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The song recommends • Cheri Cheri Lady.



My name, what is my name?

It's Y/N L/N. A name you'll come across a lot. I grew up originally in Madison, Wisconsin. I attend Hinton Highschool; I was forced to like I wanted to participate in a school with r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶s̶.

I was kicked out of my original school, something about assault or bullying. I don't care. Serious people brought me up. My father was a business tycoon, and my mother was a politically charged person. Nannies and butlers raised me. My life was filled with money; my parents were strict with me.

Sometimes they beat me, especially when I got kicked out of school in Wisconsin. I got the worst beating in my lifetime; I was bleeding, which hurt a lot.

My parents wanted a perfect daughter, someone to be respected and good in every way. So I became my methods are used by violence.

It's funny; people always thought getting that type of beating would make someone run away. But I didn't; besides, I could never do that; my house was a prison, and how could I let go of a boatload of money to live in the street like a bunch of greasers?

I could never, and I would never. People call me many things, a she-devil and a bitch, but I'm not stupid.

I like getting my way, my methods of getting are puzzling to other people, but hey, it's the 60s in a small town. It was easy for people to succumb to me.

I hate with a passion when things don't go my way.


What memorable memory mine, well, was in this shitty town. When I was 14, going on 15. It was when I was dealing some blows to some heifer. I disliked her; it wasn't like I was attacking her randomly like that bitch was innocent.

She was the girl who spread rumors about me; she thought it was funny—one of my so-called friends, but I would like to call her an associate or a classmate. She told me everything that came out of her mouth; I think her name was Ginny. Her eyes were filled with fear when I confronted her. She deserved what happened to her. But after that incident, I guess she wanted people to feel bad for her, committing. It was a pathetic attempt to become relevant.

But I didn't care. I don't think I'm a monster or fool. 

But I do recollect a boy. He was preferably handsome, like a movie star handsome. I couldn't believe he was a greaser; he had the face of Soc. His good look did catch my eye, but not his greaser personality. I don't think he goes to school after sophomore year. But I do remember that when I was confronting one of his, I guess, greasers friends, maybe girlfriend. 

I have never seen a guy shielding himself in front of a girl as he took the hits from the Soc boys, fighting back. God, you should have seen to believe it. He was a bit beat up, but...he dodged the hits of the Socs boy, As his fist collided with my face.

Yea, he punched me, managing to break my nose. Blood was spraying from my nose. When I stared down, my hands were painted with the blood from my nose; I think he was probably the only greaser I knew that hit before.

You would assume I was angry, but I didn't mind. I didn't care; someone finally stood their ground when I entered the school. It made me feel a type of way.

Maybe you'll call me insane, but it made me feel warm.

After school, I manage to patch up my nose. I walked out for a smoke and placed a cigarette in my mouth. Before I could pull out my lighter, I overheard voices close to where I would smoke. I crept in slowly, pressing my ear toward the slim dirty wall. It was filled with familiar voices.

"God, Sodapop. I don't know what to do without you," the girl exclaimed, giving the boy a smile in glee.

"It's no biggy, Sandy. Just promise me you won't get close to those Socs, especially the girl," he said, looking at her.

I peered in so much that my head was sticking out and getting the attention of the boy named Sodapop. Never heard that one before; I was snapped out of my trance before I heard him say something from his mouth.

"Who's there" I couldn't lie; my body stayed still before I heard his footsteps near the wall I was hiding at. Before I knew it, I sprinted, in his footsteps, following right after mine. I really couldn't bare the embarrassment of being an eavesdropper.

My cigarette dropped from my mouth as I ran. Who knew that running in heels would be so painful before I curved my body to another wall, hiding behind it. My chest heaved out.

"Oh, glory be to god, who knew the queen of being bitch would be in this slum," I heard the voice before, too much to be a faint memory.

Dallas Winston, standing in all his glory right in front of you. I shot him a nasty look of disgust; he just winked and smiled at you.

"Like I would want to be near anyone but you," I spat out, looking over the corner of the wall for the known greaser.

"Looks like you aren't with your pack of dogs," he muttered, glancing towards me.

You ignore him before checking if the coast is clear, "Listen, dirtbag, I don't have time for you at all, so shut your damn trap and don't let anyone know about this, "I snapped at him.

You heard a click of a switchblade, feeling the cool blade pressed to your neck. "Why should I listen to you" he uttered.

"Cut me; I'll have your head on a fucking platter, you scum, "I barked, looking straight at him.

"I would love to be a part of your collection, doll," Dally grumbled, getting closer to your face. I swear I would of bit his nose off if he got closer.




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