Will the real Jimin step forward

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When Jimin woke up he didn't want to speak with anyone even his mate.
The doctor said he could go home, they gave him a hospital top to put on loosely over his damaged shoulder and told Jungkook he would need to take it easy for a few days.
Jungkook helped him into the jeep strapping him in carefully. Jimin turned away from him,looking silently out of the window.
Jungkook looked worriedly at his quiet mate..., he wasn't used to his silence.
They got home and the others rushed out.
"Jimin thank god your ok! How could you have been so stupid.."
"I'm sorry Tae..."
Jimin went to walk in then stopped as if he'd come to a decision.
"I'm sorry I troubled you all it was nasty of me. You can see why I won't make a good mate for your Alpha..., that and the fact I'm incapable of giving him pups makes me a pretty useless acquisition altogether so I will understand if you urge your alpha to revoke his claim on me so that he and you have a Luna you can be proud of, excuse me..."
He walked inside and upstairs, he couldn't face going into the alphas bedroom, he didn't deserve to be there, he walked along the hallway opening a door and finding it led up to an attic room. This will do he thought as he sat in an old rocking chair. He bit his lip as he felt tears roll down his face. He felt lonelier than ever but at least now he had told the truth. His eyes closed in pain and exhaustion and he fell asleep oblivious of the drama unravelling downstairs.
"What did he mean Tae?"
"Erm mean?"
"About no children doesn't he like them?"
"Can we talk inside?"
Jungkook nodded and everyone went inside and sat down.
"Jimin...well Jimin, he can't have kids."
"He didn't mean to deceive you, he hates talking about it, he feels deficient ...,his words not mine."
"Tell us Tae, is it a medical thing?"
"Erm well...........when Jimin was born he was sickly, dad took a dislike to him instantly...,even mum was well not motherly. Jimin doesn't know this bit but I remember, they left him outside in the cold expecting him to die but he hung on, dad was so annoyed he shook him and Jimin changed there and then into a white pup. Dad was enraged he went beserk told mum he was the devils child, none of us knew the story of a white wolf being lucky.
Jimin had changed back and dad picked him up and punched him over and over in the stomach, what he didn't reckon on was grandpa turning up to see his grandchild for the first time.
Dad got mum to wrap Jimin in a blanket as if nothing was wrong.
Jimin opened his eyes and they flashed blue . I can remember my grandpa smiling widely when he saw it, then Jimin started throwing up, grandpa couldn't understand why mum and dad ignored it, he took Jimin to the hospital and he found out Jimin had been beaten.
I can remember him coming back so angry, telling my father he was never to harm Jimin again, dad said he was a cursed child, sickly and unwanted, grandpa said he was going to make sure Jimn was never hurt so badly again as he put in an order that if any harm came to Jimin dad and mum would be taken away and would ...disappear. He told them the doctor had said as he was so small he had internal injuries that could mean he may never be able to have children...and my father just laughed. Since then Jimin grew up knowing he had parents who hated him while they spoilt me, he tried hitting Jimin a few times until a few years back Jimins eyes flashed blue again and he floored dad. Since then he became harder and stood up for himself ignoring their jibes and deliberately making it hard for them to settle anywhere, he reckoned if they wanted him to feel unwanted and friendless he would do the same to them, he'd kick up a fuss in the neighbourhood until people asked us to move. He's become obstinate and lost the cuteness and carefree attitude he had when younger."
Jungkook was shaken hearing the story and remembered his harsh words to Jimin about deserving what his father had given him he felt bile rise up, he was an awful mate.
"Kook, what are you going to do, it's awful how Jimin was treated but can you go forward without a family?" Hobi asked.
"I can't renounce him.., our marks would disappear and..., I don't want to, I've only known him a short while but after today seeing him nearly die..., it was horrific my heart hurt so much....."
"Well think on it, we support you whatever."
"Thanks guys, now I need to be with him, I need to feel him close."
He walked up the stairs going to his room but it was empty , he knew Jimin had come up so he went along the hallway stopping at the attic door which was slightly open. He went up and saw his mate sitting at an uncomfortable angle fast asleep. He gently picked him up and carried him down to their room. He lay him down on his good side and lay behind him spooning him gently .
An hour passed then Jimin moved groaning and waking up.
"You want a painkiller,"
Jimin jumped at the voice but didn't swear.
"You don't have to keep me in this room, I said it's understandable you renouncing me,."
"I'm not going to,"
"But you have to for the sake of the pack,"
"Eager to get rid of me?"
"No! I mean well Erm it's not like either of us expected this mating, it was a bit rushed and I've not been introduced to any other pack members other than your friends, you could say it was a malicious rumour going around."
"Nope, not happening, and besides you have to pay for the Ferrari ,"
"I can't but you one of those I'd never get a job that paid that kind of money .
"Well I'll take payment in kind.."
"I'm good but not that good you'd be getting a bad bargain,"
"I don't think so......Jimin I owe you an apology for my hash words earlier, you don't deserve anything your parents did to you...."
"Tae told you didn't he?"
"Yes and quite honestly I want to kill them myself."
"So now you know, I'm useless..."
"No your not..., you are also not accountable for what that bastard did to you."
"I'm sorry about the car...."
"Hmmm, we'll as soon as we can we will get you lessons to pass your test."
"No, I don't want to drive again...."
"We will see......come let's go get something to eat, you left without breakfast."
"You go I need to shower,"
"Let me help you....,your shoulder remember?"
Jimin didn't give some sassy remark like he normally wood he just got up and walked to the bathroom. Jungkook followed seeing Jimin struggling to get undressed. In silence he helped him undress and remove the sling then step into the shower, hissing in pain as his bad arm dropped but he shook his head when Junkook offered help again , slowly and painfully washing himself. The seatbelt marks were turning purple,everything ached but he just bit his lip and got on with it.
Jungkook stood by watching the others suffering wanting to take his pain away.
He got out and tried to dry off eventually letting Jungkook help.
Jungkook eased his arm into a t shirt then put the sling back on.
Soon Jimin was ready to face everyone and they both went downstairs.
The doorbell rang and Jungkook answered immediately being engulfed in someone's arms.
"My Alpha! I've finished uni so I came to claim you!" A female voice said.
"Don't look so surprised I told you I would make you proud..., an alphas mate has to be helpful, I passed all my courses!!"
"Lisa don't be so forward with the alpha,hello Jungkook, we were passing through so stopped off to visit." Lisa's father said.
"It's a pleasure sir....,let me introduce someone to you,"
He turned seeing Jimin hovering in the background, his mate looked upset probably because of Lisa.
He shook her hand off and went to Jimin.
"This is my mate Jimin,"
Lisa was very obviously not happy.
"Your mate! Him! Really that's the best you could do?"
Jungkook waited for Jimins fiesty temper to appear but instead,
"That's what I said, he can do better," Jimin bowed to the two newcomers and left to find the others .
"Lisa that was rude of you congratulations Jungkook, I'm pleased for you."
"Dad! Jungkook was supposed to be mine!"
"Lisa a mate can't be treated like a toy you don't pick and choose it chooses you." Her father said.
"That's right and Jimin is perfect for me," Jungkook said glaring slightly at the girl who had put his mate down.
Hobi appeared," hello sir Jimin told us you were visiting, we have prepared a light brunch follow me,"
They all went to the dining room, jungkook chatting to the older man and Lisa following behind an evil look on her face.

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