S1 CHAPTER 19: The Battle In Sydney PART 2 [1]

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Chapter 19: The Battle in Sydney Part 2:Silver Bingo & Dark Chilli

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Chapter 19: The Battle in Sydney Part 2:
Silver Bingo & Dark Chilli


*Rad stops the car*
*Chilli gets out of the car*
Chilli: Dreamcaster Bluey?
*As she spoke, Dreamcaster Bluey's half crown appears and her aura became a blueish pink*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Finally~ Mum remembered my name~
Dreamcaster Bluey: Mum~ I'm bored
*Dreamcaster Bluey grins really hard and her aura expands tremendously*

*Everyone is suprised and watching this*
Rad: Umm mate....we are toast...


Rad: This episode of Bluey is called: Silver Bingo

Mackenzie: Dreamcaster Bluey?
Rad: Bluey are you alright!?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Alright!? I feel great!
Dreamcaster Bluey: This power! It's amazing!
Dreamcaster Bluey: You all look like you want to fight?
Dreamcaster Bluey: I'm sorry but I could end you all immediately
Rad: What are you saying! Bluey i know your in there!
Dreamcaster Bluey: It's Dreamcast-
Dreamcaster Bluey: Oh nevermind
Dreamcaster Bluey: Now if you excuse me~
Dreamcaster Bluey: *sigh* I need to go help Darrell with his goal
Rem: Well that ain't happening!
*Rem pulls out the taser*
Chilli: REM!?
Rem: I'm sorry Chilli, but it's the only idea I have
Chilli: We can still talk this through!
Dreamcaster Bluey: I wish we can talk more but you all are in my way~
*She raises both of her arms*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Come out, my sweet little fruit bats!~
Chilli: Fruit bats?
*All of fruit bats scurry around the group*
Bingo: BATS!!
Chilli: Rem
Rem: On it!
*Rem dashes foward and eletrocutes the bats*
*When the bats are falling down, Rem sees Bluey with a xylophone*
Rem: A xylophone?
*Dreamcaster Bluey uses the mallet on the xylophone and freezes Rem*
*Everyone is shocked*
Chilli: REM!?
*Rem is frozen*
*Dreamcaster Bluey walks slowly towards them*
Dreamcaster Bluey: My power, Fruit Bats and my other one, Mischief Xylophone
Dreamcaster Bluey: My fruit bats will always protect me
Dreamcaster Bluey: And my second, Mischief Xylophone can make anyone freeze, turn anything into ice, fire, snow, or anything~
Dreamcaster Bluey: It's called "Mischief" for a reason~
*Bluey looks at Chilli*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Yes Mum, be scared~
Mackenzie: THATS ENOUGH!
*His mark activates and aims at Bluey*
*Dreamcaster Bluey didn't take this seriously*
Dreamcaster Bluey: are you really going to flick at me
*Mackenzie flicks the projectile at Bluey but she smacks it out of her sight*
*Mackenzie starts shaking in fear and gets scared*
Mackenzie: H-how.... that didn't explode?
*Chilli looks at them and she is trying to figure out how to save Bluey in this state*

Chilli: Wait if she is a Dreamcaster, she can go into the Dream World!
Mackenzie: We have to let Bluey touch herself!
Chilli: Rad, Frisky and Pat! Try to hold Bluey down!
Rad: Umm okay?
Chilli: Mackenzie and Bingo! You both have try to get her to tap herself!
Mackenzie: Alright!
Dreamcaster Bluey: You are not going to change me back!
Dreamcaster Bluey: Oh that reminds me!
*She teleports to Frisky and puts her hand close to her face*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Darrell needs you! Hehe~
Pat: NO!
*Pat rushes in and pushes Frisky out of the way*
Chilli: PAAAAT!
*Pat falls on the floor asleep*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Oh well, we needed someone anyway~
*Bingo starts getting angry*
Bingo: B-Bluey! Why!
Chilli: BINGO!?
Mackenzie: BINGO!
*Bingo's aura becomes white and silver*
Dreamcaster Bluey: What....
*Bingo's eyebrows and eyes becomes silver-ish blue*
*Bingo starts shedding tears*
Silver Bingo: You will pay for that....
*The whole area starts to be silver-ish grey*
*Silver Bingo summons her feather*
Dreamcaster Bluey: A feather?
*Silver Bingo points the feather at Dreamcaster Bluey*
Silver Bingo: heavy...
*The whole floor becomes a crater of gravity*
Dreamcaster Bluey: HMPH!!??
*Chilli and everyone else gets knocked back by the pressure*
Chilli: BINGO!!!!
*Silver Bingo looks down*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Up here Bingo....
*Dreamcaster Bluey is floating*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Great job~ you are one step closer to becoming a dreamcaster~
*Chilli and Mackenzie are shocked*
Silver Bingo: What is this dreamcaster stuff?
Silver Bingo: I want you back Bluey....
Dreamcaster Bluey: She....is.....gone....
*Bingo starts to shed tears*
Silver Bingo: YOUR LYING!
*She flies to Dreamcaster Bluey*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Fruit Bats! Protect me!
*The fruit bats starts to group around her and spinning*
*Bingo punches the fruit bat shield*
Silver Bingo: Ugh! It's It's hard
Dreamcaster Bluey: Because they are unstoppable in this form!
Dreamcaster Bluey: MISCHIEF XYLOPHONE!!
*She summons the xylophone*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Tune 1, Fire Net!
Dreamcaster Bluey: TRY GETTING TO ME NOW SIS!
*Bingo turns her feather into a saber*
*She slices the fire net*
*Bingo leaps onto Bluey and tries to tap herself*
Dreamcaster Bluey: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
*Chilli looks up and tries to think of a plan*
*Mackenzie activates his mark and flicks the projectile at Bluey's arm*
Mackenzie: Mackenzie Air Shot!
Dreamcaster Bluey: NGH!! Mackenzie... *says it with attitude*
*Bingo struggles to use her hand to tap herself*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Get off of me!
*She pushes Bingo out of the way*
Dreamcaster Bluey: *growls* how dare you!
*chains wraps around Bluey's leg*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Huh?
???: Bluey end this!
*Dreamcaster Bluey turns around and her eyes open up wide*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Captain?....
Captain: And im not alone
*Mia comes up behind her and cuts her body in half*
Mia: DONT WORRY! I just dismantled her until I put her back together
*Chilli grabs Mia and swings her around*
Mia: Hey! At least I stopped her from using her abilities!
Rad: Hold on mate! Who are you two
*Mackenzie hugs the both of them*
Chilli: You know them?
Mackenzie: Yup, even Bluey knows!
Dreamcaster Bluey: If you don't mind, FIX ME ALREADY!
Captain: Oh wait, your aura
Silver Bingo: Hm?
Captain: It's really strong!
Chilli: Now let's get Bluey back!
*Chilli grabs Bluey's hand and taps her*
*Chilli falls on the floor and enters the Dream World*
Rad: Chilli!?

Chilli: *wakes up* Huh?
*She looks around*
*Sees Bluey*
Chilli: BLUEY!
*Chilli sees Dreamcaster Bluey next to Bluey*
Chilli: Bluey?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Stay back! Don't get any closer!
Chilli: Why? Are you okay
Dreamcaster Bluey: Mmmmm maybe....
*Chilli sits down next to her*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Who am I?...
Dreamcaster Bluey: Everyone keeps calling me Bluey but I don't understand...
Dreamcaster Bluey: Who am I?...
Chilli: Your her alter personality of Bluey
Chilli: Your different than the original
Dreamcaster Bluey: Darrell is boring... always telling me what do...
Chilli: I know how it feels, im sorry...
Dreamcaster Bluey: I'll just leave, you can have her
Chilli: Wait!...
*Dreamcaster Bluey turns around and looks at her*
Dreamcaster Bluey: Huh?
Chilli: If your her power source, you can help Bluey right?
Dreamcaster Bluey: Yeah?
Chilli: We want to save Darrell... he must be in a lot of pain
Dreamcaster Bluey: Hmmm...
Chilli: We can-
*The black ropes slithered behind Dreamcaster Bluey*
Chilli: BLUEY!
Dreamcaster Bluey: M....m....MUM!
*she starts to shed tears*
*Chilli tries to grab her hand*
???: You dare disobey me....
*Pat walks toward Dreamcaster Bluey and Chilli*
Chilli: PAT!!!!!????
*Chilli notices his change in his looks even with his white cloak*
Chilli: No...no...no! How did you-
Pat: It wasn't me mate... you see
Pat: The longer you stay, you will go
Pat: insane....
*Chilli is shocked*
Pat: You want to save her, do you have the time?
Pat: seems like you don't...
Chilli: Ngh... *she slowly starts to lose her mind*
Chilli: W-what is this!?
Pat: This is destiny....
*Chilli jumps on top of Pat*
Chilli: I ASKED WHAT IS THIS *starts to lose it*
Pat: It's called insanity.... you will join us...
*The black aura starts to consume Chilli*
*She tries to run but the insanity starts to take over rapidly*
Chilli: HELP! ME PAT!
Pat: Sorry, this is for Darrell...
*the black aura surrounds her and her fur turns black and red*
Pat: It's working....
*Chilli stands up upset with her immense black and red aura*
Pat: Chilli, you have been reborn!
Chilli: Call me....
Dark Chilli: Dark Chilli....


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