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You killed the engine as you reached some popular greaser hangout area. You looked up to see the sky turning pitch black. 

"Y/N, what are we doing here," Marcia asked, anxious, playing with her fingers. She turned her head to you as you exited the car. "We're going to have some fun" You open the glove department of your vehicle. 

You pulled up out a revolver from the glove department. "Don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do," she whispered.

"Chill, it's just blanks" You jokingly pointed the gun to Marcia; she put her hand up immediately. "You don't gonna be scared, it not load, Marsh," you smiled, placing the revolver in your waistband. 

"Besides," you walked closer to where Marcia was standing, "We just getting to meet the neighbor; I'm feeling friendly," you smirked before opening the bar door. As you walked in with Marcia, "Y/N, I don't think we're supposed to be here," she whispered, getting stares from the greasers in the bar. "We're just here for drinks," you laughed.

"D-drink," Marcia stammered as she walked with you to the bar's counter. You grab a 20 from your purse.

"What are two..." the bartender cut off mid-sentence,  examining your appearance. "-soc girl doing in greaser territory," she finished.

"Here for"

"Drinks! We're here for drinks, two of us," Marcia blurted out, evidently pointing at the both of us. "Yea, two beers," you responded, putting up a peace sign.

"Do you girls have ID" The bartender put her elbow on the counter with a pissed-off expression, "I can't serve you if you don't have identification," she said annoyingly.

"I know you...-you greasers don't have to give identification just for fucking drinks," you prompt, your elbow on the counter, whispering to her.

"I'm going to ask you nicely; we just want two beers, so don't be a bitch about it" You placed 20 on the counter, "I'll even give you a tip."

"I can't serve rude teenagers; it's against the code, and I need to tell you to leave right now," she spat, whispering at you.

"Alright, ill go; I just need my two beers, though," you repeated yourself, cocking your head to the side, "Get the fuck out of here," the bartender snapped. "Okay," You took your hand off the counter and walked to the exit before turning around, pulling out your revolver from your waistband, getting attention from the bystanders.

"TWO FUCKING BEERS, BITCH BEFORE I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT," you snap, yelling at the bartender, pointing the gun at her. The attention you got from grabbing your blanked revolver m as some customers rushed out of the bar, and some pushed you, trying to exit the bar.

The bartender raised her hands before rushing to get the two beers, placing them on the counter.

"Grab the fucking drinks, Marcia!" you yelled at her, as Marcia grabbed the two drinks before muttering a 'sorry' to her.

Before you guys ran out of the bar, jumping into your red Corvette. As you pressed your foot down on the pedal, the car roared. Getting away from the bar, "Wasn't that fun, Marcia" you laughed.

While you control the wheel, open up one of the beers. Taking a sip of the alcoholic drink, staring at Marcia. Marcia's face contoured into a worried expression as she looked at the speeding trees. 

"Hey! Don't be like that. Would you rather be at the campfire with your drunk boyfriend" you said; Marcia didn't answer your question, which annoyed you. "Y/N, can you just drive me home? My parent might be worried about me," she said truthfully.

"Fine," you responded.


You stopped your car at Marcia's house; as Marcia got out, she bid you a 'thanks,' grabbing her purse and giving you a wave. You ignored her and drove your car away from her house. Pressing your heel to the pedal, moving out of the home. You didn't bother to check the time, but what was obvious was that it was night, and the sky was pitch black. You know your parents weren't home, curving your car to the side of the street as the street lights glared at your moving vehicle. Combing your hair to the side, looking straight at the road.

Turning the buttons on to your radio, tapping your nails along the beat of the wheel. As you drove your car towards your house, you saw a deer walking on the side of the street you were going before stopping the vehicle.

"What the fuck" you yelled, your heart pounding. You squeezed your hand to the wheel. Your chest is heaving out, "goddamn it," you whispered. The deer stared at you, and you stared at it back. Before honking at it, successfully scaring the deer away.

Before restarting your car, drive your car to your house. Pressing your hand to your chest, your heart started beating less frantically. Making your way to the gate of your home, push the button to open the villa's entrance. The gate opened up, moving your car forward, parking the car in the garage.

Grabbing the beers from your car, walking to the door of your house, opening it up with a key. Entering the house, climbing the stairs to get to your room, the clicking sound of the heels. As you turned on the lights in your room.

"Do you know what time it is" your brother, b/n.  Turned to you in one of the swivel chairs in the living room, petting your family's cat.

"What the fuck" you blurted in shock.

"What are you even doing in my room" you snapped, "I just wanted to scare you," your brother said, "-You know, get the fuck out of my room, right now," before you pulled b/n out of the chair he was sitting in, pushing him out of your bedroom.

"God," you whispered, pressing the back of your body to your door before slipping to the floor and wiping your face. You took off your heels, and threw them onto the floor before walking to your wardrobe, changing into more comfortable clothes.

Slipping into your bed before groaning out and flipping onto the side of your bed. Staring at the painting hanging on the side of your wall.

"Screw this"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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