Win, win

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Jimin walked home tiredly, all week his energy felt like it had deserted him, he knew it was probably because he wasn't eating properly but he just didn't feel like it, he thought he'd better eat tonight though he felt worse than ever.
His eyes were half closed as he walked along when suddenly he smacked into a hard body.
"Ooof!I'm sorry I...."
"Finally your back I was getting worried..."
Jimin looked up shocked at the sound of a voice he knew well.
"J-jungkook?....what are you doing here?"
"I've come to take you home..."
Jimin almost gave a sigh of relief then remembered why he'd left..., gathering all his acting skills he pulled away.
"I don't have to go anywhere with you, we are not mated anymore remember?"
"That was the biggest mistake on my part which I intend to remedy ..."
Jimins wolf was howling merrily inside him, his alpha wanted him.... But Jimin knew what Lisa would do so he carried on with the lie.
"I'm sorry but I have someone else I'm not attracted to you anymore."
"Y-you egotistic mangy wolf why do you think I'm lying?"
"Because once I found where you have been living I had someone watch you and report their findings, you live alone you go to work and then come back day after day."
Jimin went red at being caught in a lie, he was ready to argue back when a wave of dizziness swept over him and he swayed, going pale,he put a hand out trying to hang onto something only to feel blackness take him over.
"Jimin? Jimin! What the hell!"
Jungkook caught his mate in his arms alarmed at his paleness. Swinging him up in his arms frowning at his lightness, he rushed to his car placing Jimiin in carefully and then drove quickly to the local hospital.
Jimin was still passed out and was rushed into a cubicle , the doctor making Jungkook wait outside as he examined him.
Half an hour later he called Jungkook in.
"Are you related to the patient?"
"I'm his mate and the Alpha of the Jeon pack.."
"Ah well then I congratulate you.."
"Your mate is pregnant.....but he is dehydrated and not been eating properly .."
"He er ,well we have been apart for a little,he frets when I'm not there....,but pregnant?he was told due to a childhood ...accident he wouldn't be able to conceive?"
"Well I assure you he is pregnant...,I will definitely do some follow up with a history like that I will admit him"
"I want a private room and do every test you need to,I want him well looked after..,but why hasn't he come round?"
Jungkook walked over taking Jimins hand,
"Please make sure he and the baby keep well,"
"Yes sir,I'll get him transferred right now."

Jimins eyes lifted tiredly,he found himself in a room he'd never seen before,a drip attached to him and his alpha sitting in a chair next to the bed,asleep but holding Jimins hand.
He fretfully sat up the movement jerking Jungkook awake.
"Ah Jimin, how do you feel?"
"Why am I here? What's going on I told you before to leave me alone we have nothing to do with each other!"
"Your coming back with me, I've emptied your room already you've been asleep for a long time."
"What! That room was a reasonable rent now I'm going to have to find another!"
"No you won't, I know what Lisa did, I know why you behaved like that, I shouldn't have renounced you it was wrong but I can fix that when we get back."
"Are you mad? If you know all that then it still doesn't change anything , she will hurt you and the pack,I'm not going!"
"Your pregnant....."
"Your pregnant with my pup...."
Jimin took one look at Jungkooks smiling face and promptly passed out.
When he came around again he was in Jungkooks arms and a doctor was talking to him.
"Ah there he is!luna Jeon I expect your confused."
Jimin ignored the Luna and asked,
"What's going on?"
"Well.....,I'm actually surprised too looking over the old x rays from years ago,you took quite a beating ,it seemed entirely true what you were told, but also a specific note was added,apparently by your grandfather....the white wolf will out?"
"Grandpa? He always told me to ignore the nay sayers and hold onto the magic, I didn't know what he meant, is it because I'm a white wolf?"
"Oh my goodness you are? It's an honour, all the rumours are true, wow I get to see a white wolfs magic!!"
Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other confused.
"Magic? I know about white wolves bringing good fortune to the pack but magic?" Jungkook asked
"A white wolf has certain abilities,we don't know how or why but for example, the beating you took at such a young age should have killed didn't, in fact your body recovered its natural abilities,looking at your medical history I see you have been in a few car accidents...., let me tell you, one of them should have killed you but it didn't ."
"You are never driving a car again,how many crashes have you had?!?" Jungkook exploded.
"I'm going to learn how to drive properly..., I just forget the speed sometimes that's all!" Jimin pouted
"No !end of discussion"
They heard the doctor chuckling at their squabble.
"Er sorry doc, so I'm fine and can go?"
"Not yet, due to your pregnancy it has weakened you, made you vulnerable, you seem dehydrated and tired and not eating correctly am I right?"
"Um...., we'll it was too much hassle after working."
"Well now you have to recover, rest up let your alpha take care of you,"
"He's not my..."
"I will do doc, so how long is he staying?"
"A couple of days then we will release him into your care and your local hospital will be in touch about follow ups."
"What about sex?" Jungkook asked forthrightly hearing Jimin choke.
"It's fine and natural," the doctor smiled.
The doctor disappeared and Jimin fidgeted on the bed.
"I need the loo and a shower, you don't need to hang around, I'm sure your busy..."
He was suddenly flat on his back Jungkook leaning over him,
"We are a couple, we are going to be parents and we will mark each other again as soon as you feel better, don't push me away these last few weeks have been hell!"
Jimin saw sincerity in the others face and he nodded. Jungkook let him up and he went to the bathroom.
When he came out dressed in clean pjs Jungkooks phone rang.
"Hello?...oh god sorry Tae...yes I'm with him..., it's been a weird few hours...., no he's not hurt,let me pass the phone to him."
"Tae,Tae are you ok?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that, stupid, why did you let that bitch get one over on you, I've been so worried,"
"I'm sorry Tae, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you all I had to to make you let me go,"
"We forgive you, Jin knows you well it seems he was the first to realise something was wrong , he said you were a rude little shit but you weren't normally unkind,"
"Oh gosh tell him I'm sorry,"
"You tell him when you get back, are you coming today?"
"Erm..., I have to stay in hospital for a couple of days."
"But Jungkook said you weren't hurt what's wrong ?"
"I'm ..well I'm pregnant Tae...."
Jimin removed the phone from his ear at the loud shriek wincing.
"Omg!!! I've gotta tell the others...wait ...are you ok... is the baby ok? I'm going to be an uncle!"
"Calm down..., yes we are fine, I'll be back in a couple of days ok?"
"Right...I gotta go...spread the news...oh congratulations to you both......Jin!Suga...everyone..." Tae clicked off while yelling for the others . Jimin passed the phone back.
"Erm I think he's pleased...."
"Good, now lie down and rest..."
"But I've not king got up!"
"So? Lie down I want to.. no I need to cuddle you.."
Jimin huffed but lay in his side feeling the bed dip as Jungkook lay behind him cuddling close . He smiled to himself then felt something poke his butt.
"Really Jungkook?"
"I can't help it, just stay still and ignore it,"
"As if ...something that big," Jimin mumbled but soon settled in his mates arms, the feeling of coming home making him cosy, before long he had fallen asleep.
Jungkook nuzzled his sleeping mates neck.
"Your special wether you are a white wolf or not... I love you Jimin," he whispered before falling asleep too, the stress from the last weeks catching up on him.

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