Carefully, I slid out from underneath Miles' arm. He glanced over as I did, and the look on his face almost seemed jealous. He always became this way around Ominis. He felt that there was a challenge at who could win my heart first, but I knew Ominis didn't see me in that way. Miles had brought it up plenty of times about how much Ominis was like truly infatuated with my whole being. He mentioned times that he had been overly possessive, nosey and controlling. But I told him he was being a bit hypocritical considering he was a possessive person as well. Miles corrected me by saying he was my boyfriend and was aloud to be that way, since I gave him permission and all.

 Ominis couldn't see me slide out from under his arm, but crossed his arms in front of him staring towards us.

 "This is a private conversation, little Ravenclaw."

 Ominis waved his hand into the air, shooing Miles away, but Miles didn't budge.

 Miles responded with an imperious tone, "Nothing between you and Xyla is private anymore."

 I decided to speak up, "Miles.. you can't keep acting this way. Acting like I'm your property, it's not right."

 Ominis laughed. My gaze turned toward him.

 "And you, Ominis. You can't decide on your own that we're friends again all of a sudden."

 He stopped laughing, and his face turned cold. "I never said we were friends again. I wanted to warn you is all, to be on the lookout. We may not be close anymore, but I'd rather you not die."

 Miles took a step back. "What in the hell is going on?"

 I let out a deep exhale and glanced over at him to answer. "Do you remember my friend, the one-"

 He finished my sentence, "The one that murdered his own uncle in cold blood. Yeah, I think I know a thing or two about that criminal."

My eyes widened at his sudden bluntness. "That's uncalled f-"

 Ominis spoke over me and grabbed a hold of Miles' robes, pulling him in close.

 "We may not be too fond of Sebastian after the events from our fifth year, but you have no place to speak on his character."

 He released Miles' robes, and placed his wand in the air - letting it direct him away from us.

 The look on my face must've been absolutely terrifying, because Miles remained quiet and didn't move a muscle.

 "You must know the entire story if you know that part of it."

 He went to speak but I cut him off, "No, it's my turn to talk."

 His eyes widened.

 "Sebastian killed his uncle, yes. But who do you think helped him find the location where he committed the act? Who do you think he was protecting?"

 Miles' eyes softened with realization. "I didn't mean-"

 My jaw tensed as I muttered out the last words to him, "Yes, you did."

 I copied Ominis in one way, and left Miles where he stood. Why did the men in my life have to find some way to hurt me?

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢,

 Today's project in potions class was to create the Amortentia elixir. Professor Sharp warned of it's strong properties. He said never to inhale it while we created the potion, he mentioned we would experiment with it towards the end of class. Imelda complained the entire time about us having to make this elixir. Her reasoning was that it wouldn't do us any good to learn this, as it was considered to be illegal to use it against someone's will. I couldn't care less about what she said, though I might never use it - I found it highly interesting.

 "The last ingredient to pour into your cauldrons is pearl dust. Go ahead and do that now."

 Professor Sharp walked around the room, peaking over each students head to make sure they followed directions accurately. I gathered a pinch of the pearl dust from a nearby bowl, and sprinkled it into my cauldron. The liquid began to boil causing it to bubble to some degree, and after a moment it created a cloud of pink smoke above it. I turned to look at Professor Sharp who had already moved over to my table. He smirked, and clapped his hands together, causing everyone to look our way.

 "Great job, Ms. Snape. You've done precisely what I've asked and have officially brewed Amortentia."

 Some students clapped, some remained silent. I was still the girl that mostly everyone feared at Hogwarts. But Poppy, Grace, and Garreth applauded my brewing skills. Ominis stood beside Poppy quietly, his head tilted down toward the table. This was the only class I didn't have with Miles. Professor Sharp cleared his throat.

 "Ms. Snape, I'd like for you to demonstrate Amortentia's usefulness."

 My eyes widened, "You want me to what?"

 A few of the students snickered around the class, whispers could be heard all around.

 "Since you brewed the potion as wonderfully as you did, I'd like you to have first call on getting to use it."

 I wasn't going to argue with him considering he made my detention over the last few weeks very easy. I managed to find more herbs for the classroom during that time. I nodded my head at him, and turned toward the cauldron. Many eyes were on me as I leaned in to sniff my creation. I breathed in heavily, making sure to get the full effect of the one time I'd use Amortentia.

 "What do you smell, Ms. Snape?" Professor Sharp placed his hands behind his back whilst waiting on an answer.

 I took a step back from the cauldron, glancing over to our Professor.

 "Um... old books."

 He nodded his head, "Anything else?"

 More whispers from the crowd.


 The class started to become rowdier. Imelda decided to create a scene.

 "What else? Surely there is more."

 I shook my head, and everyone let out a depressing sigh. 

 A small lie wouldn't hurt anyone. No one needed to know that I also smelt something burning, like rotting flesh.

 Like the Inferi.

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