chapter forty three

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Marlowe's Pov
"Thank you for bringing me here,"she says smiling despite how puffy her eyes are. Mrs Watts stops us by door holding out a container. "I know how much you love this,"she says stretching her hands out to her and she takes it. What's with Americans and lasagna? I close the door once she's settled in jogging over to my side because I need to get her home and go home myself. "Is it bad that I don't want you to leave just yet?" She asks making stop the car.

"You're just like Lulu you know,"I say and watch her bottom lip disappear between her teeth, chewing on it. "What do you want to do?"

"Go to that cafe in the city. I still don't understand how I didn't remember anything while there,"she says and I just smile at how cute she's being. I drive us back into the city making sure everyone is alert because this is his playground. I wonder if she remembers what he tried to do to her. "Marlowe, you're here again,"she says and this time I acknowledge her because I'm not scared that she'll find out.

"You look lovelier somehow,"she says simply before leading us to a table. I make our orders and she disappears somewhere. I feel the urge to use the restroom and I do so because I've been surviving on liquids. When I come back her whole mood has changed. She seems more flustered than before.

"Everything okay?"

"Umm yes,"Is all she says focusing on the milkshake she ordered. I've always thought about this moment. We'd come back here only this time she'd remember me and I wouldn't have to explain why I know her choice of pancakes. "Did you ever date seriously after me?" She asks making me choke on my water. That was random. "I tried to. But I always compared them to you so I never brought any of them around our daughter," I say and watch her face light up.


"Our daughter?"she asks and I want to take it back. I don't want to force reality on her. Its okay if she's changed her mind and doesn't want to be involved in her life. "Sorry it jus-" "it's okay Marlowe, I love it,"she says simply. When we're done she gets the bill before I can tipping the kind waiter. "You can pay for everything in your life but let me pay for this,"she says letting her eyes linger on mine. Just this once then. I drive her back to her house with an eager Arlo waiting by the door. I wonder how she feels about everything. She was married to someone else and they had a life together after planning our own life together.

"Call me if anything okay?"I ask and she hums in response handing the lasagna to Maria who walks away with Arlo eager to know what's in there. I'm almost at my car when I hear her call out to me, "Would go out with me?"she shouts making chuckle. "Didn't we just go on one?" I ask because she paid and it's her turn to chuckle walking over to me.

"When all this is done and your brother isn't a problem, will you go out with me then?"

"Of course,"I say cupping her face and she rests her face in my hands. She's such a baby. I think to myself planting a kiss on her forehead and she pats her lips with her index finger. I lean in and she meets me halfway wrapping her arms around my neck with mine around her torso pulling her to me. I feel her smile into the kiss before we pull away from each other. How my feelings for her have never changed is beyond me. I still love her. I drive off with an angry lulu in mind. She hasn't seen me in hours. I wonder how she's doing.

"Where's Lu?"I ask because the house is too quiet. "She went grocery shopping with Noah," Luigi says and I don't understand why he's not with them. He's her bodyguard for Pete's sake. "He insisted,"he says before I can ask. I trust him so I'm not completely worried, I just wished he'd have asked first given how loose Alessio has been. I take a shower letting myself think about her and smile. Imagine re-creating the life we missed out on. I'm not even surprised I haven't touched another woman since her. I don't feel like it. I only want her.

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