S3 CHAPTER 42: Rusty's Whereabouts [2]

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Season 3 Chapter 42: Rusty's Whereabouts; Digger vs. Rusty


*Rusty's Mum opens the door*

Rusty's Mum: Hello Rusty

*Rusty's eyes open up slowly*

Rusty: M-M-Mum?

*She gives him a letter*

Rusty's Mum: How are you feeling mate?
Rusty: Bad.... I might have a fever

Rusty's Mum: Yeah.... so umm we are going to have to move to New Zealand.... in about 4 months

*Rusty's eyes opens up wide*

Rusty: MOVING!?

Rusty: W-What about Bluey!? Mackenzie!? Jack!? Everyone!?

Rusty's Mum: I just don't know if it's safe here in Brisbane...

Rusty: B-but...Mum....

Rusty's Mum: I'm sorry...me and your father already talked about it

Rusty's Mum: He is also aware of this problem

Rusty's Mum: I'll give you time to think about it sweetie...

*Rusty's Mum gives Rusty a sandwich*

Rusty's Mum: You must be hungry, you haven't ate all day today...

Rusty: I-I will Mum....

*Rusty's Mum is about to close the door*

Rusty's Mum: Me and your father loves you Rusty, Digger loves you too...

*She closes the door*

*Rusty begins to cry on his bed*


Bandit: So what are we going to do with this robot mate?

Stripe: I don't know? I never seen this before

Stripe: It does look cool though

Trixie: That's not the point Stripe, why would this...."thing" go after Bluey?

Chilli: It's because she still has Dreamcaster Bluey in her

Chilli: Darrell is aware that Dreamcaster Bluey is in Bluey, which makes her a threat

Trixie: I see

Chilli: I have a small feeling there will be more than one robot

Chilli: but....who built this? Darrell is still a kid

Bandit: Well now he 6 years older thanks to his "new abilities" and the Countdown basically made him stronger

Chilli: But this has something to do with my Mum right?

Bandit: Huh?

Chilli: She created the Dream World

Chilli: And I have the letter to prove it

Trixie: Alright so what do we do with Bluey?

Chilli: Well sadly, I have to keep Bluey under house arrest

Bluey: Huh!? What's house arrest

Chilli: You can't leave until this hunt is over

Bluey: WHAT!?

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