat while running.

He came face to face with the butterfly, knowing his A'die, Baba and his Aunties and Uncle's were probably watching from the hologram Hua Cheng set up. He glared at the butterfly, before letting a swarm teleport him to were his parents and other relatives were. Hua Ying came face to face with Hua Cheng's glare. Was he scared? No. Atleast his A'die finally acknowledged him.

"A'Ying!" Xie Lian exclaimed along with his Aunt's and Uncle's. Xie Lian hugged the boy but Hua Ying didn't hug back, to him that hug wasn't full of love and care like how he had witnessed when watching the families in Caiyi town. Was he really something that could be replaced? Because he felt like an object now, they acknowledged him when they needed and then suddenly it was like he wasn't there at all.

Hua Ying pushed Xie Lian off him, which took the emperor by surprise. "Okay what's with that attitude young man?!" Now Hua Cheng was shouting at him, teleporting them into Hua Ying's room. But Hua Cheng left Zhengyi behind with the other Heavenly officials.

"That was disrespectful to your baba!" Hua Cheng was full on shouting, while Xie Lian was releashing in the hurt of being thrown off. Hua Ying stayed quiet though he was mumbling to himself, he shouldn't have willingly gone back. Hua Was looking forward on showing his Baba and A'die what he bought, he was regretting now. Seeing as Hua Ying wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, Hua Cheng grew more angry. Slapping Hua Ying on the cheek he teleported the boy to his room in paradise manor saying, "you're staying there and reflect on what you did, you're to not go out your room nor have any company".

"You've been too hard on him" Xie Lian mumbled. "He's going too much not being scolded gege. He has to know his wrong doings"

That was what Hua Ying heard as the portal now fully closed. Tears flow down Hua Ying's face as the spot where his A'die slapped him still stung. "So that's what at you think..... I have to reflect on my wrong doings.... So i have to do the opposite of what I'm doing". Letting himself fall to the floor Hua Ying cried his eyes out. Now he was truly lonely, Zhengyi the only company he had for five years was taken from him. And most of all,

He couldn't smile anymore.


"Just how long do you think you're going to keep him locked up?" Xie Lian asked as they ate. They were in paradise manor, the servants had already bought Hua Ying's food to his room. "I think it's long enough" Hua Cheng came to agree, their Xianle had been in punishment for a week now. "We can go see him once we finish dinner. And we have finally finished our work so we have all the time to spend together"


It had been a week and his punishment wasn't done yet. Hua Had entirely lost his appetite, he had been throwing his servings out the window, straight into the waters so there wouldn't be anyone being suspicious, though his sleeping schedule hadn't changed. He had entirely lost his smile as a new mindset took over him. With him being a child it was easy as one, two, and three to change his attitude fully.

Taking the serving of food to the window he went to his bathroom drawing himself a bath and prepare to go to bed. But just as he was close to entering dream land his door was pushed open, showing his parents entering the room.

"Xianle" Xie Lian greeted as he held Hua Ying's face. The boy was pretending to be asleep but the two adults saw trough him.

"We know you're awake A'Ying" Hua Cheng said sitting on the edge of the bed staring the boy down. "Had he gone skinnier....?" He mumbled. Knowing he was bailed by his own facial expression Hua Ying opened his eyes revealing the dull silvery purple irises. The boys face was expressionless as he stared at the two inhumane beings he called his parents.

A flicker of red tainted Hua Ying's irises before it dissipated. Leaving a glassy tiny on the boys eyes.

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