A white wolfs magic

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"Help me up Tae" Jimin whined.
Tae laughed pulling his brother up.
"I told you not to sit in the kids chair,"
"I look like a hippo.."
"No you look cute and....round."
"Huh, I waddle like a duck it's exhausting,"
"You sure it's only one?"
"Well I missed the scan, don't tell Jungkook, I promised the kids we would put on a play from the storybook we had read, they enjoyed doing it so much, it's not like anything's wrong I'm well the pups well,"
"Jungkook would be mad if he knew you'd missed an appointment,"
"That's why I didn't tell him, I've made one for next week."
"Hmmm, you better keep it..."
"I will, I wanna ask why I got so huge suddenly."
His phone rang.
"Hi Kookie....what?oh lines bad...,what..."
He clicked the phone off.
"Shit....,he's mad, he saw the doc in the coffee shop near work, obviously got told about the missed appointment, give me the car keys.."
"Oh no you don't , you may have passed your test now but your too big to get behind the wheel."
"I could always fake feeling ill, what do you think?"
"I think you should man up, now let's get home you've been on your feet long enough."
As they drive Jimin wondered if he could sweet talk Jungkook round. His head started aching, god it's not like Kookie would be horrid man up Jimin.
They got home and walked in to find an annoyed looking Jungkook talking to Hobi.
"Well? Any reason you didn't mention the appointment?"
Jimin winced as pain shot through his head.
"Nooo, I had another appointment,"
"More important than the doctors?"
"Important to the kids..I... ow! My head..."
"Jimin we said no faking!" Tae murmured
"Tae I'm,..ouch....I don't feel so good"
He swayed reaching out, hearing concerned voices as he blacked out.
Jungkook paced back and forth, everyone else waiting too. Jimin had been rushed into hospital, the doctor had said Jimin had some abruption meaning the baby would need to be delivered but Jimin was also losing blood.
"You save him doctor whatever it takes, Jimin before the baby..."
The doctor came out of the operating room his scrubs covered in blood.
"Alpha Jeon.."
"Jimin...how is he?"
"Well, it was touch and go, things got scary there, his insides were damaged from his youth and he caught us by surprise."
At that moment the doors opened again and nurse pushed two cribs out.
"Meet your twins alpha,two boys,"
"T-twins...? I'm a daddy..., I've got twins!!"
His friends gathered around admiring the gorgeous babies, one sneezed surprising everyone by transforming into a pup with fine white hair, before he changed back.
"Oh my goodness, what a surprise !" The doctor said.
"My clever son," Jungkook said.
"Er Alpha one more thing....., your mate....well we did what we could but....well he can't have anymore babies there was too much damage..."
Jungkook held back tears then looked at the sobs he had.
"As long as Jimin lives it doesn't matter, when can I see him?"
"He will be taken to a room shortly, he needs rest and time to recuperate .you can go there once they have settled him in."
Jungkook nodded walking with the nurses as they pushed the cribs to the nursery, his friends walking behind.
They all gazed through the window at the babies.
"Your sons  are handsome, but the white baby wolf has your nose Jungkook," Namjoon said
"Yes and his twin has Jimins cheeks," Jin said.
A nurse called Jungkook.
"Your mate us in his room follow me,"
"We will go Jungkook congratulations to you both, give Jimin our love we will come back in the morning." Suga said.
"Tell him I'm a proud uncle.." Tae said tearfully.
"I will Tae and don't worry he will be fine..."
He went to the room Jimin was in seeing beeping monitors and a blood transfusion drip.
Jimin looked very pale and small in the bed.
"He will probably sleep for a while sir,"
"Ok, I'm staying here tonight,"
"Of course I've put a blanket and pillow on the sofa."
The nurse left the room and Zjungkook went to his mate leaning down to kiss him.
"Don't you dare scare me like that again.. you can't leave me you hear, I'd be lost without you..."
He held Jimins hand as he sat next to the bed,Jimin didn't stir.
He was brought a hot drink and a sandwich which he gulped down wearily. Still Jimin didn't stir. Eventually it was midnight so he lay on the sofa and drifted to sleep.
At about two thirty he was awoken by a whimper and he shot up going to the bed. Jimin turned a tearful face to him," Kookie, my baby where's my baby why does my tummy hurt..."
"Hey, hey calm down , everything's fine, you gave us a scare..."
"My baby is my baby ok?"
"We have twins Jimin, twin boys..."
"Twins! Two!! Oh my god,where are they, of why does my tummy hurt so much?"
Jungkook explained what had happened, Jimin when told he could have no more children accepted his fate.
"I have two children I never thought I would have so I shouldn't be greedy, it was magical to be able to become pregnant, I cannot blame fate for denying me more, it was meant to be...can I see them Kookie?"
Jungkook rang for the nurse who checked Jimin over then said they would bring the babies in.
Once they were brought in one of them cried.
"He's hungry would you like to try and feed him?" The nurse asked.
Jimin nodded, Jungkook helped him sit up the n placed a pillow on his lap,the nurse placed the baby there.
"Open your shirt and placed him near he should latch on,"
Jungkook helped Jimin and gazed in awe as his son suckled.
The nurse left them too it.
"Is it pervy that I find it quite arousing watching him suck your juicy nipples?"
"What ! You know I love sucking your nipples,"
The baby slowed down Jimin saw he was dozing again, can you put him in his crib?"
Jungkook carefully carried him and placed him in his crib just as his brother woke wanting food.
Jimin did the same again.
"Ouch! You're just like your father a hard sucker!"
Soon both babies lay asleep in cribs and Jimin removed the pillow from his lap and started buttoning his top .
Jungkook came over bending down and licking the milk droplets that oozed from Jimins nipples.
"Oooooh!" Jimin moaned in arousal
"You taste so good,"
A knock on the door made Jungkook step back as two nurses came in.
"We will take them back to the nursery now,"
"Ok, I fed them both..."
"Good,good now rest,"
They left after giving Jimin a painkiller injection.
Jungkook helped Jimin lay down.
"Now sleep, you need the rest, I'll be right over there,"
"Kookie.....lay with me...."
"I don't want to hurt you...."
"But I'll sleep better cuddling you....."
Jungkook gave in, helping Jimin to turn onto his side leaning on him until he settled comfortably . He switched the light out and there was sikence until...
"I just realised..., I've never told you how much I love you, I always took it for granted that you knew, but if today has taught me anything it's not to take things for granted so..., Jeon Jungkook, my mate, my Alpha, I adore you, I love you to the moon and back and more, I will always love you, so your stuck with me"
"Baby, I'm glad you told me, I've always wanted to hear it... I love you so much, I will try to be the best mate and the best father to you all."
They kissed each other leisurely, knowing there would be time for passion another day.., but for today they felt complete ...in love, with a new family and a long life ahead of them.....
The End

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