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"𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙣 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙨"

Song recommend • YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME..

𝙎𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙥 𝙋.𝙊.𝙑

I'm not one to bitch or piss, on the fact that Socs exist. But do gotta say they have to be the most cruel people in the world, like in the movie. The good, the bad, and the ugly, except that all Socs we're the bad and the ugly.

But hell, today was the day, I saw real evil, but in the presence of the girl. Something so unexpected.

It all started on the day that Ponyboy, my kid brother, got jumped by a couple of dirty good-for-nothing Socs, but I didn't expect a girl to do all the beating.

It happens like this


The sun was setting down in the South. The sky was a yellow to purple hue. I didn't know that Ponyboy watched one of the movies playing in the drive-in theater. I was too busy working at DX, with Steve, the best buddy of mine. Ending my shift off with him, going home back to the east side of town. I lived with my older brother and my kid brother after our parents died, It had been just the three of us and our gang. Surviving everything, we manage to get.

My older brother worked 2 jobs and was never able to relax or even go to college, though he got scholarships, he always choose us over them. Now if you wanted to say anything about Darry, that he was a hard worker and one tuff guy.

Gotta be the toughest guy I know.

Now, I was walking together with the whole gang, Steve, Two-bit, Darry, and Johnny. Not Dallas though he was back in the cooler. We were just on one of our walks to either cause trouble or catch some Socs.

Lighting up some cancer sticks/cigarettes. Just rambling about our day, before we heard yelling from a few blocks away. Though yells were far too familiar to my ears, it was my kid brother's voice.

Before I knew it, my cigarettes were already on the floor, and as I broke out at an inhuman pace, the whole gang was like that. I never knew I could ever run like that, it surprised me.

Soon before you even knew it, we were there just a block away, but it was a noticeable presence. I manage to see my brother on the floor. The Socs were already running back to their blue Mustang

But there was a noticeable voice that I heard amid things, it was a girl that yelled out to the group of Socs, "Looks like his goons of greasers are already here" Her voice wasn't sweet, it was more of an annoyed one, maybe evil. But this was the first time I ever heard a girl talk like that besides, me and Dallas causing some trouble with some of the Soc girls, you should have been there to see it.

She has had h/c hair and a mean look in her e/c eyes. Before she her and buddies scrambled to the blue Mustang, she crouched to Ponyboy's level, maybe whispering something to him before she spot us and landed a finishing blow to his stomach, before hopping into the infamous blue Mustang.

Oh, man. I didn't know I wanted to hit a girl so bad, because she did something to Ponyboy that messed him up. That she gave Ponyboy got him coughing blood. It was bad.

The girl, in the scenario was, Y/N L/N, people always rumor about her being a demon in a pretty girl's body. Just pure evil and hate, she reminds me of the queen in Alice in Wonderland, like the Queen of Hearts, and how she painted her roses red, but in this movie, Y/N painted her roses with the blood of innocent people.

She was a cruel person, and on top of that, she had a major cash flow from her parents. She a worse version of Bob Sheldon.

Back when I went to school, there was a rumor that Y/N and Bob had a fling with each other, but the rumor was maybe true. Even if it was, they were the perfect match, maybe both of them could burn together.

Those are really nasty words from a nice guy, but it was true.

Back to my brother, Ponyboy, he had some cuts and bruises, it made him look tuff, but it was that kick that sent him into a frenzy. As soon as we got to him and helped him up, he started vomiting like crazy.

That kick formed a bad bruise on his stomach.

I didn't know that someone so angel-like could be so evil. If I had to say a good person who truly was a Soc, it gotta be her.

It took Ponyboy a few days to get better, but I knew it wouldn't take that long for him to get better because he was a tough kid.

Now, back to my memories of attending Hinton Highschool, I never talked to her. It seemed like she was the queen of the whole school, or more like the whole school was just a game of Monopoly. She was a bully, a horrible one.

She bullied people so badly, that a girl was a greaser. I think her name was Ginny. The only thing I knew about her was that she had a big mouth and would gossip to her other friends, but I remember in the hallways when Y/N was talking to her. Her face was plastered with fear, you know the fear that happens when someone pulls a gun on you or tries to kill you; that was the look on her face.

And after the whole thing, she didn't come back to school. But a few days after the incident, there was a speech for her on the loudspeaker. Because she committed the unthinkable. If you saw pure evil in her, it was scary.

The worse part is she never got in trouble for it, and even when she heard the girl's name she dismissed it like she was nothing to her, just a peasant.

The unluckiest part is that her parents were the richest people in the county. Most of all the teachers and even the principal bent to her rules. It was like she ruled everything.

She had her way all the time, but there was a memorable memory. I remembered that one of the greasers' girls stood up to her taunting and bullying the other girl. Oh, I wished I could tell her to not do it because after that she was found beaten up badly, and she got stitches. And those hurt.

She got a menacing aura or presence to her when she walked down the hallway
I still hear the clicking of her heels on the tile floors, it was a warning for anyone in her way to move out.

God, I didn't know someone so pretty could be a total monster.


Next Chapter - My name is Y/N L/N

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