S1 CHAPTER 11: The Showdown [2]

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Chapter 11: The Showdown Part 2: The Confrontation! Rusty vs Darrell

Darrell: Now.... I would like for you to take me to Bingo
Darrell: Before things gets ugly...
Rusty: What did you do to her!?
Darrell: Oh nothing, just a little shock but that didn't hurt her~
Rusty: You will pay for this!
Darrell: Oh is that so~ give me everything you've got
*Rusty hesitates a little*
Darrell: Don't worry, im really tough so you can land a hit on me and it won't hurt
*Rusty gets angry*
*Rusty dashes foward*
Rusty: Take this!
*Rusty punches Darrell's face*
Rusty: Wait what!?
Darrell: I told you im tough~
Rusty: Fine, umm how about this!
*Rusty throws a cardboard box at him*
Darrell: Your joking right?
*The cardboard box gets cut in half on impact*
Rusty: Oh my-
Darrell: hehe!
Rusty: Wait, something is going on that doesn't seem right!
Darrell: Your going to have to figure it out!
Attack me mate!
Jack: Rusty, stand back! I'm going to use this sword that has been handcrafted by the Terriers
*Darrell gets annoyed*
[In his mind/Darrell: Are you kidding me, it's a cardboard sword... wow these kids are not a challenge. Oh wait, I am a kid too]
Darrell: Unbelievable, your going to fight me with a cardboard sword?
Jack: Yup
*Jack wags his tail fast*
Darrell: Why are u excited for?
Rusty: That's none of your business!
Darrell: And no one was talking to you
*Darrell walks up to Rusty and flicks his forehead*
Rusty: Ow!
*Jack runs to Darrell*
Jack: Hey your my opponent!
*Darrell looks away and slaps his sword of his hand*
Darrell: You both are weaker than this girl right here
*Darrell dashes up and slaps Rusty and Jack out of the way*
Jack: Hey!
*Rusty runs up to Darrell and tries to hit him but Darrell catches his hand*
Darrell: Now we are talking~
*Darrell flings Rusty into the grass*
Jack: Why are you here anyway?
Darrell: I'm here to stop your foolish shenanigans from getting in my way...
Jack: Rusty! Are you alright?
Rusty: N-n-no!?
*Jack runs to Rusty*
Darrell: Oh did I throw him too hard~ I'm so so sowwy mate, hehe~
Jack: Rusty are you okay!?
Rusty: No, i-i can't feel my leg....
*Rusty tries to get up and starts to feel pain*
Rusty: Ngh...
Jack: Oh no...
Darrell: It seems like this fight is about to be over~ Are you ready mate?~
*Jack stands up and prepares himself*
Jack: I'm doing this for Rusty...
Darrell: Now I will give you my special gift~ You and Mackenzie will share the same pain..
Jack: Oh no...
Darrell: Oh yes~
Jack: Stay away!
*Jack backs up*
Darrell: Oh come on~ it makes you stronger~
*Darrell pins Jack on the ground*
Darrell: Just let the doctor do his job~
Mackenzie: Darrell!
*Darrell is shocked*
Darrell: That voice.... could it be...
*Darrell looks behind him and sees Mackenzie walking with the Heelers*
Darrell: This is definitely a joke
Jack: We have a army?!
Darrell: Mackenzie...
Mackenzie: Darrell...
Darrell: Ya seem to look better since the last time we've met~
Mackenzie: Yeah, and im ready to take you down
*Darrell activates his mark*
Darrell: Come on mate! Let's get this started!
*Darrell's aura becomes huge*
Mackenzie: Oh yeah? I can do that too
*Mackenzie's mark activates and has a huge aura*
Darrell: Oh~ I see you was training your mark~

*Chilli walks up with confidence*
Chilli: Mackenzie, I'm going to try to put some sense into him
Chilli: Darrell, you don't have to do this....
Chilli: Now I'm going to have to cuff you till we go your mother's house.
*Bandit senses something wrong*
Chilli: Now just behave-
*Darrell put his hand facing at Chilli*
Darrell: Back off...
*Darrell uses his mark to creates a strong air current and pushes Chilli away*
Chiili: Mhph!!
Bandit: CHILLI!
*Chilli slides back from the impact*
*Chilli coughs and gags*
[In her mind/Chilli: W-what was that!?]
Bingo: MUM!
*Trixie and Stripe joins in*
Trixie: We're here! Is everyone okay?
Darrell: Oh great.... more...
Mackenzie: Darrell... how...
*Mackenzie looks up and his eyes becomes red*
*Mackenzie's aura expands even more*

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