Chapter 12

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"There's quite a crowd" Xie Lian stated, Hua Cheng beside him hand in hand. They just went through the gate, and was bombarded with some of the residents.

They were in a state of panic. The cultivators were at stand point, ready if the resentful beast goes their way.

Lan Haoshi and Lan Qiren were there as well, breaking the no shouting rule to try and calm their deciples.

"The resentful energy came from the second young master's residence" One of the deciples stated.


"That's suspicious"

"What if the young master is hurt?"

"What if he's the one causing the resentment!"

Murmurs came and came. Some were entitled that the young master was the one behind the outbursts. Some were concerned and some just stayed quiet, not knowing where to side.

"Father, Uncle. Wangji is taking care of the problem and is investigating. We should escort everyone back to the hall"

Lan Xichen came just in time to cause an icebreaker, a calm yet irritated smile on his face. How dare they accuse his little brother of using resentful energy.

"But young master, what if second young master Lan is-"

The deciple was cut off by Lan Xichen, who by now had a scowl on his face. "I can assure you it is not him. Wangji has been with me in the Hanshi. Unaware of the situation until mother came and checked on us."

That put a silence to the group of deciples. And Lan Xichen took this as a sign to start walking, in quiet the rest followed after him.

"Our dear boy would make a great sect leader. Why don't you pass it to him now Haoshi?" Lan Zhen stated. She was having her proud mother moment.

"Yes, I think it is time to pass on the leadership" Lan Haoshi said, stealing a look at his younger brother who nodded at his decision.

"And greetings to the two of you, I am sorry you have to witness that little mishap" Lan Zhen greeted the new faces with a bow. Lan Haoshi and Lan Qiren following after her.

"Heed no bother Madame Lan. I am Xie Lian and my partner San Lang" Xie Lian introduced themselves.

"May I ask what brings the two of you here? We rarely get any visitors because of our rules" Lan Zhen joked. This was first time in a while that rouge cultivators came to visit Cloud Recesses.

"We just wanted to pay a visit Madame. And maybe help out in the sect" San Lang was the one to reply. His gege was distracted for a bit and he noticed.

Hua Cheng made eye contact with Xie Lian. The glint in Xie Lian's eyes reassured him that his gege will tell what was wrong later.

"If that is the case, why don't you two masters go ahead and roam around, we will have some deciples to prepare rooms for you" Lan Haoshi said, leading the way inside the sects boundaries.


"A'Ying..." Lan Wangji murmured, Hua Ying wasn't talking. He just started at the wall unmoving.

"I don't know what to believe A'Zhan..." Hua Ying suddenly said and Lan Wangji was all ears for him.

"You might not believe me, but it seems like I experienced my childhood in different preferences. It's.... Ugh... It's hard to explain"

Lan Wangji moving a little closer to Hua Ying offering his support and comfort, to which Hua Ying was grateful for. "It's messing up my memories..."

"I don't know what to believe in" Hua Ying latest his head on Lang Wangji's shoulder. "There's this someone named Wei Changze., And someone named Changse Sanren. I don't remember meeting some people of those names but I feel like I've known them all my life."

"And now my whole life feels like a lie..."

"Do you know that feeling when you want to just fade away from the world you currently lie in, and suddenly it's like you're in another dimension" Hua Ying sucked in a breath.

"I feel like I don't belong in this world. No... I feel like someone doesn't belong in this world and I don't know who"

"It's like someone's messing with my mind, changing my memories but it seems to be able to longer in my mind, the memories I mean"

"I've always have memory problems but now, it's like I could dictate every second of my life. From a wee baby till now that I'm in your arms"

"It's so confusing that it makes my mind hurt, A'Zhan"

"Please bare with me..."


If you are confused about whats happening then good. I intended it to be confusing.

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