S2 CHAPTER 26: The Traitor War [1]

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Season 2 Chapter 26: The Traitor War! The Return of a Traitor & Is Lila a traitor?

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Season 2 Chapter 26: The Traitor War!
The Return of a Traitor & Is Lila a traitor?

*In Chloe's Dad's car*
Chloe's Dad: I can't believe this is happening...
Chloe's Dad: Kids are missing and not found...
Chloe's Dad: Same with mine...*sigh*
Bluey: We have to find her...
Chloe's Dad: It's better if I go alone...
Bluey: But why!?
Chloe's Dad: Because you have to go to school
Chloe's Dad: and I have to figure out where Chloe is at.....


*He drops Bingo at the school*
Chloe's Dad: Be safe Bingo!
Bingo: Okay Chloe's Dad!
Bingo: Hmmm, I just need to find Lila...
*Bingo starts to feel a bit down*
Bingo: Lila....

*Mackenzie, Jack, Alfie and Bingo woke up in their original spots*

*Bingo gets up and panics*
Chilli: BINGO!?
Bluey: BINGO!?
Bandit: Bingo! Are you okay!?
*Bingo jumps onto all of them and sobs*
Bingo: C-Chloe is working with D-DARRELL!!
*Everyone is shocked and has a very concerning look*

Bluey:.... Chloe?
Chilli: So one of Bluey's friends is working with him
Janelle: ITS TRUE!
*The Heelers looks at the door and sees Janelle, Shelia and Wendy*

Shelia: Lila is missing and it's true that she has been working with a heeler
Bingo: Lila! Working with Darrell!?

Mrs. Retriever: Good Morning Bingo, how are you today
Bingo: Umm...There is something I have to tell you
Mrs. Retriever: Hm?
Bingo: Lila has powers....
*Mrs. Retriever is shocked by Bingo's response*
Bingo: You probably won't believe me Mrs-
Mrs. Retriever: I do....
*Bingo's eyes opens wide and suprised from Mrs. Retriever believing her*
Mrs. Retriever: Can you come with me for a second?
Bingo: oh...Okay
*They both went in the back*
*Mrs. Retriever shows her powers*
Bingo: *jaw drops* Y-you....?
Mrs. Retriever: Yes, my powers is making bubbles
Bingo: But how?...
Mrs. Retriever: I don't know, but I just got it two days ago
Mrs. Retriever: I've heard it from others that a few kids are working with this heeler
Bingo: Ummm that's my cousin...
Mrs. Retriever: R-really!?
Bingo: Yes...
Bingo: And Lila is working with him...
Mrs Retriever: Oh?
Bingo: I have to stop her...
Mrs. Retriever: Wait, we don't want to scare the other kids
Mrs. Retriever: it's not good to fight but if things gets worse
Mrs. Retriever: ill have to stop her...
Bingo: alright...
Mrs. Retriever: Kids can all of you come with me?
*Lila gets up and Bingo walks pass her and grabs her hand*
[*NARRATOR: As she holds her hands, Lila can tell what Bingo wants from her. Bingo said these words under her breath*]
Bingo: I....
Bingo: Thought.....
Bingo: We.....were...
Bingo: Friends.....

[*NARRATOR: Lila's eyes opens very wide and can tell she has a terrible mistake since she is working with Darrell. But, she remembers something Darrell said to her*]

Darrell: Lila... if anyone is named Bingo, Bluey, Bandit or Chilli and they come to you...
Darrell: Try to distract them...
Lila: Uh?..


Lila: Bingo what's wrong?
Bingo: You betrayed me...
Bingo: How could you...
Lila: w-wha?
Bingo: I...thought we were going to be best friends
Bingo: Forever....

Bingo: And now...*she activates her silver aura*

Bingo: I can't believe you are helping him...
*as she is transforming into Silver Bingo*

Bingo: Why....
Lila: H-he...said I can change the world
Silver Bingo: What?...
Lila: Sometimes I get ignored by others...
Lila: I can't even make more friends
Silver Bingo: But you have me...
Lila: I WANTED MORE! *she yelled*
*The three glowing lines wraps around her arms*
Lila: Please....stay out of his way!
Silver Bingo: No...he is not your friend!
Lila: H-He gave me these powers to change...
Lila: And me....
*she puts her arm in front of Bingo*
Lila: Gravity Change: Zero Gravity..
Lila: Set!
*Bingo gets confused and she starts to float*
Silver Bingo: HUH!?
*Bingo summons her featherwand*
Silver Bingo: Lila! Heavy!
*Lila starts to get on the ground feeling heavier than before*
Lila: You can make stuff heavy!?
Silver Bingo: My new featherwand move...
Silver Bingo: Lila! Push!
*Lila gets pushed all the way to the tree*
Lila: O-ow...
Silver Bingo: Lila! Are you okay?
*Lila's eyes turns purple-ish*
Silver Bingo: Huh!?
Lila: Gravity Change: Slide!
*Bingo slides backwards to the school*

Silver Bingo: Heavy!
*Lila gets on the ground again*
Silver Bingo: Please....stop
*She transforms back to normal*
Bingo: We can stop Darrell...

Lila: NO! I want to help him
Lila: H-he....he makes me feel happy...
*Bingo is shocked from hearing Lila's concerning words*
Bingo: W-why?...
Lila: because he makes me feel different...
Lila: I'm not invisible anymore
Bingo: Huh?...
*Lila starts to shed tears*
Bingo: Lila?...
Lila: I just wanted more friends...
*Mrs. Retriever notices Lila sobbing*
Lila: Tell me.... is it true...
Lila: Am I helping a-a bad guy? *She sniffs*
*Bingo rushes in, gives her a big hug and also shed a tear*

*Mrs. Retriever walks up to Bingo and Lila and gives them both a hug*
Mrs. Retriever: I'm proud of you Bingo and Lila...
Mrs. Retriever: Not everyone can make friends
Mrs. Retriever: But it doesn't hurt to start...
*They all hugged each other*


Mackenzie's Dad: ...you want to help the Heelers with this...
Mackenzie's Dad: Ummm war?...
Mackenzie: Yes! I want to help Bluey
Mackenzie's Dad: Umm alright mate...
Mackenzie's Mum: Okay Mackenzie, I will take you to Bluey's house
Mackenzie's Mum: Are you sure you will be okay?
Mackenzie's Mum: I mean, you got hurt the last time...
Mackenzie: I'll be okay! *she smiles brightly*
Mackenzie's Dad: Wow, things changed in a month really fast
Mackenzie's Mum: Yeah, but he did mention the world will be in danger...
Mackenzie's Dad: Oh
Mackenzie's Mum: Come on Mackenzie
*They both walk out*


*Brandy is standing near the water*
*she calls Chilli*


*phone starts ringing and Chilli answers*
Chilli: Brandy! Where are you!?
[Brandy: I'm at the dock house]
Chilli: Maynard's Dock House?
[Brandy: Yes...and]

*Brandy starts to tremble*
Brandy: I-I'm not...
Brandy: Alone...
*She turns around and sees Radley behind her*

Chilli: Wait! Who is there?
Chilli: Brandy!
Chilli: BRAAANDY!!!
Wendy: Chilli what's wrong!?
[*the phone answers* ???: Chilli? You there mate?]
Chilli: that....voice!?
*Chilli's eyes opens very wide and she is in pure shock*
Chilli: RADLEY!?
*she hangs up*
*she calls Bandit*
Chilli: Bandit....meet me by the dock house
[Bandit: What?]
Chilli: Where Maynard lives, ill send you the directions
[Bandit: Wait who is May-]
*she hangs up the phone and the phone beeps while the call has ended*


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