S1 CHAPTER 10: The Showdown [1]

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Chapter 10: The Showdown Part 1, Indy vs Darrell

*Last Day of the break*

*Rusty gathers Jack and Indy*
Rusty: Alright team! Indy, did you tell your Mum if you can stay here?
Indy: Yup!
Rusty: Remember, your Mum can't know this is a mission, got it sergeant!
Indy: Yes Sir! Wait did you just call me-
Jack: Now we are off!
Indy: Wait guys-
*They both left*
Indy: I knew this is a game, well i guess ill stick with the plan
*Indy takes out her walkie-talkie but Darrell grabs her hand*
Indy: HUH!?
*Darrell gets close to her*
Darrell: Hello~ heh~
Indy: Wait a second, your Darrell aren't you!
Darrell: Ding ding ding! We have a little winner
Indy: Get your hands off me!
Darrell: And why do I have to mate~ "your just too cute and I just caaaan't let you go~"

Darrell: Let's make a deal~ I'll let you go unless you don't contact the others or run off and you will take me to Bingo~

Indy: That will never happen!
*Indy let's go and dashes back*
Darrell: Ooh~ what a nice reflex, I kinda let my guard down~
Darrell: Well, I guess your worthy to be my sparring partner
Indy: What?
Darrell: I want us to fight, it been boring for a few days

*Indy takes out paper bombs*
Darrell: Awww is that your new toy?~
Indy: Well it's something that your going to enjoy
*Indy throws the paper bombs*
*Darrell is shocked*
[In his mind/Darrell: What!? It's a gas bomb!]
*Darrell activates his mark and he dashes back*
Indy: He dodged!? Wait what is that?!
Darrell: Oh this old thing~ I would call this my dream ability~
Indy: Dream---ability?
Indy: Are you just like Mackenzie?
Darrell: Let's say sort of, I can be stronger than him
Darrell: He is my vessel~
Darrell: So I gave him my power purposely so he would suffer!
Indy: Why would you do that!?
Darrell: Because it's for my goal, and you figure it out ONE DAY!
*Grabs Indy*
Darrell: Now are you willing to continue with our deal~ well it better start now before things get really bad~
Indy: Hmph!
*Indy right kicks Darrell's torso*
[In her mind/Indy: Yes I got him! Now he should let me go!]
*Darrell is still holding on to her*
[In her mind/Indy: What!? He is not letting me go!?]
Darrell: Now, I think you pushed my patience
Indy: W-what do you mean by that?
Darrell: Im gonna have to use force on you now
*Indy pushes back*
Indy: Are you crazy!?
Darrell: No..... I'M INSANE!
*Darrell charges a electric stun*
Darrell: This is not going to hurt but this will make you go to sleep~
Darrell: Goodnight~ Indy
***Loud impact***

*At Mackenzie's House*
Mackenzie: I've got it! Finally learned how to do it!
Calypso: OH! I forgot something at the school, Mackenzie would you like to take a walk?
Mackenzie: Sure!

*At the Heeler's House*
*Bingo is sitting on the couch frustrated and confused*

"*Grabs her head*
Bingo: BLUEY!
Darrell: You know, you make me sick, ONE LAST CHANCE!
Darrell: Or else I will keep her in this dream world...
Bingo: No...
*Bingo starts crying*
Bingo: *sniffs* Just... let go of her... Now!
Darrell: Im sorry but you made me do this (hehe actually, I want to keep her here~)
Bluey: BINGO!
*Bluey reaches her arm out*
Bingo: BLUEY!
*Bluey vanishes in the air*
Bingo: B-bluey?
Darrell: What? Now your going to pout?
Bingo: SHUT UP!"


*Bingo plays with her fingers*
Bingo: Bluey......
*Chilli walks in the livingroom*
Chilli: Bingo, it's time
Bingo: For what?
Chilli: We are going to Mackenzie's house.
Chilli: It's time we figure a way to get Darrell to tell us everything
Bandit: I'm calling Stripe and Trixie
Bingo: Uncle Stripe and Aunt Trixie!? Why are they joining this?
Bandit: We would need more to take down one kid
Bingo: What about Bluey's body?
Chilli: Don't worry, Your father will stay here protecting her
*Bingo gets a little worried*

*Rusty and Jack gets by the school with their families*
Jack's Dad: Jack are you sure you can play here?
Jack: Yup!
Rusty: Sargeant! We are waiting here for Darrell
Jack: Yes Sir!
Rusty: Let's check on Indy
*Rusty turns on the walkie-talkie*
Rusty: Indy, can you hear me? I repeat, can you hear me?
*The walkie-talkie makes static noises*
Rusty: I-Indy?
???: You don't need to worry
*Darrell drops the walkie-talkie and is carrying Indy*
Rusty: DARRELL!!
*Jack gets worried*
Jack: T-t-thats Darrell?

*Darrell walks up slowly*
Darrell: Now..... I would like for you to take me to Bingo

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