S1 CHAPTER 13: A Road Trip to Sydney

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Chapter 13: A Road Trip to Sydney

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Chapter 13: A Road Trip to Sydney

*At Mackenzie's House*
Calypso: Oh Mackenzie, you've been through a lot I mean....
Calypso: You was talking about her for a while
*Mackenzie looks at her blushing*
Mackenzie: Huh! I don't care about her that m-much!
Calypso: Mackenzie... you like her don't you?
Mackenzie: Well I guess so... but now she has been taken by Darrell... and I couldn't do it
Mackenzie: I should have stopped him...
Mackenzie: Now Bluey can't wake up until she is out of his spell!
Calypso: I can't really help you with that but I definitely know what can help you
Calypso: You have to see it for yourself~
*Mackenzie realizes*

*At the Heeler's House*
Bandit: Is everyone....okay?
Chilli: Ummm I'm still confused about this stuff...
Chilli: Mackenzie fought Lucky, We met Darrell, A whole showdown
Chilli: Wow, a lot has happened....
Bandit: I know, and we also got to protect Bluey's body
[In his mind/Bandit: What should we do to cheer ourselves up?]
Bandit: Hmmm.... I got it!
*Bandit smiles nervously*
Chilli: Huh?
Bandit: R-road Trip!
Bingo: Road Trip?
Chilli: Right now?

Bingo: This episode of Bluey is called: A Road Trip to Sydney"

*In the car*
Bandit: Guess we are going Bingo?
Bingo: Uhhhhh
Bingo: Where are we going?
Bandit: We are going to Sydney!
Bingo: What is that?
Bandit: It's a city, maybe a little far but we can get there
Chilli: Bandit, this is unnecessary... we have to figure out how to wake Bluey-
*Chilli sees someone on the road*
Chilli: Bandit, stop the car....
Bandit: Huh?
*Bandit hits the brakes and the tires screeching*
Bandit: What the!
Bandit: Wait, why is there a person in the middle if the road?
*Bandit slides the window open*
Bandit: Hey, could you move aside please, we are trying to get to Sydney
Chilli: Bandit, why did you tell him!?
???: Sydney.... hmmm
???: Your on the right route mate
???: But before you go, i have to search this vehicle
Bandit: Woah hold on mate! What do you think you are doing?
???: Step away from the car
Chilli: What are you doing! Hey!
*Bingo growls and her mark starts forming*
Chilli: Bingo come on let's get out!
???: Now all I need to do is-
???: Huh?
*Bingo makes him float in the air*
Bandit & Chilli: BINGO!?
Bandit: Bingo! Stop!!!
*Bandit holds Bingo*
Bandit: Bingo...
*Bingo stops and her mark disappears*
Bingo: Huh?, what happened?
*??? looks worried*
???: Your not normal....
???: You, I might need you to face at the car and hands behind your back
*??? takes his handcuffs*
Chilli: Hey! Let go of her!
???: I'm sorry mate but she needs to get checked out-
*Chilli dashes and handcuffs his hand to the car door handle*
???: Ugh!
*A officer license falls on the floor*
Bandit: Hm?
*Bandit picks it up*
Bandit: Officer Rem Shepard?
Officer Rem: Yup that's me...
*Chilli pulls out the taser*
Chilli: Talk...
Officer Rem: Your a cop too...
Officer Rem: *Sigh*... I'm here to investigate on that vehicle
Officer Rem: Someone around here was driving a similar vehicle that looks like that
Officer Rem: And what is concerning right now is your kid...
Chilli: It is a long story...
*Rem gets closer to Chilli and holds her chin up*
Officer Rem: Care to tell me~
Bandit: Woah hey hey mate, that's my wife
Officer Rem: Oh really? I didn't know you were married
Bandit: Of course we are!
Officer Rem: hmm...
Officer Rem: Have you heard of Jigsaw?
Bandit: Isn't that a game?
Officer Rem: No, the dog named Jigsaw
Officer Rem: A orphan, 12 year old?
Officer Rem: He is looking for a specific dog... a heeler?
*The Heeler Family is shocked and suprised*
Officer Rem: Are... you...okay?
Bandit: Oh! Umm nothing! We just didn't know that uh-
Chilli: He is a heeler-
*Chilli closes her mouth shut with her hands*
Officer Rem: Wait, how do you know it's a he?
*Chilli starts to sweat*
Chilli: Uhhhhhhhhhh
Officer Rem: Hmmmm, seems like you have heard of him
Bandit: He is our relative!
*Bandit sweats a lot*
Officer Rem: Ohhhhh?
Officer Rem: Don't worry about it, just make sure he stays far away from Jigsaw
Chilli: Why?
*Rem gets close to Bandit and Chilli*
Officer Rem: Just do it... he said he wants to end him
*Bandit and Chilli are shocked*
Officer Rem: And also I'm waiting for my partner to come here buuuut she never picked me up
Bandit: Then where do you live mate?
Officer Rem: I live at Sydney, the destination your headed to?
Chilli: Y-yeah
Officer Rem: Mind taking me to police department, I have the coordinates
Bandit: Sure!
*Everyone gets in the car*


*Jigsaw is sitting out in the sidewalk*

Jigsaw: Darrell Heeler....
Jigsaw: Once I find you, you will pay for what you did to my friend...and to me...
*Jigsaw's mark on his face activates*

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