A white wolf

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They were all sat around a table eating when someone walked in.
"What's with the yelling, who woke me up," a man said suddenly stopping and looking around his glance catching Tae's who seemed to go red and look down, "who's this?"he asked.
"This is Tae Suga and his brother Jimin...,Jungkooks mate" Hobi said.
"Tae...," he murmured then" what the fuck ...mate??"
His head turned to Jungkook then Jimin who gave a cute giggle,
"Finally someone else who swears!"
Suga couldn't help the smile that came to his face,
"I presume you get told off a lot?"
"Yer..., but damn it some words express how you feel better than others don't they?"
Suga gave a chuckle making his friends stare, you didn't often get a smile from Suga.
"I see he's marked you already? I've only been asleep a few hours seems a lots happened!"
"Nah, I marked him, not one of my best ideas," Jimin sighed, making Jungkook choke on his food and Namjoon snort with laughter.
"Can I sit next to you....Tae?"
Tae nodded eagerly making Jimin give him a piercing stare.
"Tae you ok?"
"Fine, great, wonderful..." Tae gabbled.
"So tell us about yourselves," Jin said.
"Not much to say, we come from a dysfunctional family, our parents are assholes, our sister is married and happier than she ever was at home, we have the best grandpa but we don't see a lot of him because we move around a lot and dad hates his father."
"Jimin...!" Tae groaned in embarrassment.
"What,it's the truth."
"Your grandfather is a good man, he has done so much for the wolf community, he must have plenty of stories to tell." Jungkook said.
"He always tells Jimin he's special but when we ask why he says we will find out in time." Tae said with a smile.
"He always stood up for me...." Jimin murmured.
"Jimin is a white wolf," Jungkook announced.
Gasps came from his friends and Jimin immediately went on the defensive.
"For fucks sake not you lot too, I can't help being white but I don't care that I am , if others care it's their problem not mine!" He said angrily. Tae stood and came to his side ready to defend him.
"Why are you angry?" Namjoon asked," it's rare but looked forward too.."
"The white wolf is a figure of good fortune, they are fated to be a Luna or alpha that will bring many pups to the pack, when a white wolf comes they are destined to lead..."
"But..," Tae started then stopped looking at Jimin.
"He knew, that bastard knew and was worried I'd replace him...,that's why he treated me like shit and did what he did....., but why didn't grandpa say....?" Jimin whispered.
"Jimin..., grandpa has never seen you change..., he was away when you were born and it happened..., dad used to just say you were a cursed child."
Jimin looked at his brother tears in his eyes....,
"Will grandpa hate me when he finds that the one he thought was special is nothing? And if he's never seen me change why would he think I'm special?"
"A white wolf has flashing blue eyes when their emotions are involved, I saw it today, I expect your grandfather has seen it too," Jungkook said.
Jimin and Tae looked at each other , Tae's eyes holding sadness at Jimins misfortune their father had caused.
Shrugging his shoulders he put a poker face on and said,
"Well sorry to disappoint but I'm not the chosen one so don't expect much from me..."
Jungkook could sense a deep sadness in his mate and mind linked .
"Jimin is everything ok,"
Instead of answering Jimin turned to Jin and asked,
"This mindlink thing can you shut it off"
Jin laughed," is he saying naughty things to you?"
"No I just don't want him in my fucking head, it's bad enough to see him let alone hear him!"
"Jimin that was rude," Tae said.
"It's ok Tae, I realise your brother uses brashness to hide behind,"
"Who's fucking hiding jerk? Eugh! I've seen enough I'm going to bed....where's the room?"
"Let me show you," Jn offered trying to calm the small male down.
They walked out and up the stairs.
"In answer to your question, yes you can, but it worries your mate, so with Joonie I do it occasionally when he pesters me to make his favourite desert..., you just clear your mind and imagine a brick wall nothing can penetrate, your mate included..., here we are."
Jimin was led into a massive room with a king size bed and a sofa by the window.
"Bathroom through there, chill out get some sleep, goodnight ."
Jimin stared around the room, he decided he would sleep on the sofa, he found a cover and pillow.
He ran a bath luxuriating in the bubbles then got out and dried off putting some cute pyjamas on. He lay on the sofa, sure he would find it hard to sleep but the stress of the day soon took its toll and he fell asleep hugging the pillow.
Tae was apologetic to the alpha.
"Please excuse Jimin..., he's had a lot to deal with so he puts up a front but he's the kindest sweetest person really."
"You chose him over your parents it's obvious you care."
"Yes alpha,"
"Call me Jungkook, we are now related!"
"Did you want a mate?"
"Yes of course,mate, kids..., all of it is natural isn't it?"
"Yes..." Tae whispered worried now for Jimin," if you'll excuse me I'm tired too, goodnight ,"
He left as Jin came back in.
"Suga what's up you look dumbstruck"
"Isn't he cute and that  way he has of talking Ah my heart...!"
"Why are you talking about my mate like that?" Jungkook snarled.
"What? He's my mate...Tae....,isn't his name lovely?"
"Tae is your mate?"
"Hmmm, did you see how shy he was when he realised?"
"Not like his brother then!" Namjoon stated laughingly
"I shall court him.."
"That's it! I'm single here remember?" Hobi shouted.
"Sorry Hobi...," they all said.
"Right I'm clearing the table,"
"I'll help you.., we want some dishes left so Namjoon keep out of the kitchen ," Hobi said.
Jungkook thought about his mate upstairs, would he be as amorous as earlier? He stood up,
"Well guys I'm turning in, have to contact the pack tomorrow tell them the good news, maybe Jimin's grandpa too,so goodnight ."
He rushed out and up the stairs opening his door to an unexpected sight.
Jimin was sound asleep in the sofa hugging a pillow, he sighed and knelt down beside him,
"What are you hiding in that head of yours?"
He stood up going to the bathroom and. Showering . Coming out naked he flipped the bedcovèr back then went and picked Jimin up easily placing him in the bed and sliding in next to him, spooning him and nuzzling his neck.
Jimin suddenly turned in his sleep and sprawled over Jungkook, he  couldn't control himself in his sleep so wasn't aware of the others hands squeezing his ass and brushing his hair off his face.
"Sleep well my baby let's see what tomorrow brings ," he switched off the bedside lamp and held his mate as he drifted off

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