Hold carefully

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Two weeks had passed, it had been a mixture of joy and apologies when he had returned, embarrassed at his previous behaviour he had tried to help out to make up only to be turned down and told to rest.
At night Jungkook just cuddled him no other intimacy. Jimin didn't push it, he saw his body changing slightly maybe he just didn't appeal to ythe other in this state?
He was a lot stronger now, Jin made sure he ate and a lot of the day he just rested gaining his strength back.
Suga came into the room where Jimin sat breaking toast up.
"Oh hi Suga,"
Suga nodded, he hadn't really forgiven Jimin for his words and the way he had treated Tae.
"D-do you want me to get you a coffee?"
"I can get my own.."
Jimin nodded but suddenly burst out crying much to Sugas alarm.
"I'm sorry ignore me it must be hormones,"
"Er..., do you want to sit with me ? Have a coffee?"
Jimin looked up tearfully but smiled,
"I'll have banana milk I've gone off coffee,"
Suga nodded hurrying to get the drinks.
They sat down and Jimin said quietly,
"I know your still mad at me..."
"Mmm, well you upset Tae with how you spoke to him,"
"I know..., but I had to...., if I hadn't he would have followed me and he's happy with you, I couldn't let him give up on his happiness,he deserves it."
"I would have followed him..."
"Yes but both of you are happy here I didn't want to disrupt your lives, mine didn't matter."
Suga saw Jimin truly loved his brother he gave a half smile.
"Your not the hard nut you try to make out you are, are you?"
"Sssh, don't let everybody know!" Jimin giggled.
Jungkook walked in to find them laughing together.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing," Jimin said while smiling at Suga who grinned.
"Hmmm.., Jimin are you eating that or just crumbling it? "
"Yes," Jimin said non commitedly making Suga snort with laughter.
"Eat properly then rest up,"
"I thought I'd go to the library.., help out."
"No! You should rest..."
"I'm dying of boredom! I'm going..."
"Jimin......" Jungkook said in an authorative tone
"Jungkook...." Jimin said mimicking him.
A snort of laughter behind them quickly turned into a cough had them turning. Tae stood next to Suga grinning.
"I could drive him and stay for an hour or two?"
Jimin grinned, Jungkook frowned.
"Mmm an hour ok?"
"And a half," Jimin said.
"Ok but no more,"
"Yay! I'll get ready!" Jimin started running off .
"Don't run!!"
"Whatever...," Jimin shouted over his shoulder.
Jungkook turned to Tae.
"Make sure he doesn't get tired and er... make him drink..., if he feels sick bring him home..., kids can be boisterous so don't let them push him around and..."
"Jungkook he's my brother of course I'll take care of him."
"Yer..., I know , I can't help it he's so obstinate,"
"You think I don't know that? I've lived with him a lot longer than you..., I'll go up and help him, right about now he's probably realising his clothes won't fit over that cute baby bump."
Tae left and Jungkook sighed sitting down and drinking the coffee Suga pushed towards him.
"You have to let him live Kook.."
"I know but I worry....., I don't want anything to happen,"
"But the doctor said it's all ok right you can't treat him like china he won't break and I'm sure your not gentle when you fuck him!!"
"I er haven't ... not since we found out..."
Suga held his hands up,
"Well that's your decision but don't let it go on, Jimin won't like it,"
"He's fine about it,"
Suga shrugged then got up to go patting Jungkooks shoulder on the way out.
Jimin was fussing in his closet,
"My clothes have shrunk," he moaned to Tae
"No bro, your belly is growing,remember a few months and your baby will be here.."
"Oh god...Tae I'm going to be a parent.., what if I'm awful, what if my pup hates me?"
"Hush don't be silly, now what are you going to wear?"
"Sweatpants I suppose and one of Jungkooks T shirts."
They came downstairs chatting, Jungkook watched as his mate came down in one of his T shirts.
"You look...adorable," he smiled
"You mean fat, Tae and I are going shopping after I need to get some trousers that fit,"
Jungkook was about to veto that when he remembered Sugas words.
"Ok but go to a cafe for lunch first ok?"
Jimin nodded.
They all left in two cars, Jungkook following Tae as far as he could before turning off to work.
Jimin was greeted with wide smiles from the parents who had filled in for him. The kids huddled round and cried they missed him and where had he gone.
He explained he had a baby in his tummy and he'd been sick. The parents of course hovered around concerned but congratulating him.
Tae seeing he was being cared for said he was popping into the building that was being set up for people wanting to learn more about computers.
Jimin made the most of his time reading and enacting out the stories.
Tae returned tapping his watch and Jimin said his goodbyes and that he would be back.
Tae took them to a shopping mall where they got something to eat and drink.jimin felt drowsy but didn't say anything, he wanted to shop.
They ended up buying some loose over shirts and slightly larger sweatpants. Once done they drove home Jimin falling asleep in the car.
When they got home Tae saw Jungkooks car was there and the alpha came striding out, looking for Jimin.
"He's asleep," Tae indicated
Jungkook reached in and carefully picked him up carrying him up to their room and laying him on the bed. He caressed the baby bump and kissed his mates neck before going downstairs.
An hour and a half later Jimin wandered down yawning .
"Hey Jin can I have an apple I'm hungry,"
"Of course I'm about to cook the meal so you and baby won't starve!"
Jimin giggled and wandered into the sitting room finding everyone else there.
"Hey guys..."
"Jimin did you have a good day?"
"Yes thanks Namjoon I will go again the kids are fun,"
"Let's think about that shall we?"Jungkook said
"Why, it stops me being bored so I will go,"
"You were asleep when you got home so it obviously tires you, so no it's not a good idea..."
"Fuck you.."
"You heard, if you think you are in charge of me your mistaken!"
Everyone watched the to and fro of the two males who faced each other.
"I'm your Alpha your my mate of course I have some say!"
"Er hello, you renounced me remember..., I'm nobodies mate!"
"Jimin stop being childish,"
"Childish! You...you... pampered mutt, you think everyone should do your bidding, go fuck yourself!"
Jimin stormed out.
Tae was about to follow but Jungkook stopped him,
"Leave it Tae,let him go sulk upstairs ."
Tae sat down but looked worried ,Jimins tendency to do something stupid always in his mind.
A short time later Jin called them to eat,
"Where's Jimin,he said he was hungry?"
"He will come down he's sulking,"
Ten minutes past and Tae stood up,
"Jungkook...., you have your car keys on you don't you?"
"What? No there in my bedr....., oh fuck!"
He dashed upstairs finding the room empty and the keys gone.
He raced downstairs and outside an empty space where his car had been.
The others appeared and saw their alpha pulling on his hair.
"What if he crashes, he's not immortal, oh god why did I make him angsty!"
"Calm down Jungkook, knowing from Tae what Jimin is like I have a tracker on your car, yer I should have told you but whatever, let's look on my phone."
He pressed something then smiled .
"He hasn't gone far, he's a couple of miles away, by the old river house ."
Jungkook shrugged out of his clothes and ran in his wolf form, eating up the ground.
Jimin sat by the river talking to himself.
"Stupid mutt....., orders me around like he owns me....pfft, he can't even bear to touch me anymore yet wants to control me. I know I'm fat but even so am I completely ugly? Says he's my mate, huh! Don't see him claiming me ..... no interest from him at all, I may as well just be a baby making pot!"
"Finished?" A voice behind him said and he turned to see a very naked Jungkook there.
"Go away I'm not talking to you.... How did you find me anyway?"
"You took my car...., you should be punished,"
"Bloody car means so much to you doesn't it..."
"Not as much as you... I was scared you would get hurt,"
"Well you better let me have lessons so you don't worry about your precious car then!"
"Jimin....Damn it your tendency to run off is going to kill me!"
"Your overbearing attitude is gonna make me run.."
"It's worry...., I don't mean to be overbearing,"
"Yer,yer I know your worried about your pup I know, I drove slowly I'm not that stupid, I know you are worried for the pup."
Jimin was suddenly picked up in strong arms and taken inside the abandoned house.
"What are you doing,"
"Something I should have done a while ago.."
He pulled Jimin down with him onto the old sofa there, his hands roaming under Jimins top .
His mouth claimed Jimins in a searing kiss making the small male gasp.
In no time Jungkook had him naked underneath him his eyes full of lust as he gazed down Jimins body.
"Your beautiful," he growled
"But you didn't want to touch me, I thought you didn't like it?"
"I adore your body, if you knew how many cold showers I've taken...."
At his words Jimin felt himself dampen in arousal the intoxicating smell making Jungkook slide down and lap his tongue against the others wet puckered hole.
"Oh god," Jimin groaned as his arousal got impossibly hard.
The next minute Jungkook took him in his mouth sucking and licking while his hand reached up to play with his very sensitive nipples.
"Ah Jungkook..., please fuck me , I want you in me..."
Jungkook pulled away turning Jimin til he was on his hands and knees and thrusting into him.
"Fuck your so wet for me..."
Erotic moans were exiting Jimins mouth as pleasure built. Jungkooks thrusting hitting the sensitive spot inside.
"Ah Kookie yes more..."
Jungkook could feel his own pleasure building and he leaned over Jimins back his fangs protruding. Both came and Jungkook bit into the spot between neck and shoulder leaving his mark and making Jimin come hard.
Lapping at the mark to remove the sting he felt all of Jimins emotions roll through him.
"My mate," he growled
He turned Jimin to him and lay back.
"You marked me...."
"But I want to mark you too," Jimin grumbled
Jungkooks chest shook with laughter,
"Never let me be one up on you will you?"
Jimin shook his head.
"Oh well then, round two here we go....."
Jungkook aroused his mate , soon both were groaning out their release and Jimin marked his mate.
Ten minutes later Jimins tummy rumbled,
"I'm hungry, your pups hungry," he whined.
"Get dressed we will go home,"
"You can't drive naked!"
"I keep spare clothes in the boot for emergencies,"
They both dressed and were about to get in the car when Jungkook took Jimins hand.
"Jimin don't run from me again because I intend to hold on tight forever ,"
"Yes Alpha," Jimin said sweetly before his rumbling tummy ruined the mood.
"Come on, our pup wants feeding," Jungkook laughed as they got in the car and drive home.

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