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???: Hey could ya get the phone there, Nero? What did I tell you about the "Third Ring Rule"?

Nero: Yeah, Yeah I got it Nico. *picks up the phone* Devil May Cry, how may I help you?

???: Yes, is this Nero I'm speaking to?

Nero: You got that right, is there a job you need me to do?

???: I think there is. I am Professor Ozpin of the Vale Combat Academy named Beacon. I wanted to call you to ask if you wanted to take a job here.

Nero: What kinda job we talkin here?

Ozpin: We can go over major details later, for now I want you to meet me in the Kingdom of Vale.

Nero: Okay, I'll be over as soon as I can. Am I allowed to bring anyone with me?

Ozpin: The more the merrier as I always say.

Nero: Cool, talk to you soon. *hangs up the phone*

Nico: Who was that?

Nero: Someone named Ozpin who wanted me for someting, said to meet him in the Kingdom of Vale.

Nico: Vale huh? You sure you wanna go all that way?

Nero: It seems like an interesting offer, can't turn down something like that now can I?

Nico: Well you better bring Kyrie, Lord knows how much she'll worry about you after last time you left for a job.

Nero: Yeah, I know. Hey, Kyrie!

Kyrie: Yes?

Nero: C'mere real quick me and Nico gotta talk with you.

Kyrie: Coming! *enter's the room* What's up?

Nero: So, I recently got a job offer for somewhere in the Kingdom of Vale, I was thinking you and Nico could come along as well.

Kyrie: That sounds Amazing! It'll be great to get out of Red Grave and Fortuna for a while and see and visit a new place.

Nero: Great, then we'll leave in a few minutes.

As Nico and Kyrie both pack some last-minute clothes and food, Nero steps into the van and catches a glimpse of a picture of Dante and Vergil when they were young.

Nero: I wonder what they're doing right now. Better not be fighting each other though.

Meanwhile in the Underworld

Two men arrive at a peculiar building, one wearing a red trench coat and slicked down white hair, and the other wearing a Black overcoat with light blue detailing and slicked back white hair.

???: So this is where you escaped from Mundus in the underworld. Huh Vergil?

Vergil: You're catching on quick Dante.

Dante: Well, you think this'll bring us back to Fortuna like last time?

Vergil: Maybe.

Dante: Maybe?

Vergil: It's been a long time since I've used this, Dante! Now shut up and let me open a portal.

Dante: Jeez, okay, you just promise it won't take us anywhere stupid like last time.

Vergil: *opens portal* Dante, shut up and step through, before I punch you through, with Beowolf.

Dante: I'm going, I'm going! *steps though portal*

Vergil: Ugh, I know he's my brother. But I hate him so much. *steps through portal*

Upon stepping through the portal, Vergil and Dante are greeted with the sight of a city block. Only it's not Fortuna or Red Grave.

Dante: Vergil..............I don't think we're in Fortuna.

Vergil: What was your first clue?

Dante: Well the obvious was the shop over there that says "From Dust Till Dawn", and I know for a fact that neither Fortuna nor Red Grave has a shop for literal dust. 

Vergil: Right, I can't argue with that. Also there seem to be sharply dressed men going up to that shop. I can tell from here they're up to no good. 

Dante: Well what are we waiting for Verg, c'mon let's see if we can get a closer look. *runs toward the dust shop*

Vergil: Dante, Wait! Ugh! *runs after him* I will clobber your head to fix it.

The Grimm Hunters of Vale (Devil May Cry X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now