Feeling worthwhile

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Jimin had wandered around looking for a job. He knew with his non existent skills that it wouldn't be easy and he wasn't going to use the alphas name to get a job.
He'd been pretty deflated the first and second day he tried. The third day he'd removed the sling as his shoulder wasn't as sore.
Jimin came downstairs to find Jungkook had already left.
"Kookies gone?"
"Kookie? "Jin snorted
Jimin blushed as his nickname slipped out.
"Yes,' Kookie' was picking his new car up before going to work,Namjoon took him to the garage."
"Oh right......I'll get a taxi...."
"Do you have to go....can't you just relax here?"
"No even Tae is helping Suga with some tech stuff, I  don't want to be the only useless one."
"Jimin your not useless..., you've helped me get meals ready....."
"Jin you think I don't know you've given me easy stuff?"
He smiled at the other to take the sting out of his words.
"Well don't get disheartened, you'll find something let me call a taxi for you."
Jimin was soon in town , he felt today was the day, there must be something he could do.
He stopped to get a local paper that advertised jobs then sat in a cafe looking through it.
Barista..., hmmm he'd done that before he circled it before picking his cup up.
His mind thought of the last two nights. Jungkook had been pleasant to him but not tried anything in the bedroom kept his distance, except when Jimin woke up usually before the other he found it was he who cuddled up to the alpha, sprawled across him. He usually edged away not wanting to cause an awkward moment between them.
The mating pull was indeed strong in Jimin he liked the closeness but felt he wasn't entitled to it especially as Jungkook didn't seem as affected.
He glanced down at the paper again an advert catching his eye....' Librarian four days a week, no qualifications needed but willing to do story time in the children's department, background check will be done."
Hmmm, this appealed to him...., if he could pass the background check.........
He went there straight away and was shown into an office.
"So Mr Park....."
"Please call me Jimin....."
"Well Jimin, you say you've worked in a library before?"
"Yes,five months...."
"And you left because?"
"Er we moved as a family...."
"You need three references..."
"Erm, well I'm sure my old library would..."
"And others?"
"Nobody from other jobs...., I suppose it can't be a relative..."
"No is there nobody else..."
"Only alpha Jeon but....."
"You know the Alpha ? Well he can provide one if he knows you, do you mind my asking how if you haven't been here king?"
"Er....well......I'm......I'm his mate....." Jimin muttered
"His mate! Oh my goodness, it will be an honour to have you here, never mind references..., this is so good to hear, let me show you around."
The older librarian took him around then led him to where the story time would be held. Jimin thought it could do with being revamped.
"Can I er move things around a bit, brighten it up?"
"Of course, it is a bit dull looking and we do get a lot of kids who come here, when can you start?"
"Can I move it around today and start tomorrow ?"
"Yes,yes,wonderful,call if you need anything."
Jimin smiled then putting aside his jacket he looked at the children's area, it wasn't inviting.
He remembered he'd seen a craft shop nearby he rushed out and using the card Jungkook had given him he purchased some bits and pieces to brighten the place up, walking back a homeward shop had round fluffy rugs and he bought two struggling back to the library with his goodies.
Three  hours later and he had rearranged the area so there was a central sitting point the two rugs were on the floor with a large chair against a post and the mini child size pouffes scattered around, those that didn't sit on a pouffe could sit in the fluffy mats.
Flag banners in multi colours hung around the area and Jimins one talent of drawing found cartoon dinosaurs and unicorns reading books  and hung on the glass screen panelling .
The bookshelves for the children all led of from this area and the whole place now had a warm inviting atmosphere.
He sat down in the big chair, it had been tiring but worth it.
He heard some children squealing excitedly and looked to see a group of them looking around with their parents.
"Mummy is story time back yet?" A cute little girl asked.
Jimin stood up," hello story time is back tomorrow,"
"Mummy I want a story now...."
"Me too me too!" The other kids started.
"You heard the nice man dear we can come again tomorrow,"
The little girls lip dropped and she started to cry, Jimin felt sorry for her and quickly rushed to her.
"How about you choose a book and I'll read it as practice for tomorrow?"
Half an hour later and an enthralled group of children sat wide eyed as Jimin read a story for them, doing all the sound effects and acting out some bits. For the first time in a long time he felt happy seeing people looking at him with the biggest smiles on their faces rather than looks of annoyance.
Two stories later and Jimin stood up,
"That's it for today kids but come again and we can have more fun,"
The children groaned as they started to leave, the parents thanked him and the head librarian thanked him for all his hard work.
He picked his jacket up and saw his phone, six missed calls from Jungkook.
He went outside and started to walk calling Jungkooks number eager to tell him he had a job .
"Jimin finally, why didn't you answer,I told Jin to let you stay at home but he said you went out anyway."
"I don't need to stay home..."
"You don't need to look for a job either..."
"It's still my life you know!"
"Your my mate, just occasionally treat me as an alpha not someone you think you can scam, six times I rang and you couldn't be bothered to pick up once?"
"I was busy...!"
"Busy ignoring your mate I know,I have important guests coming tonight can you at least try and act a little responsibly when they are there, just play nice and be sociable please and not so much of the potty mouth?"
Jimin mumbled a quiet ok his previous cheerfulness gone, he knew an alpha was important and as his mate he needed to represent him too. Jungkook must have been worried about his behaviour to call that many times.
"I'll go back now don't worry I won't embarrass you," he said quietly then turned the phone off.
"Ji....." Jungkook started then realised he wasn't there.
He'd been worried when he couldn't get hold of him to let him know they would be having guests so he'd rung a few more times wondering if something had happened as he couldn't link to him. He knew he'd been rude but Jimin seemed to bring out the worst in him.
Jimin got home to find Jin rushing around preparing food, some more staff helping out.  Jimins offer of helped was brushed away so he went upstairs to look at suitable clothes only to find a dark navy suit and white shirt with navy tie hung up on his closet.
"Jimin!you're back isn't your suit nice Jungkook had it delivered I have one too in a lighter blue, won't we look smart?"
Jimin gave a small smile to his brother," of course you will Tae,how has your day been?"
"It's great Jimin I'm learning so much stuff,Suga is so good to me..."
"I'm glad,"
"Ok well people will be arriving in an hour better have a shower and start dressing I don't want Suga to Was air,"
"Sure go on..."
Tae left.
"How was your day Jimin, great Tae thanks for asking......." Jimin sighed seems hex really wasn't anyone worth bothering about.
He showered and dressed about to go downstairs when Jungkook hurried in.
"Oh good your ready..."
"Jungkook I was going to tell you.."
"Not now Jimin I have to get ready people will be arriving...is it important?"
"No....no it's nothing, I'll go down."
Soon guests started to arrive local businessmen and their wives.
Namjoon whispered to Jimin that they came together like this to plan for events in the community to help less fortunate.
Jimin kept to the edges of the room nodding and smiling if someone looked his way,seeing Tae easily fall into conversation with them.
"I'm sorry ladies and gentleman for my late arrival I apologise," Jungkook said." Now I know these things are a common occurrence for us but tonight is different  it gives me a chance to introduce someone special to you,Jimin where are you, come here."
Jimin gulped then walked over, Jungkook put his arm around him holding him close,
"Let me introduce you to my mate...,your Luna Jimin."
There was a rush of congratulations and people stepped forward to greet him.
"Hello. Again Luna,my daughter hasn't stopped talking about you since we left today."
Jimin looked at the woman recognising her as one of the parents from earlier.
" I hope she enjoyed the stories,"
"Very much so in fact she told her daddy here he has to read them like the pretty man in the library."
"Seems I have to try harder," the father laughed.
Jimin laughed too a sweet giggle that caught at Jungkooks senses.
"And what you did with the reading area,so much more inviting, where did you find those pictures so cute.."
"I Erm drew them..."
"Really?Alpha you have a talented mate here."
"So it seems..." Jungkook said with a smile.
Library, pictures? What had happened today.?
It was the same with some other couples, those who had kids and had taken them today , spoke easily about how grateful they were for what Jimin had done today, how it was going to be one of the things brought up tonight but Jimin had already accomplished it.
"Jimin you got a job?"
"Yes Tae,"
"But you didn't say,"
"Nobody asked...."
Jimin went to get himself a drink he was suddenly pulled outside the room and pushed to the wall.
"You didn't tell me you found a job?" Jungkook said caging him in.
"You didn't seem interested," Jimin said looking down
His chin was lifted," of course I'm interested"
"Really?didn't you say earlier I'm too busy scamming people and that for a change I should try and act responsibly?"
"Jimin I'm sorry,I was rude to you, it seems you were being responsible...., I got worried when you didn't answer I thought you might have got hurt and I couldn't link to you."
"It's ok, I know what people think of me I built my own bad reputation so I can't complain..... I was busy acting out the parts maybe that's why you couldn't link I was quite focused....shouldn't we get back...?"
"Hmmm in a minute..., your not wearing your sling ?"
"No it's mainly healed ."
"That's good, means I don't have to be careful now..."
"Careful of what?"
"Careful when I fuck you senseless and you scream my name it's been hard to not jump you each night you've cuddled me !"
Jimin went bright red,"I um........"
"Can't wait for tonight," Jungkook said before bending to claim Jimins plump lips in a seductive kiss that made Jimin moan out as Jungkook stepped away.
"Later baby come on time to eat, although I'm hungry for something other than food", he murmured causing his mate to blush again before they walked back in.

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