Chapter 23

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It was time. Hua Ying was at the door that would eventually lead him to his parents. His zhiji was right behind him, as quiet as he always had been, but his presence was a comfort to the young prince.

It was no joke that he was feeling nervous, anxious, and dreading the upcoming conversation. His mind was going blank, and he didn't even know what to think anymore.

A gush of memories suddenly appeared in his somewhat agony. As if comforting him by how happy it was.

And Hua Ying didn't know what to think of it. Now that he knew the possibility of his family being cursed by memory alterations, the sudden memory could be a faux. Being aware made him not trust his memories anymore.

With a heavy sigh he pushed the door open, already expecting the observant eyes of his parents.

Hua Ying bowed, followed by Lan Wangji.

Lan Xichen was at the other side of the low table. In which Hua Ying made the courtesy to sit beside the one he had considered to be a brother.

A look of hurt flashed across Xie Lian's eyes, but he made no comment about it. It was inevitable, just who knows what memories were implanted to his son for him to become like that.

And so the meeting commenced, full of sorrow and agony.

None of their memories align with each other, making Hua Cheng tremble in rage. The one who cursed them would pay for their wrongdoings. He would make sure of that.

Wei Changze thought he would never feel alive again, never getting to cultivate again. But he made a full recovery, albeit he still had to do some redemption exercises, all was well. Except for his wife.

Changse Sanren had gained a defect in her left eye. Leaving her half blind. What was alarming about the eye was, it was reeking resentment. And because of that she often gets nightmares of some sorts.

All about their child, and all her nightmares always ends in their child dying.

Which led them to try and find their son. Even his remains, so that they could bring peace to their little boy.

"Changze, where was that inn again?" Changse Sanren pulled her husband beside her.

The streets of Yiling were getting unusually crowded, and with her eye sight it would be a thorn to be separated from her husband.

"I remember a stable ways behind it, maybe look for the stable first?" Wei Changze suggested.

It was a great excuse to get out the streets and into the forest line. It's not like the stores and houses were close to each other anyway.


Madam Lan had enough of dealing with the disciples.

She felt like she was growing old just from hearing them speak.

And because of that she made her excuse and walked to the cold pond. She didn't want to take a dip in the spring but faith had different plans for her.

She slipped, and fell and somewhat rolled into the cold water.

To which she was thankful to be a cultivator, if not she thinks she would have died from how cold it was.

"Just my luck" She sighed to herself, moving to get out from the cold water that was starting to eat its way through her spine.

How her son's sought comfort from here was beyond her.

But before she could even make one step forward the rocky floor suddenly disappeared and a whirlpool formed.

"Wait!- I don't know how to swim-"

She was pulled down by the whirlpool, it didn't took long for her back made contact with iced rock. It hurt, some small ice shards piercing her back. But it was manageable for her golden core to heal.

"Where am I?" She questioned herself, looking curiously around her.

A slight sound of movement took her attention. She looked at where it was coming from. And to her surprise rabbits began to hop out of the small hole in the cave she most previously fell down in.

To her confusion the bunnies were wearing Gusu Lan's ribbons. And to further inspection the bunnies were properly taken care of. No sign of injuries or malnourishment.

But where were they getting food from?
And who thought of the idea to make the rabbits wear the sect's ribbons.

Theorizing, she thought a disciple secretly brought them and let them take refuge in the cave. But as far as she can see there wasn't anywhere a human being can enter without getting stuck.

Even the hole where the rabbits came out of seemed to just be a shallow hole. So just who was responsible for this.

To her wandering she came upon an ancient looking guqin sitting on top of a rock slab. Looking almost historical if not for the amount of bunnies that rested by the instrument.

"Maybe I should sneak A'Zhan here" Lan Zhen snickered to herself.

But then it hit her.

Just how in the world was she going to get out of there?

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