S2 CHAPTER 36: Digger vs. Chase [2]

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Season 2 Chapter 36: Digger vs. Chase Part Two, Digger teams with the Heelers

Digger: And now you're dead...

*he lands a blow to the face and starts punching him non-stop*

[In Chase's mind: I can't go out like this! I mean I kinda did.... he broke my barrier and it will take so long to even fix it....I've ruined my reputation as a Superintendent....]

Digger: HAAAAAA!

*He gives Chase one final punch*

Digger: It's over Chase....you can't beat me...

*Chase can hardly breathe*
Chase: Y-y-you win....I will leave you alone

Digger: I will call the hospital for you....

Chase: ngh.....

Digger: But you promise not to hurt us again!

Digger: And you better not tell your master! Got it!

Chase: I-I-I-I got it...

Digger: Mum! Dusty!?

Rusty's Mum: Uuuugh...that hurt..

Digger & Rusty: MUM!!!

*they both hug*

Rusty's Mum: Okay mate! That hurts right there hehe!


*They all hug Dusty*

Rusty's Mum: Digger...we have to discuss about this

Rusty's Mum: Why are they after you?

Digger: I dunno?

Rusty: They took Bluey's sister away....now they are trying to take my brother away...

Rusty's Mum: Really!? What do they want with you?

Digger: I don't know?
Rusty's Mum: Well I have to see if someone can fix our kitchen...

*Rusty stands there and is concerned*


Calypso: So that's what happened?

Rusty: Yes Calypso

Calypso: I see...

Calypso: Darrell isn't the only one after us

Calypso: They are called the Superintendents

Calypso: The highest dog force in Brisbane

Calypso: It will be impossible for you to fight them

Calypso: They are strong....without powers too

Rusty: Ohhhh

*Snickers runs to Rusty*

Snickers: Rwarrrr!

Rusty: Time to defeat the Sausage Dragon! Hehehe~

*They both start to roleplay*

Calypso: Rusty...please be safe


Bandit: So Stripe, what do you think about this situation

Stripe: This is a bit misleading...

Trixie: I mean it's about Muffin of course...

Trixie: She's been like this for a month already

Trixie: Dreamcaster Bluey said she will get stronger if she is sleeping

Bandit: Then why don't we wake her up

Stripe: That's where the problem comes in mate

Stripe: This is something Bluey can do

Bandit: Hey! Bluey has been through a lot too

Bandit: We need a break, not trying to stress ourselves

Stripe: Your right, we do need a break...

*The doorbell rings*

Chilli: Who can that be?

*she opens the door*

Chilli: Oh! Rusty! And hello Kelpies!

Dusty: Hello!

Digger: Hi!!

Rusty's Mum: Hello mate!

Bandit: Woah! Are you alright

Rusty's Mum: Oh this hehe

Rusty's Mum: It was from someone with "powers"?


Rusty: The Superintendents?

Chilli: How did-

Rusty: Calypso told me

Chilli: Oh

Rusty's Mum: Also I came because Digger wants to confess you guys about something

Digger: Ummm

*Digger activates his aura*

Chilli: *gasp*

Bluey: Wha-

Bandit: He has powers?

Trixie: That's the stage Muffin is going through....

Digger: I want to help and stop these guys!

Rusty: Can I help!?

Rusty's Mum: I'm sorry but you can't... you got hurt badly in the stomach

Rusty: Oh....

Chilli: Well we can't do anything right now... we need a break

Rusty's Mum: Oh I see

Bandit: But we can't deny someone's help

Bandit: He can help us

Bandit: Also, I wonder what Captain and Mia are doing right now?


*Mia, Captain, Sue and Jigsaw are on the floor defeated*

*Captain struggles to reach his arm out to the Paradox*
Captain: Ngh....I m-must!

*Darrell's Shadow steps on his hand*

Darrell's Shadow: Not happening mate~ hehe~

*he picks up the Paradox*

Darrell's Shadow: Besides, you guys don't know how to use it...

Captain: *grunts*

*he creates a system to let the Heelers know for help*

CHAPTER 36 END/ CHAPTER 37: Rusty vs. Lisa, Dreamcaster Muffin Awakens

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