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 Headmaster Black watched us both from the desk in his office. He sat there comfortably yet looked completely unpleasant. I was sure we were both in for detention, but I held out hope that our detention would be with Professor Sharp. He was always my favorite teacher, and was usually the most lenient in regards to things like this.

 "Would someone like to explain as to why I found you two canoodling in the library?"

 I went to speak, but Miles beat me to the punch.

 "It's my fault. Xyla was originally by herself in the library, but I-"

 Headmaster Black held out a hand mid-air, halting Miles from speaking any further.

 "My question wasn't really a question. I obviously know what led you both to... that. Anywho, you two will be disciplined accordingly. You shall both report to Professor Sharp's for detention for the next two days."

 I could barely control my excitement and almost ruined it for both of us when I smiled.

 "Something amusing, Ms. Snape?"

 I shook my head swiftly.

 He then nodded his head, shooing both of us from his office.

 Miles and I walked away in unison, not a word mentioned between us. Not at least until we were in the corridor outside of the Headmaster's office.

 "Xyla, I-"

 We both stared at one another, and I wasn't really sure what the next move was between us. The only thing left to do was to laugh. Uncontrollably at that. Miles and I buckled over in a fit of laughter. He and I both knew what had just occurred, and I knew we were nervous for what was to come next. The conversation that centered around our entire relationship, and what that meant for Ominis and I. 

 Eventually we settled down, now in complete silence. A playful smile took to my lips and I decided to speak up after that silent moment.

 "Where do we go from here?"

 His head tilted to the side slightly, "It's late, we should probably head back to our dorms."

 I cracked another smile, "I meant us, Miles."

 His mouth dropped open. Once I raised a brow, he plopped it back together.

 "I know I keep bringing the boyfriend title up.. but you have to know.."

 He halted in his sentence, biting at his lip gently.

 I was tired of waiting on him to say it, "I have to know what?"

 "I want others to know you're mine, Xyla Snape. I'm a bit.. possessive, I suppose."

 I'd never been in a serious relationship, at least not in a long time. I wasn't used to the idea of being closed off from other boys entirely, as my usual personality was flirtatious. But Miles made me question things vigorously. I wanted to be claimed, and truth be told, I was scared of it. I was nervous of the reaction Ominis would have. Even now, as we were angry toward one another, I couldn't help but question how this would make him feel? Should I even of cared how much this bothered him? His rage toward me as of recent really had affected our relationship toward each other, and I didn't know if it would be something we could come back from. I was hopeful that I'd know what was bothering him eventually, but for now, I had to make myself happy. And being with Miles was the right choice, even if it hurt Ominis.

 "I'm yours then."

 He looked taken aback, like he couldn't believe the words I said aloud.


 I nodded at him with the toothiest grin on my face.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐,

 "Wake up, creep."

 Imelda stood above my bed. She looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept in days. Dark rings circled her brown eyes as she stared down at me.

 I pulled the bedding up onto myself further, covering more of my body. "What is it?"

 "It's Ominis."

 My body shook with anxiousness and I shot right out of the bed, standing beside Imelda.

 "What's wrong? What happened?"

 She took a step back, obviously uncomfortable with my closeness.

 "His random newfound vision, it's gone."

 I'm sure the feelings I felt covered the entirety of my face. Confusion and anxiety plagued my entire being. Why would his vision come back, and then disappear just within days of each other? Questions swiftly ran through my head as I dressed quickly, basically pushing Imelda out of my way as I ran through our dorms door to find Ominis. Violet McDowell told me that Professor Ronan escorted him to the nurses wing and that's where I should be able to find him. I pressed on toward his location as hastily as I could, my nerves on fire as I did. Finally, with heavy breath, I reached the nurses wing.

 Poppy stood beside the bed he sat in. She must've heard me sprinting up the stairs, because her eyes locked on mine. She said something to Ominis and then walked over to where I stood at the base of the doorway.

 "Poppy, is he okay?"

 She shook her head, her lip corners pulling downward into a saddened look.

 "I don't believe so, no."

 I glanced over her shoulder at him, I could barely see his face. He was turned away from the doorway.

 "I need to speak with him."

 Poppy placed her hand out, "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Xy."

 I didn't sense any hostility, only sadness from her. "He.. he doesn't want to see you."

 My stomach churned. Is this what it felt like to be alone? Ominis was the only one who knew me, the real me. And now here he was, erasing all we had from his life.

 Poppy placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, "You should go. He just needs time. You know more than anyone what it's like to have something taken from you... well, in your case - someone."

 She knew. He must've told her. I suppose he wasn't as alone as I soon would be. I was glad.

 "Take care of him, Poppy." 

 She smiled lightly, and removed her hand from my shoulder.

 I peaked over her once more before I walked away. He couldn't see me, yet he now turned in this direction and I felt his gaze linger. Unsaid words hung in the air between us, remaining so. But with that, I turned away - heading toward my first class of the day.

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