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 Ominis and I eventually had to part ways due to us female and male students having to live in separate dormitories in all houses. I couldn't blame them, they were preventing teenage wizards from having children. At this age, we were only just figuring out our magic skills and how to properly fly our brooms. Adding a baby into that would only complicate things. Professor Sharp would always run off couples who even seemed flirty. Funny considering most of my class tried to flirt with him. In fact, there was a deal between two girls from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor last year about who could snag him first. I remember how disgusted Ominis was, he complained for an hour about how many single Slytherins there were. I was almost convinced he and Poppy Sweeting would end up together during our fifth year due to how close the two were, but anytime I would bring the topic it up, he'd automatically shut it down.

 Imelda Reyes ran over to me as soon as I entered our dorm. "Did you hear? Quidditch is back on!"

 I smirked and continued walking over to my bed. "You should be less excited, Imelda. We both know who the best player is here."

 She glared as she sat on her bed which sat next to mine. "Oh please. You only beat me in the race because I went easy on you."

 "Keep dreaming." I said as I became comfortable in my bed. 

 Imelda leaned in to blow out our lantern, "Night night, loser."

ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘

 Shove. My face came into contact with the floor. "What the hell!"

 I looked around searching for the culprit. Imelda stood in the doorway.

 "Our Divination class starts in ten minutes, Xyla. Get up now! Onai will have our heads."

 She didn't even mutter out a sorry as she ran from our room. I had to take her at her word though, and quickly jumped from the floor. I grabbed my school robes and got dressed within a few minutes. My eyes caught notice of the time on the grandfather clock in the corner.


 I'm sure I muttered a bunch of curse words as I ran up the stairs outside of our dorms secret door. Natsai was going to smack me for being late to her mothers class. Finally, I arrived outside of the door to Divination class, and the door swung open before I could even grab the handle.

 "Miss Snape, nice of you to join us." Professor Onai smirked, opening the door wider so that I could enter.

 "Hello, Professor! I apologize for being so late, I-"

 She patted my shoulder, ushering me in. "Slept in? Yes, I know. I was made aware."

 I shamefully walked over to my seat, right beside Natsai and sat down. She looked over to me with a welcoming smile like every other time I had seen her. We couldn't speak though, as our Professor began her lesson for the day.

 "Who wants to know their future first?" The professor asked.

 Every student in our class raised their hand, and Natsai was optimistic that she would be chosen since she was the professors daughter. But Professor Onai's finger pointed at me instead.

 "Ms. Snape, please come and join me." She waved me towards her.

 I sat firmly, "But.. I didn't raise my hand."

 She shook her head, and a light smile shaped her face. "Exactly. Students such as yourself deny they have a future, and do not want to know what comes next. You are perfect."

 Way to call me out, Professor.

 She continued waving toward herself, wanting me to truly join her. I gave in, and I tried my very best to ignore the gazes around me as usual. As I walked over to her, the classroom door opened. All eyes looked over.

Our professor addressed him first,  "Mr. Gaunt, good. You can go take your seat, hurry along."

 Ominis snickered, "This pesky wand of mine led me to the other side of the school, Professor." 

 His wand led him over to a seat in the front. He sat inches from me as stood in the middle the room with Onai.

 "As I was saying, we are going to look into Ms. Snape's future now. Everyone pay close attention."

 I couldn't take my eyes away from Ominis. His brows scrunched together at the thought of my name, and I knew his curiosity peaked knowing he'd be able to possibly see into my unpredictable future. Not a moment passed, and Onai placed her palm onto the top of my head.


 She froze. Not a word muttered, and her nails slightly dug into my skull as I waited for something, anything.

 She ripped her hand away from my body and started to speak as if she were in a daze, "Death."

 She left that word in the air for what felt like ages, and I knew my death was inevitable but to be told so shocked me. This is why I wanted nothing to do with my future, I-

 She continued, "Love, at its most and torn away like it was nothing. Your family name, generations later, not one bonded. Beware those you feel close to you, as they are the furthest away."

 Professor Onai let out a deep breath and it was as if she exhaled whatever part of herself said those things. She then let herself back in.

 My hand rushed to my face as something wet dripped down it. Tears were there. As I expected, my future self, my family that comes after me - we all have no happy ending. I knew this. But to hear it out loud, it worsened any feeling I ever had about it. The only thing I could thing to do was to crack a joke.

 "Well, for any of you who think I'm evil, apparently death will find me soon. You'll have your wish."

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