S1 CHAPTER 8: Calypso [2]

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Chapter 8: Calypso: The Trigger and The Dream World

*Mackenzie looks at his arm, gets really angry, clenches his fist and accidently cracks his sink counter*
Mackenzie: Oh no...
Mackenzie's Mum: Mackenzie! Are you alright?
Mackenzie: Yes Mum...
*Mackenzie gets really frustrated, angry and confused*
Mackenzie: why.... why me!
Mackenzie: Why am I the problem!, it's all his fault... His Fault!.... HIS FAULT!
*His mark grows over his arm and breaks the sink*
Mackenzie: I'm sorry dad
*Mackenzie looks at his dad and starts shedding tears*
Mackenzie's Dad: It's alright...
*Mackenzie's Dad hugs him*
Mackenzie: I....am... a monster?...
Mackenzie: I don't know what to do...
Mackenzie's Dad: Don't worry, we will fix this problem...together

*Later during the day*

Bandit: I'm back!
*Bandit looks around*
Bandit: Kids? Chilli?
*Darrell pops up behind the couch with Bluey and Bingo*
Bandit: Darrell!?, what are you doing in our house?
Darrell: Well, Aunt Chilli asked me and Mum to come. And she's upstairs
Bandit: Alright
*Bandit walks upstairs and nervous*
[In his mind/ Bandit: There is something about him that is really suspicious]
Darrell: Now I got a game for us to play~ (*says it with a suspicious look and grins really hard*)
*In Bluey's room*
Bluey: So what are we going to play?
Darrell: I call this one "Dreaming"~
*Darrel puts 2 fingers on Bluey's and Bingo's forehead*
Darrell: Now sweet dreams~
*His mark grows over his right arm and puts them both to sleep*
*His mark goes away*
Darrell: Aunt Chilli thinks she can figure out my plan, well that ain't happening mate~
Darrell: Mum! Aunt Chilli! Uncle Bandit! Please come here, Bluey and Bingo needs help!
*Brandy comes out with Chilli and Bandit*
Brandy: Darrell what's wrong!
Darrell: I don't know what happened to them, we were playing and for some reason they are knocked out!
Chilli: Kids can you hear me!
[In Darrell's mind/ Darrell: Yes, play it out, and then your next]

Bluey: Bingo?!, Darrell?!
Bluey: Where are you?
Bingo: Bluey!
Bluey: Bingo!
*They both hug each other*
Bluey: are you hurt?
Bingo: No? You?
Bluey: Nope, where are we?
Bingo: Ummm i dunno?

*Back at the Heeler's House*
*Chilli checks for heartbeats*
Chilli: They are...sleeping?
Bandit: Wow that's unusual, tired already?
Brandy: Well I guess we can go now, I have to go and make dinner
Chilli: Oh okay, and real quick~
*Chilli whispers in Brandy's ear*
Brandy: ohhh okay

*At Mackenzie's house*
Calypso: Now I want you to take a few deep breaths
*Mackenzie takes a couple deep breaths*
Calypso: Now how do you feel Mackenzie?
*Mackenzie looks at Calypso with an expressionless face and his mark grew over his arm instantly*
Mackenzie: I feel the same....
*His mark goes away*
Calypso: Oh I see your issue, it's like something is triggering you and your mark
Mackenzie: What's triggering?
Calypso: Triggering or trigger means a certain or specific something that can cause your actions to be a little off...
Calypso: Like how that mark keeps activating everytime you think about what Darrell did to you
Mackenzie: Oh
Calypso: Practice makes perfect
Calypso: But I do believe that you should be back to school next week
Mackenzie: Nice!


*Bluey and Bingo walk around and trying to find a way out here*
*Darrell appears in the air*
Darrell: Welcome, to the Dream World
Darrell: Bluey and Bingo, lets create a better world...together~

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