The devil marches on

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Jimin woke up his nose sniffing the beautiful scent, had he fallen asleep in a garden. He yawned rolling onto his back and stretching his arms hitting something in the process.
"Good morning to you too,"
Jimin shot upright looking next to him to see a very naked, very sexy looking Alpha leaning on one side staring at him.
"What the fuck are you doing in my bed!"
"It's our bed you sweet talker," Jungkook said with sarcasm.
Jimin looked around and saw the sofa,
"Hah! Why am I here I went to sleep on the sofa?"
"I moved you, you sleep in my bed."
"You pervert did you do something to me?"
"You would know if I did,". The alpha smirked.
"Really? You think a lot of yourself, I can't say anything memorable sticks in my mind....."
Jimin found himself flat on his back Jungkook hovering over him.
"Would you like a replay?"
"Fuck off you overgrown mutt, when I want sex I'll find someone I like,"
"Such a potty mouth, and I'm the only one your ever having sex with,"
"Pfft, says who, shitbag,!"
"Tut,tut can't you use that mouth better?"
"What ...sucking your dick? No fucking way..."
"Much as that idea is appealing I meant can't you speak nicely and be polite?"
"My mouth my decisions...."
His mouth was suddenly claimed by the other in an enticing kiss that set Jimins pulse rushing high. He groaned as the other caged him in his arms nipping and licking his neck. He felt his own arousal growing and whined wanting more. Jungkook rubbed against him teasing him.
Jimin kissed the other back hungrily wanting to take his clothes off and feel skin to skin when suddenly Jungkook sat back and got off the bed.
"W-where you going...?"
"I'm going to shower....., you said you didn't want sex..." the alpha smirked.
"You lousy motherfucker!!"
He heard a chuckle from the bathroom so he picked the bedside lamp up throwing it at the door.
Jimin scrambled off the bed and got dressed not caring about washing he caught sight of Jungkooks car keys and grinned to himself grabbing them.
Running downstairs he went to go outside, Jin walked through the hallway.
"Where you going Jimin?"
Jimin remembered just in time to blank his mind so Jungkook wouldn't hear his lies. He turned with a sweet angelic look on his face, looking cute and innocent.
"Oh Jin, Jungkook said I could use his car, I wanted to go get him a gift you know for Erm last night(he giggled ) but I told him it's to get Tae something, which car is his?"
"Wow, Jungkook is letting you use his pride and joy, last night must have been good, it's the red Ferrari,have fun."
"Oh I will!"
Jimin rushed out eager to get away, he got in laughing to himself then drove off quickly.
Jungkook had taken a long shower, by depriving Jimin he'd also deprived himself so had to put that matter to rights, as he'd stroked himself he had images of Jimin sucking his dick in his head and had swiftly reached his climax.
He'd washed dried and dressed, not surprised to see the bedroom empty, Jimin must have sulked and gone downstairs..., well, he had to learn who the boss was around here.
He walked downstairs going into the dining room to see Tae and Suga seated together feeding each other and Jin, Hobi and Namjoon looking on in amusement.
"Where's Jimin isn't he hungry?"
"Oh he's on that errand, remember? " Jin said using his eyes to indicate Tae.
"What errand?"
"Duh, you let him use your prize possession and you forget why?"
"Jin what are you talking about?" Jungkook asked in confusion .
Jin stared then covered his mouth," oh no!"
"Well he had your car keys ...,he said you'd let him use it..."
"Jimins driving my fucking Ferrari?!?!?"Jungkook shouted.
He mind linked to Jimin.
"Bring my car back now Jimin!"
Nothing came back..., Jimin had blanked him!
"I'm sure he's just taken it for a little ride he will be back soon....," Jin said trying to cool Jungkooks anger.
"Erm guys........."
Everyone turned to Tae who seemed nervous....
"Jimin hasnt, well he never, what I mean is..., he's never taken a driving test...he can drive....sort of,he'd steal dads car but kept banging them" he gave a worried look to Suga,
"He can't drive and he took my Ferrari, I'll bloody kill him!!"
"If he doesn't kill himself first," Tae said worriedly.
Jungkook felt an overwhelming feeling of worry constrict his chest at the thought of Jimin being hurt.
"Namjoon get the message out if anyone sees him to contact us,"
Namjoon rushed off, Jin went to Jungkook bowing,
"I'm sorry Kook, I thought he was telling the truth he was so convincing, it's my fault."
"No Jin, I'm sure he told the tale well, he's a little devil despite looking angelic ."
"Alpha I'm sorry, Jimin does rash things without thinking them through, usually when he has something on his mind."
"I can see your worried Tae, we will get him back safely, Suga why don't you show Tae around your domain?"
"Sure come on Tae, let me show you how a genius works..."
They went off,
"shit, what is he up to, it's like he tries to make people deliberately get annoyed with him!"
"You want me to go out looking?" Hobi asked.
"No wait til we get some news we could be looking anywhere."
Namjoon came running back in,
"Cameras caught the car going through a red light just outside town,police thought it was you so they didn't intercept, he was travelling fast."
"Inform them if he's seen again to intercept him, I'm taking the jeep I'll try to follow."
The others nodded as he rushed off, driving away from the house Jungkook tried to link to Jimin again this time succeeding,
"Jimin stop right now!"
"I can't hear you........"
"I said fucking stop!!"
"Ewwwww potty mouth...." The connection went and Jungkook growled in frustration.
Jimin put his foot down, he loved the feeling of freedom, he had gone a long way and there was a sudden bend in the road he misjudged the car skidded and smacked into the barrier, the airbag going off and Jimin semi conscious .
He came too about to open the door when the car rocked, looking out dazedly he realised it was balanced on the very edge of the road a large drop in front of him.
Fear like never before took over him, he whimpered.
"Jimin, Jimn what is it, why are you scared?" Jungkooks voice came through.
Jimin could hear people in the road shouting not to move.
"I'm gonna die," he whispered
"Jimin...where are you?"
"I don't know.... The road out of town on a bend,"
"I'm coming...!"
"It might be too late...looks like you will get another mate...., maybe it's for the best, one like me who can't give you a family...., I'm sorry about your car,Tae always said I'd kill myself....." the car slipped slightly,"I'm scared Kookie...., " he whimpered.
"Now listen to are not going to die you hear me, I'm nearly there...."
"Did I ever tell you I don't like heights? Rather fitting for me to drop from here...., tell Tae I'm sorry."
"Jimin I'm here, hold on.."
Jimin gave a weak laugh..." to what?"
Jungkook looked at the sight before him.A crowd was gathered a little way back from the edge.he saw the Ferrari jolt forward a little more, any more and it would drop out of sight.
He looked at the crowd,
"Back away I need to get the jeep nearer!"
They did as he said and he drove nearer. He unhooked the tow line.
"Jimin I'm going to hook the hero tow line to the rear bumper and pull you back..."
"No,no ! The jeep will be pulled forward by the weight of the car both of us will go over!"
Jungkook saw he was right,worriedly he saw the ground crumbling.
"Jimin carefully undo your seatbelt I'm going to hook the line around myself and climb next to you, you need to carefully slide up and grab my hand ok?"
"Don't you could fall..., I don't know if I can do it I'm scared !"
Jungkook deliberately used his alpha tone.
"You will do it Jimin, I'm gonna start coming down get ready."
He motioned for a man to sit in the jeep and control the tow wire. Wrapping it around himself he started down next to the leaning car.
"Ok Jimin now reach over,"
Jimin held out a shaky arm trying to slide up further,as he moved so did the if in slow motion Jungkook leaped towards Jimin as the car tipped down, just grabbing the screaming omegas arm wrenching it from its socket and holding on tight as the car disappeared below crashing and bursting into flames. Jimin moaned in pain as both were pulled up.
As they got to the top both lay flat on the ground until Jungkook turned with pent up stress yelling at the other.
"Why? Why do such stupid things,eh? You could have killed someone on the road but that never crossed your mind did it? It's all about you and what you want who you can get back at, do you know how worried Tae and everyone else has been , of course not because Park Jimin is better than everyone isn't he, no family no friends that want him just an attitude that stinks,so your dad threatened you now and then so what from what I see you probably deserved everything you got!"
Jimin was pale from pain but the words cut deep into him.
He was right he could have caused a tragic accident, he was selfish, it wouldn't have been a great loss if he'd died, Tae and his grandpa would have got over it....
Sirens were heard and a police car and ambulance turned up.
Jimin was led to the ambulance and was told they would need to get his shoulder fixed at the hospital.
Jungkook stood by the broken barrier explaining to police that a tire had blown out that's why it careered off the road, luckily the police took his word for it.
"Do you have someone to go with you?" The ambulance man said.
"No nobody that would want to go," he said quietly before passing out from the pain.
The ambulance rushed off, Jungkook looked after it startled.
"The driver has to get his shoulder fixed he passed out." The other officer said.
"Is that all officer?"
"We will get the wreckage cleared Alpha ,"
"Thank you...,"
"Such a shame lovely car..."
"You can replace a car but not a life, now if you'll excuse me..."
He got into the jeep and drove after the ambulance already regretting his harsh words but he'd been in shock , he'd only just caught Jimin...
He mind linked to Namjoon explaining what had happened and telling him to tell Tae Jimin would be ok.
He tried mind linking to Jimin but there was nothing, was he unconcious or blocking him.
He parked up at the hospital and found out where Jimn was. Walking towards the area he heard a doctor say." Mr Park we need to give you a sedative before we put it back in place,"
"No sedative just do it.."
"But the pain..."
"I deserve it...."
"Ok then,one two three.."
Jungkook got there just to see Jimin go as white as a sheet then pass out.
"Alpha...,you know him?"
"He's my mate, treat him accordingly and give him pain killers never mind what he says..."
He looked at Jimn his closed eyes looked like half moons on his pale skin, a bruise was in his cheek and he could see seat belt marks on his bare chest. The medical staff fitted a sling while Jimin was out cold. They left the two of them in a cubicle after injecting a pain killer.
Jungkook sat in the bed holding Jimins other hand.
"You silly fool what is making you so foolhardy?"
He sighed then sat in a chair waiting for Jimin to come round.

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