S1 CHAPTER 5: Mackenzie & Judo [3]

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Chapter 5: Mackenzie and Judo: Enter: Darrell, A Threat to Everyone Dreams

*Mackenzie wakes up from his sleep*
Judo: Good Morning!
*Mackenzie looks at Judo*
Mackenzie: Oh hello
Wendy: Seems like you had a nightmare and it's really weird that you woke up like you didn't.
Mackenzie: I... had a bad dream?
Judo: Yeah, you was screaming for your life
Mackenzie: that's not funny...
*Wendy looks at his arm*
Wendy: Oh my goodness! You have a cut on ur palm
*Wendy gently presses it*
Wendy: Does it hurt?
Mackenzie: No Wendy.... it feel like nothing
Wendy: You were probably lucid dreaming since you didn't get this cut before you went bed...
Mackenzie: What's lucid dreaming?
Wendy: When you have a dream that is very real, sometimes you can control it
Mackenzie: Sweet!
Wendy: Uh uh... not sweet, you might accidently hurt yourself in real life... like ummm right now...
*Mackenzie breaks the 4th wall by looking at the screen scared and confused*

*At the Heeler Residence*
Bluey: Dad can we go to the park
Bandit: Sure thing kiddo!
*Bingo runs out of the room*
Bingo: Nuuuuu, I don't want a shower
Chilli: You have to if you are going with Bluey!
*Chilli chases Bingo around the house*
Bluey: This might take a while...

*20 minutes later*
Bandit: Okay everything is settled now let's go and smell that fresh ai-
Bandit: Oh my goodness! We never throw the garbage away?
Chilli: On it
Bandit: Don't worry, she will catch up to us
*Bandit and the Family gets to the park*
Bandit: Now kids run free!
Bluey and Bingo: Yay!!!
*Chilli looks in the distance*
Chilli: is that?
Chilli: BRANDY!?
*Brandy looks the other way*
Brandy: Hello Chilli! Nice to see you again!
Chilli: How is it going sis?
Brandy: Nothing much, I'm just taking my son to the park
Bandit: Your son!?
Brandy: I adopted him, his name is Darrell Heeler
Brandy: Darrell can you come her for a second?
*Darrell runs to Brandy*
Darrell: Yes Mum?
Brandy: This is your aunt Chilli and uncle Bandit
Darrell: Hello!
Brandy: And those are your cousins, Bluey and Bingo
Darrell: Oh! Cousins!
*Darrell runs to Bluey and Bingo*
Brandy: Don't worry, he gets excited when he sees his cousins. Actually this is his first time.
Chilli: First time?
Brandy: Yeah, he had cousins when he was younger
Chilli: Oh
*Darrell sits right next to them*
Darrell: Hello Bluey, Bingo
Bluey: Hello there, what's your name?
Darrell: Darrell Heeler, your new cousin!
Bingo: A new cousin?! Me excited!
Bluey: Are you from around here?
Darrell: Hmmm sort of but I'm kinda far, and my Mum is right there
Bingo: Aunt Brandy?!
Bluey: Your her child? Umm but you two don't look alike
Darrell: I'm adopted, which means I was from another family
Bingo: Oh
Darrell: There is this certain goal I want
Bluey: What is it?
Darrell: I want to create a dream world and make it into a city
Darrell: It doesn't sound like it's possible but it is....
Darrell: As long as your a lucid dreamer.
Bluey: Lu- dreamer what?
Darrell: Lucid Dreamer, when you dream, you can control your dreams and the dreams will look so real you might even think it's real life
Bingo: That sounds a bit too serious right?
Darrell: Oh yeah my bad mate
Brandy: Darrell it's time to go!
Darrell: Coming Mum!
*Darrell waves at Bluey and Bingo*
Darrell: I'll see you later! And maybe we can do something together too!
Bluey: Okay! Bye-Bye, Bye Brandy

*Darrell walks towards Brandy*
[In his mind: Darrell: Mackenzie, a border collie who is the same age as my Bluey. Judo, a chow chow that is unidentified. Like that mark I gave you, Mackenzie. It keeps me in check when your dreaming and maybe you could help me with my dream....]

*Mackenzie looks at his mark*
[In his mind: Mackenzie: whoever you are who gave me this cut.... I will find out in..]

[Mackenzie: my dream/Darrell: Our dream]

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