Once the party is over....

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The meal was great,Jin outdid himself. And Jimin found himself enjoying talking to the guests seated around him.
He couldn't help looking up to find Jungkooks eyes on him staring at him hungrily,Jimin blushed turning hurriedly to the person on his left and chatting missing Jungkooks smirk.
"So Luna....,you are obviously good with kids I expect we will see some from you and the Alpha soon?"
Jimins fork clattered noisily on his plate.
"I um er call me Jimin and kids well...."
"Jimin and I are in no rush we want to get to know each other," Jungkook said.
Jimin looked down at his plate glad when it was collected and dessert brought out.
Jin squeezed his neck in comfort when he served him his.
"Jimin is a great help in the kitchen too..."
Jimin smiled gratefully at the other.
"I think what Jin means is he only wants me in there when he is so I don't burn the place down..." Jimin said laughingly.
"So Alpha besides the library what should we focus on ?"
Jungkook turned to the person who spoke, "maybe an outside area in the library grounds for Jimin and the kids to read in the sun, there's enough room there, it just needs cleaning up."
Everyone else nodded, others spoke about setting a service up to visit the elderly of the pack renovate their homes if they were unable to.
"Great idea, anything else anyone?"
Jimin stuck his hand up, then quickly pulled it down .
"Jimin you have an idea?"
"I wondered , if a weekly class could be set up for those that wanted to learn basic computer skills?  You have the older generation who weren't brought up on them but everything nowadays is geared to technology and the return to work mums who have lost their basic skills or need a catch-up to help get a better back to work job, there's an empty building near the library so I thought....  never mind ....it was just an idea....."
"Jimin that's a fantastic idea my parents get so annoyed by not knowing how to use a computer as do others of the older generation. It would give them access to more of the world," one of them visitors said.
"Yes and helping anyone back into the work sector would benefit the person and their family, they could help their children with homework, resourcing and earn money." One of the mothers agreed smiling at Jimin.
"I can teach the tech...." Tae said.
"I'll help..." Suga chimed in getting a hug from Tae.
"I'll look into the building and get it set up..., good idea Jimin."
Jimin basked in his alphas approval giving one of his rare beautiful smiles making a few of the guests gasp at his stunning beauty.
Jungkook really wanted everyone to leave his trousers were getting uncomfortably tight from need.
He gestured to Jin who nodded.
"Ladies and gentleman if we go next door I will serve the coffee"
Everyone moved to the other room, Jimin waited for them to go through about to follow when two arms wrapped around him.
"Good idea you had."
"Er ok, but we better follow ,"
"Two minutes let me hold you."
He pulled Jimin back close to him letting him feel his arousal as he ground his crotch against Jimins ass, nuzzling into Jimins neck where his mark was.
"Kookie stop it, our visitors are still here!"
"Kookie,hmmm? Ok you win just for now but once they're gone......."
He let Jimin go and quickly adjusted himself before they walked into the room.
Nearly an hour later and everyone was gone. Jimin started collecting the coffee cups to take to the kitchen.
"I'll do it Jimin...."
""You did a lot already Jin, I should be more helpful," Jimin had hold of the tray when it was suddenly whisked from his hands and placed in Hobi's ,
"Hobi help Jin , Jimin has another job to take care off,"
Jimin was picked up and slung over Jungkooks shoulder , all Jimin could hear was laughter as they headed from the room.
"Stop it put me down, what will they think!"
"That your horny alpha has waited long enough tonight to fuck you senseless!"
"B-but they might hear!"
"Not from my room it's soundproof you can scream my name out as much as you want!"
Jungkook got to their room locking the door and then like the predator he was he threw Jimin on the bed hovering over him.
"You look good in this but I'm sure your better naked..."
He let a claw come out slitting Jimins shirt open hurriedly,before his claw retracted and he caressed the smaller males nipples pinching them to tight buds.
"Ah!" Jimin moaned at the pleasure pain .
His small hands scrambled to undo Jungkooks trousers allowing his large member to poke free.he pushed Jungkook back and clambered over him until his mouth was level with the pre cup dripping member.
Looking up at Jungkook in a sultry manner he placed his mouth over the tip then took him in deeply.
"Fuck!!!" Jungkook growled as he thrust into Jimins throat past his gag reflex and to the back of his throat.
Jimin sucked and licked hard his own trousers getting tight in an excited manner.
"Oh god Jimin ,you deep throat so well I'm gonna cuuuuuuum!"
He was as good as his word , shooting his seed down Jimins throat. He lay back allowing Jimin to take a deep breath.
Before Jimin knew it he'd been flipped onto his back and busy hands were stripping him, he soon lay naked beneath his alphas lustful gaze.
Jungkook stripped himself proudly hard again.
"Come on baby let's play,"
He claimed Jimins mouth swirling his tongue inside and tasting himself there.
He nipped and sucked Jimins pale skin, making the other damp for him. He slid down the bed opening Jimins legs Displaying his wet hole. He licked around the rim and pushed his tongue inside as his hand pumped Jimins ripe  member .
"God...., more..." Jimin spluttered
Jungkook lined himself up and thrust inside Jimin seeing the explosion of pleasure on Jimins face.
"So tight your  amazing..." Jungkook growled before. Thrusting hard and fast into his mate,
"Mmmmm oh god" moaned Jimin
"So pretty..." Jungkook said as Jimin looked a hot mess under him.
"I want.... More...."
Jungkook rolled them so Jimin was astride him, riding him so he went deeply inside.
Jungkook looked up at the erotic sight of his mate eyes half closed , biting his plump bottom lip.
He ran a finger over Jimins leaking slit before using his hand to pump Jimin.
It became a battle of wills who could last but each were finding every thrust a step nearer to their fulfilment.
"Fuck Jimin I'm gonna take you over and over, I'm gonna lick every part of you, you here me?"
"Yes...mmm...yes.... Oh shit I wanna cum but I want to keep you inside me," Jimin groaned as his pleasure ramped up.
"Jimin look at me, I wanna see your face when you cum, I'm so near not much more and.....aaaaaaaagh!!!!"
Both came together , Jungkook watched in surprise as Jimins eyes flashed blue at his moment of release and a moan came gasping from him..., at the same time Jungkook released so hard into the other he felt himself grow larger and knot inside Jimin keeping them together, this was a whole new experience for him, never before had it happened and it gave them both a deep satisfying feeling.
Jungkook reached for some tissues cleaning his abdomen up from Jimins release.
Jimins breathing was harsh and erratic, not being able to free himself from Jungkook til the others knot released he  slumped forward onto his mates chest.
"Do your eyes always flash when you cum?"
"I don't know.......I just  had sex when it was my heat....Neither of us were in it for a relationship ."
Jungkook felt jealous even though it was normal to get a mutual acquaintance to help in times of a heat or rut.
"How long does this knot last ?"
"No idea it's a first for me..."
Jimin decided to get comfy nuzzling against the others neck. Jungkook ran his hands down Jimins back to his ass squeezing it.
"I'm gonna turn you over and fuck you from behind so hard you'll scream my name ... you hear?"
A tiny snore greeted him and he chuckled in disbelief, his mate had really fallen asleep on him?!?!?!!
"Aish! What  am I going to do with you!"
In answer Jimin let out a little mewl in his sleep,jungkook chuckled to himself and gently rubbed the others back, when his knot went he held Jimin and turned letting Jimin lie on the mattress but Jimin just snuggled close to not leaving a gap so Jungkook held him there and before long his own eyes fluttered shut as he joined Jimin in a deep comfortable sleep.
Jungkook awoke to the sound of the shower, he raised an eyelid,6 am? He got up walking to the bathroom opening the door to hear Jimin singing quietly and dancing his back to him, he smirked walking into the shower pulling Jimin to him.
"Shit!!! You fucking scared me!"
"Ah mr potty mouth is back! Why are you up so early?"
"I have work ...and why are you in here pervert?"
"You start at nine?"
"Well I have to look presentable,"
"You look....delicious" Jungkook growled turning Jimin to him.
"No no no I'm clean!"
Jungkook hoisted Jimin up  so his legs had to hook around him.
"And now your going to get dirty," he answered leaning Jimins back against the wall and thrusting into him.
Jimins grumbles soon turned into moans of pleasure as his mate thrust deep and hard making him explode into a million pieces, along with Jungkook who panted hard after releasing.
They washed themselves down then proceeded to dress with Jungkook whispering how there was more to come later and Jimin running hastily from the room Jungkooks laughter following.

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