S1 CHAPTER 7: Calypso

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Chapter 7: Calypso: Calypso Arrives & The Plan

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Chapter 7: Calypso: Calypso Arrives & The Plan

At the Heeler's House*
*Chilli calls Brandy*
Chilli: Yes this is Chilli, may I speak with your son...
*In the car*
Mackenzie's Dad: So is this true? And are you sure it's not a game?
Mackenzie: Yes Dad! I need to talk to Darrell to see if this is true. Even with this mark!
Mackenzie's Mum: I'm sorry about what your going through Mackenzie, we're gonna have to put you on hold until we figure the solution about...umm that...mark?
*The Border Collies arrives at their house*
Mackenzie's Dad: Oh and son we also got a message from Bandit that we are all going to talk about your situation and he asked Calypso to stay at our house.
Mackenzie's Mum: Isn't that exciting!
*Mackenzie gets disgusted*
Mackenzie: My teacher, IN OUR HOUSE!?
Mackenzie: I think that's a bit embarrassing
Mackenzie's Mum: Well she have to because what if something happens overnight?
Mackenzie: I guess your right...
Mackenzie's Dad: Okay let's get inside
*The family walks inside the house*

*At Jack's house*
*Rusty rings the doorbell*
*Jack opens the door*
Jack: Welcome Rusty!
*Rusty gives him a big hug*
Rusty: Hi Jack! How are you
Jack: Doing alright mate! *His tail wags a lot and excited*
Jack's Dad: Okay kids let's get inside, it's getting cold
Jack: Okay!
*Jack grabs Rusty hand and goes to his room*
Jack: I got the perfect plan to help Mackenzie out!
Jack: I go to the park and you go the school, and we have these walkie talkies so we can talk to each other
Rusty: That sounds great!
Rusty: We should ask Indy to help us
*The second he is on the phone*
[Indy: What! This doesn't make any sense, Mackenzie's mark?, Darrell, and a plan to sneak up on him?]

Rusty: I know, I know, but we need you to scout around the school
[Indy: I hope this has nothing to do with playing Army]
Rusty: No no no, it's serious
[Indy: All alright, I guess I'll play along]
Rusty: Great! See you next week!
*Rusty gives the phone to Jack's Dad*
Rusty: We did it!
Jack: Hooray!

*Next Morning*
*Mackenzie wakes up*

Mackenzie: yawns*
*Mackenzie's parents opens the door*
Mackenzie's Mum: Good Morning Mackenzie~
Mackenzie's Dad: Your teacher is here
*They both have a nice settling smile*
*Mackenzie gets up fast*
Mackenzie: WHAT!? RIGHT NOW!?
Mackenzie's Mum: Yeah, she also have to be at school to teach, but she wants to see you real quick
Mackenzie: Oh..

*Calypso comes in*
Mackenzie's Mum: Welcome Calypso~ *with a greeting tone*
Calypso: Good Morning, Mackenzie's Parents
*Mackenzie walks up to Calypso a little nervously*
Mackenzie: Hello, Calypso
Calypso: Good Morning Mackenzie, how are you feeling?
Mackenzie: Mnnnmmm *looks the other way and embarrassed*
Mackenzie's Dad: He is confused about you staying here for a week.
Calypso: Is that so?
Calypso: It's okay Mackenzie, besides I'm like your guidance counselor
Mackenzie: What is a guidance counselor?
Calypso: A person that helps someone with their goals and careers in school and helps people if they are mentally, physically or emotionally bothered by something.
Calypso: Or for example, your mark issue yesterday
Mackenzie: Oh, I see
Calypso: Don't worry, im here to help you out after my shift.
Mackenzie's Mum: Thank you for visiting and helping us with this
Calypso: No problem~ I'm always here to help, calm others and solving all types of issues.
Mackenzie: See you later Calypso
*Mackenzie smiles brightly and waves*
*Calypso waves at him back*

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