When the truth will out

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Jimin was third and pale. He washed the dishes in the hot kitchen glad that his day was nearly over , he wasn't feeling great the heat made him weary and the smell of food was off putting.
Half an hour later he was done and put his jacket in walked down the road to his bed sit. Going inside he stripped of his clothes putting them in the washing machine then had a shower, coming out he thought about something to eat then wrinkled his nose, no, no cooking the smell.... He drank down some water then crawled into his bed tiredly.
"Goodnight Kookie, keep well I love you ,"
It was a mantra he said every night since he'd left, he knew just how much the other had come to mean to him and he hugged the others t shirt he'd stolen cuddling it to him before dropping into an uneasy sleep.
"Jungkook, you need to stop snapping at the staff," Namjoon said at supper that evening .
"It's not my fault they can't do a simple job!"
"They did the job you asked but you got it wrong,"
Jungkook glared at the other then rubbed his head.
"Damn it your right..., it's his fault he's made me like this."
"I still think you were wrong", Jin said loudly
"Why,why are you so convinced tell me!!"
"Well it's like he changed from when he came in til the mealtime..."
"What changed him? Did you say something ?"
"I asked him if he was ok, he was stressing and anxious, turns out he was worried about the kids not liking him if he went to often...."
"So why would he stress about a job that he had no intention going back to?"
"You tell me, he came home on his own instead of coming to me for a lift "
"That's because he was thinking about that storybook."
"What story book,"
"The one where the alpha was demoted for refusing to have kids..."
"He said there was a story that told about that and queried if it could happen, I told him it was very unlikely but was an old law nobody took notice of and it would only happen if there was a nasty person intent on doing it."
"That's why....." Tae whispered
"What Tae...."
"Jimin reacted like that because someone has threatened you..."
"Nobodies threatened me?"
"Jimin doesn't hurt people he likes, but he was intent on making us think bad of him , there is no storybook, someone has told him about this law...."
"No.....!" Jungkook whispered his face ashen.
Turning to Namjoon he said," Jimin either met them at the library or on the way to meat me, get the police to give you access to cctv cameras."
Namjoon hurried off .
"Oh god Kook why didn't I realise ?" Jin cried.
"I'll go with Namjoon two pairs of eyes are better than one." Hobi followed after the other.
"I should have realised too, Jimin has never intentionally hurt me," Tae cried
"Babe we were all fooled, but we will find him..." Suga comforted him.
Jungkook felt a renewal of energy that he hadn't felt for the last two weeks, he'd been morose and snappy, feeling the loss of his mate.
An hour and a half later Namjoon and Hobi came in.
"Lisa....,he spoke to Lisa, "
"What did that bitch do!"
"Jungkook it's late , let's sleep, tomorrow you could invite her father to your company, you know she will follow, we get her to talk in front of him..."
Jungkook wanted to go and rip her apart but knew Hobi was making sense.
"Send an email asking her father to come in the morning tell him I have news on that small company he was interested in."
"Do you?"
"Of course...."
They all went to bed eager for the morning to come.
Jimin woke up feeling dizzy,he felt like he had no energy, but then he hadn't eaten so what did he expect.
He got up slowly making himself some dry toast with a cool glass of milk before washing and dressing and setting off for work again.
He yawned tiredly , then pasting a smile on his face he got on with his work.
Jungkook paced back and forth in his office, Namjoon standing near.
"He said he would be here at nine thirty..."
"It's five minutes yet..."
The door opened ," sir your guests are here,"
He showed Lisa and her father in,
"Good morning Jungkook I hope you don't mind Lisa coming."
"Daddy why should he, we are good friends..."
"It's fine sir."
"Oh Jungkook I met your mates parents a few weeks ago,they were with an old man called Mr Park, I thought it was an unusual name. He seemed very strict with them, so when he left I asked if they were related to Jimin, imagine my surprise when they said he was their son."
"I can imagine ..."
"Er how is Jimin...."
"Why you want to see him?"
"Well it's just...., I heard he was helping kids at the local library, I took some cupcakes there for him to hand to the kids they said he wasn't there?"
"Lisa stop being nosy !" Her father admonished .
Pretending to clear the air Jungkook spoke to the other man about the company he'd been interested in.
"I think it's been run with the minimum input of cash, it's run down and the name isn't helping others to invest, basically it's bad reputation succeeds it."
"Thank you Jungkook I think that's one investment I'll stay away from."
They sat and drank coffee that Jungkook had sent in then Jungkook started.
"Oh Lisa you spoke to Jimin a couple of weeks ago right?"
"Me?.....definitely not."
"Really? Someone said they saw you both ..."
"They couldn't have?"
"Well they told me where and it would have been the way Jimin walked to me."
"Did you mention this to Jimin?"
Jungkook gave a sigh," that's the problem, Jimin left me that day..."
"Oh Jungkook I'm sorry," Lisa's father said
"I knew it, I felt he wasn't going to be good for you, it's a good job too with him being barren,"
"And who told you that?"
"What? Oh Erm his parents must have mentioned it."
"And then you threatened Jimin that day...."
"What no I told you I haven't seen him!"
"Jungkook your going too far.."
"I'm sorry sir but I have photographic proof your daughter spoke to him and then suddenly he asks Jin about a law and disappears?"
"Photographic proof?"
Jungkook handed over stills of Lisa talking to Jimin
"Lisa?" Her father asked
"I just....well he can't give you pups I can, why would you want him....,I told him I'd get you replaced and he believed me! Stupid fool!"
"Lisa you did what!"
"Daddy it's not fair Jungkook is mine not some barren useless Omegas!"
"Please sir take your daughter before I do something I may regret, you don't love me , you want me because you can't have me, whereas Jimin cares enough to let me go rather than someone take my pack away!"
"Lisa come right now! I'm ashamed of you, I think it's about time you learned responsibility, you are working from the ground up in you uncles hotel, there will be no favouritism!!"
"Daddy no ! I can't work!!"
"Well you'll have to learn, sorry Jungkook and goodbye,"
They left and Jungkook was glad Jin and Tae were right, now all he had to do was follow his mates trail.

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