S1 CHAPTER 1: Featherwand PART 1

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Chapter 1: Featherwand, Mackenzie vs

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Chapter 1: Featherwand, Mackenzie vs. Bingo

Bingo: Okay guys, what should we play
Coco: Umm any sport related stuff
Bingo: umm no?
Bluey: I got it! 5 dogs and 1 hunter
Bingo: Interesting but no, sorry Bluey
Bingo: No....
Bingo: hmmmm let's seeeeee
Bingo: I got it! Featherwand
Bluey: Featherwand again?
Jack: what is Featherwand?
Bluey: Featherwand is a game where at least one or two people can use a magic feather to make anything or anyone heavier.
Mackenzie: Hey so are you saying I am fat?
Bluey: No, it's not that kind of heavy, i mean like this.
Bluey: Ahem~ *takes a feather and points at Bingo*
Bluey: Heavy
*Bingo becomes heavy and is stuck on the floor*
Bluey: That's the game, but this time it with a twist
Bluey: you all have to battle your opponent with the magic feather and whoever wins gets to move on to the next match.
Honey: sounds a bit dangerous
Bluey: Don't worry mate, it's safe. How about i go first and you all can watch and learn how it's done.
Bingo: hehe, this will be easy
Bluey: everyone, stay far away from the battle and form a circle so no one gets pushed or hurt.
*Bluey looks at Bingo*
Bluey: Ya ready Bingo?~

Bingo: Yup
*Bluey and Bingo looks at each other menacingly*
Bluey: Heavy!
*Bluey makes Bingo's leg heavy*
*Bingo points the feather at her leg and make it weightless*
Bingo: Heavy!
*Bluey dodges and points the feather at her head*
Bluey: Push away~
*Bingo gets pushed to the wall*
Bluey: and that's game!
*Mackenzie amazed*
Mackenzie: I would like to be next!
Bingo: Sure, I'm sure I will win this one~
*Mackenzie picks up the feather and gets ready*

Bluey: Begin!
Mackenzie: Heavy!
*Bingo dodges and makes his hand heavier*
Mackenzie: Huh?!
*Mackenzie tries to make his arm weightless but Bingo points the feather at him*
Bingo: I wouldn't do that if I were you~
*Mackenzie grunts*
Bingo: Give up Mackenzie
*Mackenzie sighs and lets go of the feather*
Bluey: Bingo wins!
Bluey: Now who wants to take her on?!
Honey: Me!
*Mackenzie sits on the couch and watches in despair*
*Rusty looks at Mackenzie and sits with him*
Rusty: What's wrong mate?
Mackenzie: I lost, even though I understood her skill
Rusty: Don't worry, you will beat her one day
Mackenzie: No I won't, she is a little better than me.
Rusty: that's true but we never played this game before.
Rusty: be proud that you did your best even if this was your first time.
Mackenzie: I guess so....

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