Happiness can be fleeting

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Jimin was smiling as he left work he was walking to Jungkooks workplace it was a habit , each day after Jimin finished he waited downstairs and went home with Jungkook.
Two weeks had passed and Jimin was getting his sassiness back. He didn't let Jungkook get away with much teasing him to the point the alpha grabbed him and made him his, which after all was Jimins end game.
Today Jimin had taken the children to the new outside seating area and read to them. The children seemed to like him and he liked them a lot , he had been asked if he could increase his days to five a week and he felt happy and needed.
He was unaware of angry eyes watching him as he walked and was surprised when someone swung him around.
"You happy you've ruined my life?"
Jimin looked then sighed," hello Lisa,"
"Don't hello me, when are you going to stop this farce?"
"What farce are you on about?"
"You being with Jungkook, a strong Alpha who deserves his pups not some barren omega ."
Jimin went pale," w-what do you mean?"
"I met your parents...boy do they hate you...., they told me about your problem....I'm sure the pack will agree with me that a barren omega is not right for their Alpha."
"It's between Jungkook and I,"
"Not if I call a pack meeting, you realise Jungkook could be replaced, seen as a weak Alpha for accepting you, you really want him to lose his place?"
"That won't happen it won't do you any good."
"You think? Jungkook will despise you if he's deposed it's been his whole life, I of course would be the willing shoulder to cry on, he will make me his and we will fight to claim back his position."
"Your totally mad."
"Ask Jin and Namjoon if you don't believe me,"
""Your an awful person...."
"Me no.... I'll give you two days to remove yourself or make him renounce you, otherwise I'll call a pack meeting."
The girl sauntered off, Jimin gnawed on his bottom lip this was a big problem if it was true, he hurried home instead of going to Jungkook.
"Hey Jimin your back..., I thought you would be with Jungkook."Jin said
"Oh er I was thinking about something and came home instead of going there."
"Oh yer something important?"
"A er book had a story about how an alpha was demoted because he refused to have kids....."
"They write that stuff?"
"Silly eh...."
"Mmm, well they can be I suppose but it would have to be done through a pack meeting and someone would have to call it,old laws in place but never used."
"Oh right...so someone could do that to Jungkook and me?"
"Well it could possibly happen but nobody would do it they love Jungkook and you of course., don't worry over it Jimin..."
"Oh of course not, Erm can you text Koookie to tell him I'm home not to wait for me, I need to shower."
Jimin went upstairs and got in the shower deeply worried, he couldn't let her take Jungkooks position away...., he was fretting when the bathroom door suddenly opened .
"Jimin what's wrong I can feel your stress?"
Jimin gasped in surprise then realised he needed to put on a good act.
"Let me dry myself,"
He stepped from the shower aware of Jungkooks hungry eyes on him.
Deliberately bending over to dry his legs he heard a low growl then he was pulled back against the others chest.
"Your so beautiful, you fill me with need every time I see you...but tell me what's wrong?"
"Hmmm, oh I've been offered an extra days work but what if the kids get fed up with me?"
"That's what's bothering you?"
"Yes of course," he lied, freeing his mind.
"The kids love you....but you don't have to work so hard....., it's your decision."
Jungkook went to hold him but he pulled away, his alpha frowned.
"What's wrong now?"
"Nothing...,it's just well, I don't feel like being touched.." again he lied adding," it gets a bit much sometimes."
Jungkook frowned in displeasure, then abruptly left the room. Jimin sat on the bed sighing, he'd found it so easy to be nasty to people before but now....... He needed Jungkook to dislike him so he was going to need to do something drastic.
Everyone was eating their supper chatting, Jimin noticeably quiet.
"You Jimin?" Tae asked kindly.
Here goes Jimin thought, he put a look of boredom on his face.
"Why is everyone up in my business are your lives so boring you have to live through mine?"
Tae looked shocked then tearful, Suga hugged him while glaring at Jimin.
"He's your brother be kinder..."
"Go fuck yourself...,oh no it's him your doing that too right? About time you mated or are you playing him? I see no mark?" He said sarcastically .
"Jimin!!" Jungkook said loudly.
"Why are you behaving like this?"
"Eugh! God don't you realise,I'm fed up with this happy families, it's suffocating, I always thought I wanted a proper home, but it's driving me nuts, all of you are....., this whole pack thing and doing everything so boringly normal is driving me insane,"
"That's enough Jimin, everyone here has done everything they can to make you feel welcome, I thought you liked it here,"
"You can think what you like, I've had it I can't breathe hear I feel like I'm chained I don't want to be here."
"Don't be silly, we are mated,"
"Well I don't want to be your mate, tied to you like a pet, I want to be with whomever I want not just you!"
A gasp went around the table,Jungkook stood up his hands showing white knuckles as he leaned on the table glaring at Jimin.
"Have you found someone else?"
Jimin put a sly smile on his face.
"Now then, that would be telling...."
"You wouldn't fucking dare!"
"Oh really?"
Jungkook tried searching Jimins mind but was stalled.
"Tell me the truth ,"he growled." Have you found someone you want to be with?"
That was an easy one for Jimin and he let his mind become open,
"Yes I have,"
Jungkook sensed Jimins truthfulness.
"In front of all those present I renounce you as my mate...."
Jimin hissed in pain as his mark stung then vanished, he saw Jungkooks had gone too.
The others stared in consternation at the two glaring males.
"Well thanks for that, now I'm free I'll go,just take my bag....." he got up biting his lip inside but giving a swaggering look as he went out then upstairs throwing clothes into a bag then coming down and going out slamming the door .
He ran as fast as he could sobbing at what he had lost but grateful for the short time he'd been happy.
He caught a bus buying a ticket for the furthest place he knew Jungkook couldn't link to him anymore and he was glad because he wouldn't have hide the painful sorrow he felt deep inside.
He text the head of the library saying unforeseen circumstances had kept him away and he was sorry to let them down then he stared out the window seeing nothing his eyes shimmering with tears.
The dining room was quiet, Tae stood up,
"I apologise for my brother, I understand my being here will be a painful reminder so I will leave in the morning."
"It's ok Tae, you don't have to leave, Suga would never forgive me...., let's just draw a line under tonight, I made a wrong choice obviously we were not meant to be...."
"Jungkook somethings wrong, I know it is....." Jin said
"Jin I know you want everyone to be happy but....well , excuse me all of you I'm going to my room."
He went out leaving the others staring after him.
"I can feel it Namjoon it's not right...."
"Let it be babe, the alpha is hurting,"
Jungkook lay on his bed, tears ran down his face, his mate hadn't wanted him... he felt bereft letting out a loud howl that could be heard even through the soundproof room, a howl that bought tears to the eyes of the other house residents.

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