S2 CHAPTER 37: Dreamcaster Muffin

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Season 2 Chapter 37: Rusty vs

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Season 2 Chapter 37: Rusty vs. Lisa, Dreamcaster Muffin Awakens


Opal: Release!

*Bingo, Lila and Mrs. Retriever comes out of the box*

Bingo: Ugh...Bluey?

Lila: I'm Lila

Bingo: LILA!?


Opal: Welcome to the Superintendent HQ

Opal: It's such an honor

Mrs. Retriever: What do you want....with us?

Opal: Oh I need you to lure Chilli in....

Bingo: Mum?

Opal: Yes your mother...

Opal: Don't you remember me Bingo?

Bingo: No?

Opal: Does saving your dad ring a bell?

Opal: The one Chilli was fighting...

Bingo: Wait! Your the green dog!?

Opal: Yes....seems like you can't remember my name...

Bingo: No I don't know your name...

*Opal comes to Bingo and holds her by her neck*

Lila: BINGO!!!

Mrs. Retriever: Stop! Let her go!!

*They both struggle to get out*

Opal: It's futile...your stuck in the chains of enhancement

Opal: I'm Aloe...I'm your mother's worst nightmare...

Opal: Once everything falls into place

Opal: I get to finish Chilli once and for all...

Opal: Lisa...

*Lisa appears and bows down*

Opal: This is the coordinates to Rusty... take him down and bring him to me

Lisa: Yes Master...

*she walks out*

Opal: You all will sit here and wait...

Opal: The Extermination Game will begin tomorrow...

Opal: The strongest Superintendents will arrive too... and your friends and family will see the power of my revenge.


Bluey: Save The Dreams [FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now