Too soon too fast

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Ha! I'll show them, Jimin thought as he raced through some trees.
But he's your mate his wolf told him.
I don't need a mate.... I can't have a mate.
Let fate take its course.
Hell no I'm not having someone else dictate my...omph!
Jimins wolf went rolling as a large black wolf jumped him. Jimin knew who it was, the others scent was intoxicating, another reason why he had to leave the room, he had wanted to roll over and beg for his tummy to be rubbed...amongst other things!
He growled at the Alpha showing his teeth. This seemed to make the big wolf horny judging by his enlarged member.
As if thought Jimin deliberately snapping at the others neck. Immediately enticing pheromones swept over him as if the alpha was trying to calm him.
Jimin felt himself weaken so swiped a paw at the other narrowly missing him.
Jungkook let out more of his Alpha presence, what was with this little omega, his valiant attempt at trying to dominate him only increased his wolfs need.
Jimin knew he was losing and pretended to submit so Jungkook wouldn't hover over him.
As soon as the black wolf backed off Jimin made to flee, totally underestimating the other who held him down under him.
Jimin sucked in the scent it was making him crazy, he felt slick running from him and his wolf lay in such a position to offer himself to the other , Jungkooks wolf couldn't resist, slipping inside and rutting hard.
Jimin and his wolf growled in pleasure and he suddenly snapped his head round biting into the other making Jungkook come and then sink his teeth into Jimin. It was the way of the wolf neither could refrain from the fate planned for them.
Jimin came to his senses first transforming laying naked a look of horror on his face...
Jungkook changed enjoying the feel of the small body under him.
He rubbed his neck where his mate had made his mark, looking down to see his mark on Jimin.
"You fucking idiot!!"
Those were not the words he'd expected to come from his mates mouth.
"You, you've spoilt everything, I don't need a mate, but you had to follow didn't you asshole and now look what's happened!"
"Hey...this is a good thing, everyone wants to find their mate..."
"Not me...a-and you marked me so I can't escape even though I want too!"
Jungkook frowned not liking the others attitude,
"If we want to be precise..., you marked me first!"
"Oh that's right blame me..., the defenceless omega...."
"Defenceless ? You were trying to fight me I'd hardly call you a wilting flower!"
"I hate you! You don't know what you've done and then you'll blame me and everything will be more of a mess than it is !"
"Jimin what are you on about?"
Jimin suddenly realised he'd been about to reveal his secret and for some reason he couldn't face the other knowing how deficient  he was.
"I'm going home..."
"Your home is with me now, your parents will be gone"
"Fuck you!" He went to storm off uncaring of his nakedness.
Jimin froze in the spot because of the alpha effect.
"Look, it's done now, we are mated, what's your problem, or would you rather go with your despicable parents?"
Jimin contemplated, he was marked, as such he knew it would be unbearable to be away from his mate, yet his mate didn't know the truth...if he just kept him at bay he could cope, right?
Changing back to his wolf form he ran back towards Jungkooks home.
Jungkook used his mind link to tell Namjoon to put some clothes outside, he didn't want others seeing his mate naked.
He then tried linking to Jimin to tell him to stop outside and dress, getting a ' fuck! Get out of my head' back.
Growling he raced ahead past the beautiful white wolf and getting there minutes before.
He was nearly dressed when Jimin turned up, transforming back and modestly turning his back on Jungkook to dress.
"Whose goddam trousers are these they are too long!"
"Mine, you don't think I'd let you wear someone else's clothes..., you look cute in my t shirt too."
Jimin rolled the bottoms up and stepped into the room.
"Jimin! Your back I was worried!"
"Tae...., you stayed! What about them?"
"I um..., I told them I didn't want to go with them,"
"Here Tae, some ice ," Hobi said walking in," oh your back...., I must say Jimin your father is a nasty piece of work, he hit Tae for refusing to go,"
"Let me see...!" Jimin ran over turning Tae's face gently and seeing a bruise on his cheek.
"That fucking bastard I'll kill him!"
"It's ok Jimin......Hobi punched him and Namjoon has gone with some others to get our stuff and make them leave town.."
Jimin went to Hobi and hugged him, a low growl sounded.
"Jungkook what's up with......oh! Is that a mating mark!!?"
"Yes Hobi, Jimin is my mate..."
"When he says mate he means..., I accidentally marked him in the heat of the moment..., no biggy..."
"Jimin! Your marked too, wow your mated to the alpha,"
"Tae don't go overboard...."
Namjoon came back.
"Ah..., your stuff is here Tae and Jimin..."
"We will go to our room then..." Jimin said.
"Jimins stuff in my room, Tae can go down the hall."
"No we will share,"
"You are my mate you share with me..."
"Your so gonna regret this !" Jimin argued.
"Hobi would you mind showing Tae his room while I talk to Jimin?"
"Er right come on Tae..."
Hobi ushered the other out while Jimin stood there hands on hips glaring at Jungkook.
"What's your problem Jimin?"
"Me..? Well let's see, I let my asshole parents talk me into coming here and now I find myself with an unwanted mate..."
"Unwanted? You weren't resisting earlier..., in fact, you knew before you ran that I was your mate, you felt the pull too didn't you? But you still ran...., you know you should never run from your mate, of course I'll chase you down .... And then you marked me first....."
"Bullshit..." Jimin lied," I didn't feel anything"
Jungkook had , had enough.
"Really so if I touch you nothing will happen?" He said walking to Jimin.
"That's right it was just animal instinct!"
"Sure it was...."
Jungkook stared down into the face of his omega,
"What are you so afraid of?" He murmured.
He saw something flit across Jimins face then,
"I'm not afraid of anything especially not you..." he dared.
Jungkook swooped down claiming those angry plump lips, claiming his mate not letting him move.
Jimin couldn't have stopped the moan of pleasure if he tried, he pressed himself against the others body his arms raising to caress his nape.
Neither could get enough of each other, their tongues swirling together.
Suddenly the door opened,
"Kook Joonie said....ooops!"
A handsome male stood in the doorway hand over his mouth as he saw his alpha holding a petite male in his arms no space between them.
"Hey Jin you cockblocker," Jungkook grumbled as Jimin pulled himself away.
"Erm sorry..., hi I'm Jin the cook and friend of Jungkook mated to Namjoon..., I've set up the dining room, are you hungry?"
"Hungry I'm starving,where is it? I'll find it..., Tae! Grubs up come down !!" He yelled sniffing til he found the room he wanted.
Jin and Jungkook stared after him.
"Well..., he's your mate eh? Quite the energetic little bundle isn't he?"
"That's one word for him, he has the face of an Angel and the mouth of a sewer...., not what I expected to happen today...."
"Well, let's join them shall we," Jin said as he saw Hobi lead Tae into the dining room.
"Mmmm, what next..." Jungkook murmured.

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