Here we go again

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"Jimin please...., I don't want to keep moving but you make it hard for us to stay in one place..."
"I'm sorry Tae...., I know I make it hard for you..., they hate my fucking guts but keep trying to palm me off on someone..."
"I know Jimin... and I can't believe the way they treat you....."
"I'm used to it..., but I'm not going to be someone else's  punchbag , if it wasn't for our name I swear he would have killed me, but too many people know they have three kids , Rose you and me ,the runt of the litter"
"Don't call yourself that!"
"Why not its true... the sickly baby omega expected to die, beaten as a baby but survived...,mostly intact,it made me stronger knowing how they both could do that to their own child made me overcome their evilness and show them I mean business!"
"Jimin it's not right what they did and grandpa made them pay,they know that if anything happens to you he has put in place a death warrant."
"Yer......, all because I'm a pure white wolf and they believe it's a curse."
"You managed to change as a baby it usually takes a while for a pup to learn to change."
"I can't help it! I was premature, unwanted and sickly , they hoped I'd die and did their best to make it happen maybe my wolf took over because I was scared?!?"
"But grandpa stopped them,"
"Not soon enough though..."
"Jimin..., I know it hurts, Omegas are supposed to have pups...."
"Tae they beat me so badly the doctor said my insides were badly damaged."
"It's not certain though is it? You could try and have pups..."
"No! I'm not going to lull someone into a false hope, I'd rather make everyone hate me than explain I'm not complete!"
A shout from downstairs made Jimin roll his eyes,
"Those bitches want us come on..."
They both went downstairs to see their parents standing in the sitting room.
"Mum, dad what is it?"
"Well Tae darling we have an invite to the Alphas house..., he likes to welcome new wolves to town, he's also unmated Tae!"
"Mum,dad we just got here don't try marrying me off!"
"Tae they want to be related to the Alpha surely you know by now they don't give a shit about their kids!" Jimin said snarkily.
"You! Can't you keep your god Damn mouth shut! "
"Jimin it's ok ..." Tae said seeing how angry his father was.
"Well if you want to be sold off to the highest bidder......have fun at the can tell me all about it later..."
"Stay right there! Unfortunately you have to go too, it's a requirement of staying here that the Alpha meets everyone."
"For fucks sake!"
"Watch your language, we don't want you there either but he knows how many came to live here," his mother sneered.
"Bummer, bet you two were hoping to hide me away!"
A hard slap across his face had Jimin gasping before he turned an  angry face to his father.
"I warned you before don't fucking touch me!"
Jimins eyes flared to an electric blue.
"You...., you have the devil in you!"
"Says the one who tried killing his kid,"
"Dad..., he's not cursed don't  treat him so badly..."
"Tae...., not one generation of our family has been a white wolf, where did this come from? He's cursed... at least no offspring will come from him...."
"You bastard," Jimn whispered turning on his heel and going back upstairs.
Tae looked at his parents shaking his head, what had made them like this.... His grandpa doted on Jimin something which made his parents hate Jimin even more.
He went upstairs to talk Jimin into getting ready, knowing he needed to calm him down before they left.

"Park family? I know a Park he is well known for his good works within the wolf community."Jungkook said.
"He's the patriarch of the family, it's his son and wife and two children that have moved here"
Namjoon his second in command said, tidying his suit jacket.
"Oh well, let's get it over with,"
"Kook, you seem....down?"
"No..., it's just......I sometimes feel fed up with others always reacting to the fact I'm the Alpha so they try to curry favour, except you ,Hobi,Jin and Suga."
"Can you imagine Suga currying favour with anyone?"
Both laughed thinking of the grumpy male , who was a tech wizard but only had time for a few people.
"Don't worry Kook we will always tell you if your being an ass!"
"Jungkook everyone's here ! Let's get this show on the road..." Hobi always the efficient personal secretary and friend hurried in.
Jimin slumped in a chair behind the door as Tae and his parents sat gazing around the lovely house.
"Tae be extra nice, this alpha is single,"
"Pfft! " Jimin snorted.
The door opened hiding Jimin from view.
"Alpha Jeon, so kind of you to invite us," Mrs Park said.
Jungkook stoood still as if in shock, a wonderful aroma circled around him, his eyes saw Tae, was this his mate? He stepped forward eagerly gripping the handsome males hand but he frowned.
"Oh this is our son Tae, he's the pride of our family so sweet and loving ."
"Er..., nice to meet you...,all,"
Why couldn't he smell that aroma here, he looked at Mr and Mrs Parks face, they were smiling like they had won a prize, looking down he saw he still held Tae's hand, he let go.
"I was told you had two children?"
"Well three actually , my daughter is married and of course Tae here and..." Mr Park glared at someone behind the group that had entered.." Jimin," he muttered.
Jungkook and the others turned to see a small male slouched in a chair.
Jungkook walked over finding that amazing aroma tantalising his nostrils.
"Hey.." Jimin muttered while his brain was shouting'mate'.
"So your Jimin?" The handsome Alpha said.
"Yep....., the one they didn't want you to meet."
"Jimin!!Im sorry alpha he's......dim witted...."
"Sure I am old man and your an Angel ," Jimin said sarcastically.
Jungkook was surprised at how Jimin spoke to his parents.
"Alpha maybe Jimin should go he's ....... a bit tired,"
"Tired of your shit ,Yeh ,"
His mother marched over and slapped him hard. Jungkooks wolf howled.
"I'm sure he regrets his words surely no need to hit him?"
"Nope don't regret a word, eh mummy dearest?" Jimin smirked.
He could see the rage in his parents faces so decided to irritate them more.
"So Alpha, why do you want to meet us?"
"I like to greet newcomers make them feel at home,"
"Jesus, boring....., it's ok don't s'pose we will be here long.."
"Jimin please you promised," Tae whispered.
Jungkook saw Jimin give an apologetic look to his brother. He decided to lighten the mood.
"By any chance are you related to Minho Park?"
"Yes, he's my father..." Jimins dad said surly.
"He's a great man, I've met him I was very impressed."
Jimin snorted," oh dear dad, bet that doesn't sit well with you!" He turned to Jungkook.
"My Grandpa is the best person ever, how he produced a shit like him I'll never know!"
An almighty growl came and Jimins father transformed into a brown wolf clothes tearing. About to lunge at Jimin.
"Stop!" Jungkooks authorative alpha tone rang out, stilling the wolf until he morphed back into a man.
"How dare you in my home commit this offence!"
"He's the devil! It's him who should be told, you should turn this cursed lowlife out!" Jimins father raged.
His wife joined in," he's the bane of our life, he can't be controlled, he should have died as a baby!!"
"God knows you tried..." Jimin said sneeringly." Well sorry alpha to ruin your day we will be going."
"I'm afraid I can't allow that mate...."
"Ha see Tae is his mate, this is fate we were meant to come, our son is mated to an Alpha ..." Mrs Park said glaring at Jimin.
"I'm afraid you don't understand, Tae if you want you can stay but your parents must leave, I don't want them here in my town,"
"But..., we are Tae's parents, he's your mate..."
"No..., Jimin is so he will live with me and he seems fond of Tae...., not so much you two, so I need you to leave."
"Hey ! Wait a minute... I hate their guts but mate? I'm not being anyone's mate!"
Before anyone could say anything Jimin rushed through the open garden doors stripping his clothes off and changing to the most beautiful white wolf and darting off.
Jungkook stared at the beautiful sight murmuring,
"Don't you know you should never run from your mate my little omega? Namjoon sort this out I have business to attend to..." he followed out after his mate transforming into his huge black wolf and running at speed after his soulmate.

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