S1 CHAPTER 4: Mackenzie & Judo [2]

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Chapter 4: Mackenzie and Judo: Mackenzie stays at Judo's for the weekend

*Later during the day*
Wendy: Oh hello fellow border collies~
Mackenzie Dad: G'day mate
Mackenzie: Dad!
Mackenzie's Dad: Oh hey there bud
Mackenzie: Can i stay at Judo's house
Mackenzie's Dad: Huh?
Wendy: Oh he is talking about my house
Mackenzie's Dad: Ohhh
Mackenzie's Dad: Well it shouldn't be that bad right?, I mean got a bunch of things to do. Other than me and Bandit's meeting hehe.
Mackenzie's Dad: Okay Mackenzie, you can stay for the weekend and be nice to your friend too.
Mackenzie's Dad: And I'll bring your stuff by tonight okay?
Mackenzie: Yes Dad!
*Mackenzie looks behind his dad*
Mackenzie: Is that Mum?
Mackenzie's Dad: Oh yeah, she is getting clothing designs for your friend Honey.
Mackenzie: Oh
Bluey: There you are
*Bluey approaches Mackenzie in her skates on all fours*
*Mackenzie finds it cringe*
Mackenzie: Umm hi Bluey, what are you doing?
Bluey: Oh I was testing out something, and these are my skates and the back ones are Bingo's.
Mackenzie: Where is Bingo, I want to apologize to her
Bluey: Bingo can you come here for a second
*Bingo walks to Bluey and scared*
Mackenzie: I'm sorry for what happened, I guess I got upset that i lost and I bet you don't want me as your friend anymor-
*Bingo rushes in and hugs Mackenzie*
Bingo: I forgive you... :p
*Mackenzie hugs her back*
Bluey: Awwww friendship
Rusty: Friendship is awesome
Judo: C'mon Mackenzie, we are gonna watch the "Lie Detector Show"
Mackenzie: Oooh yeah! Coming!
Bluey: Your gonna stay at Judo's house
Mackenzie: Yup you can join just for today. I'm gonna be spending the night so their ain't that much room
Judo: WHAT!?
*30 minutes later and everyone is close to Judo watching the show*
Judo: I didn't expect this to happen
Jack: LIE!
Judo: You can't just call out "LIE", besides the test didn't didn't start
Rusty: I predicted it, LIE!
*Judo gets red and breathes heavily*
*Host: Now, are you allergic to lobster?*
*Contestant 1: Yes*
*Host: "LIE"*
Judo: OH COME ON!!!
Mackenzie: Don't worry Judo, we are not always gonna know every single test
Judo: I guess so...
*4 hours later*
Everyone: Bye Mackenzie, Bye Judo!
*Judo waves sarcastically and Mackenzie waves with happiness*
*Mackenzie stares at Bluey and blushes a lot*
Judo: Mackenzie are you-
*Mackenzie puts his finger on her lip*
Mackenzie: Yes I am
Mackenzie: Was Bluey always this adorable
Judo: Ehhh, I believe all girls are the same
*Mackenzie looks at Judo carelessly*
Mackenzie: Your a girl too...
Judo: Well maybe I'm a little better than other girls
*Mackenzie walks back inside*
Judo: Hey I didn't mean it, im sure Bluey looks better than me right?! It's okay
*Door closes*

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