The reality

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"So...Geeman was it, how long have you two known each other?" Lisa asked
"It's Jimin and not long at all,"
"Well you know Jungkook usually takes his time to get to know people...., he may change his mind,"
"Lisa!!" Her father admonished .
"I'm just saying dad..., I mean before Jungkook marks him who knows what could happen...."
"You mean like this?" Jimin pulled his collar down showing his mark.
Lisa spluttered," you..., you've already marked him, after such a short time?"
"First day.." Jimin threw back at her...., this girl was getting on his nerves.
Lisa glared at him..., she was very spoilt and not used to not getting her way.
"Jimin I see you are injured how did you do it?" Her father asked.2
Jimin looked down then," a car accident sir,"
"Oooh, Jungkook can you take me for a drive in your Ferrari !" Lisa gushed
"No he can't ," Jimin said
"I didn't ask you!"
"I crashed it,"
"Oh my god, Jungkook your beautiful car and he ruined it!"
"But he's alive and safe which is better than a car,"
"But your dad gave it to you when you took over as alpha!"
A fork clattered onto the plate turning everyone's heads Jimins way.
"Sorry....erm excuse me will you I have to lie down..."
Jimin hurried out feeling guilt weigh heavy on his heart.Jungkook hadn't said his father had gifted was something he could never replace even if he had the money. He felt depression settle over him , he went into the bedroom curling up in the bed guilt making him nauseous. Why had he become like this,a selfish uncontrollable person gleefully hurting anyone? Was his father right? Was he a curse.....he closed his eyes in pain.
"Jimin what's the matter, I can feel your discomfort is your shoulder hurting should I bring some medication?" Jungkooks mindlink locked into Jimin.
"No ....thank you..., I'm fine I just.....I need to sleep you stay with your guests I'll be down later."
"Ok rest up"
The link cut and Jimin gulped down a sob. He closed his eyes when he heard a knock on the door and his brothers voice," Jimin are you awake, Jungkook sent me to check on you?"
The door opened slightly..., he kept his eyes closed and his breathing even.
The door closed again his brother leaving.
Before long Jimin did fall asleep missing the continuation of Lisa pushing herself onto Jungkook.
"Your mate seems fragile..."
"I assure you he's not....."
"Did you get him pregnant that's why you mated?"
The room became silent, Tae who had come back and assured Jungkook that Jimin was asleep, spoke out.
"Miss why can't you accept that my brother and the alpha are mated, your conversation is not very polite"
Lisa huffed.
"I'm concerned , we have known Jungkook for a long time...this is uncharacteristic of him ."
"Nothing beats the mating bond."
"Your just saying that because he's your brother! How would you know?"
"Because my fated mate is here," Tae said shyly looking at Suga.
"You accept me then?" Suga asked and Tae nodded.
"Excuse us we want to be alone ..," Suga said grabbing Tae's hand and pulling him out.
"Well, really that's rude," Lisa grumbled.
"Er I think Lisa and I will be leaving Jungkook, it's been lovely to see you."
"But dad!"
"Lisa stop right now, I love you but your becoming a whining kid now up, let's leave these people be,"
Lisa followed her father out, jungkook shook his hand and said goodbye ignoring Lisa.
Turning back he went to the others.
"God that girls a pain in the ass"
"I agree with you Joonie,a total bitchface "
"I'm going to Jimin," Jungkook said feeling angst for some reason.
He went upstairs quietly going into the room. Crossing to the bed he saw Jimin was fast asleep but traces of tears were on his face. This made Jungkook feel pain in his chest and he gently bent to kiss the others lips needing a connection.
Jimin mumbled in his sleep.
"I'm sorry,sorry...."
He turned onto his bad shoulder groaning before turning back and settling.
Jungkook sighed, his mate was complex and needed careful handling, he thought of how they had been in that moment of mating, fully in tune, needing each other..., he couldn't wait to make live in their human form to see his mates face beneath him as he came,to see him looking wrecked after a long make out session.
His body reacted to the thought and he sighed.
"Not yet...bide your time" he told himself,adjusting himself.
He lay next to Jimin needing his closeness ,before long he had fallen asleep too.
Jimin awoke with a start from a bad dream where he was still in the car and it was falling.
He gulped when he realised he was safe. Looking to his side he saw his mate fast asleep. He stared at the handsome alpha,if things had been normal he would have been overjoyed to have such a mate, but he felt like he was definitely doing the other a disservice by not being fully functionable as it were.
His stomach rumbled he hadn't eaten much of the food earlier. He slipped quietly from the bed and left the room.
He went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge and found some cold meat which after a lot of effort he made himself a sandwich.
Jin walked in.
"Oh Jimin, are you hungry I can make you something?"
"It's ok I have this sandwich.....I owe you an apology for earlier.....,lying to you."
"Mmmm, I can't say I'm happy about it but what is done, is done."
Jimin asked where the glasses were he wanted some milk.
"I'll do it , you should be resting that arm."
Jimin thanked him then looked at him..
"Your not happy that I'm his mate are you?"
"Jimin it's his choice and yours not mine or anyone else's ."
"But I'm no good he deserves a family to continue the line."
He saw Jin nearly nod, but he stopped himself.
Jimin nodded sadly, " it's ok you don't have to say it, I've always known that I'm not good for anyone, that's why I played up so people would feel justified in hating me....."
Jin felt deep sorrow for the others fate in life, how lonely must he have felt.
"I'm going for a walk, just down the road ok, I saw a play area with seats."
"You sure?"
"Yes...I promise."
Jin nodded satisfied and watched the other go.
Jimin walked slowly , he needed to get a job, he shouldn't just bum a living off Jungkook. What should he do?
He came to the play area and sat on a bench watching and listening to the laughter of the children.
"Jisoo come down right now!"
Jimins head turned at the panic in a mothers voice. He saw a little girl clambering up a wall that was fairly high. Her pregnant mother unable to get her. He walked over.
"Hello what are you doing up there?"
"I'm a princess and this is my castle!"
"Well your mother must be the queen and she is worried her princess might fall and hurt herself."
"Like you?"
"Mmmmhhhmm...,I did something silly and didn't listen and I hurt myself."
"Does it hurt?"
"It don't want to get hurt do you?"
"N...oooo,did your daddy or mummy get sad when you hurt yourself ?"
As if thought Jimin, instead he said," my...king got worried"
"Mumma are you worried?"
"Jisoo Mumma doesn't want you to get hurt the wall is high."
"Mumma.....I can't get down ....,I'm scared."
Jimin saw the mother was worried and knew he had to help.
About to take off his sling and try and climb up he was stopped by two strong hands.
"Alpha Jeon!!"the little girl screamed out happily
"Jisoo, your trying to make your Luna come and get you when he's injured?"
"Our Luna!!! Are you his king?"
"Of course I am now stay still while I rescue you," he leapt up sure footed my walking to the girl.
"Hop on my back,"
Jisoo climbed on his back and he climbed down handing her to her mother.
"Thank you Alpha and Luna ..."
"Jisoo no more climbing ok?"
"Yes alpha,bye....!"
She waved to the two before going off with her mother.
"Please tell me you wouldn't really have tried to climb with a damaged arm?"
"She needed to get down, of course I would have."
"Why are you so set on damaging yourself?"
Jimin hung his head," probably because I don't like myself much...." He said honestly .
Jungkook sighed then curling his hand in Jimins good one led them away from the park towards home.
"I have to go into work tomorrow what will you do with yourself."
"Find a job ..."
"You don't have to work I am rich you know."
"I need to work....."
"What are you good at?"
"Not much,I only worked here and there, coffee shops, office admin, the library ."
"Library? I can't see you fitting in there, it's usually quiet."
"Which is why I liked it, I didn't have to talk to others much and I could read to my hearts content and nobody tried hitting on me."
"Why do you get hit on a lot?" Jungkook asked possesively.
"Sometimes......, dads pervy friends, he blamed me of course said I led them on that I was a slut."
"The more I hear of him the more I hate." Jungkook growled.
They were near the house,Jimin turned to the other,
"If you decide you can't put up with me now or later.....that you want kids then I will understand.I will not deny you your freedom, but until then I will try and not cause you trouble ,"
"Let's see how we get on then,tomorrow Namjoon can drive us into town. You come back to my workplace after looking around to see what jobs are going ok?"
Jimin nodded then both went inside.
"Oh your both back want some coffee?" Jin asked.
"Yes please......but where's Tae?"
"Tae is Erm ....."
"Tae and Suga are mates and probably getting to know each other as we speak," Jungkook said.
"Mates?....ok, I'm glad he has someone he will be ok now...."
"Ok? Did your parents hurt him too?"
"No they wanted him.....he just worried about me too much now he has someone better."
He followed Jin to the kitchen his alpha watching him wanting to fill him with love to take away the melancholy air that surrounded the other.
Frowning he followed the others, watching as Jimin winced as if in pain before smiling at Jin and assuring him he was ok.

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