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Music link / https://youtu.be/aVSK4AmWPJY?si=5FzF-7HksSGJ1EYM

𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐,

The droplets pattered down my back as I stood up in the water. The prefect's bathroom was the best bathing area at Hogwarts, at least to me. The heat from the bath clouded the room, hiding me from sight. I could only bathe in it when everyone else was asleep, and luckily I had been able to coerce the secret password from the head student in our house.

A head of the house was supposed to be very secretive, and she was - until someone would bribe her at least.

And I just so happened to bribe her with a vial of Amortentia. I didn't ask questions, and neither did she.

I let myself slide underneath the body of water, covering every inch of me. My eyes opened, and though it was slightly blurry - I could make out the shade of blue, and could see the water from the faucets disturbing the surface. The moment was quiet, briefly. But then a shadow hovered over me, and the darkness reflected onto the bottom of the tub. I didn't want to see what was waiting for me when I raised from the water, but I had no choice - I'd lost all breath.

The second I broke the surface, I glanced behind me toward where the shadow would've stood. No one, not one figure stood anywhere. The fog from the hot water still filled the room and I couldn't see past it, but even a persons shadow would've appeared against it and nothing did. I jolted from the tub and ran as quickly and safely as I could without falling to retrieve my robe from the sink close by. The nervousness I felt about someone seeing me without clothes dissipated as the adrenaline pushed it out of mind. All I worried about now was getting back to my room.

I grabbed my velvet green robe and slipped it on, tying it securely around my waist. As I was about to turn to leave the bathroom, a squeaky noise halted me. I glanced toward the mirror above the sink where I stood, and words slowly began to form as though someone were here now writing it on the fogged glass.

The words, I've missed you, dreadful one, appeared.

I was sure my pupils had widened, and my feet moved fast to take me back to the comfort of my room. As soon as I was back, I closed the door swiftly and ran to my bed. I didn't change clothes. I stayed in my robe and tightened the blanket around my bodice, watching the door closely.

But I wasn't as cautious as I needed to be. My eyes fluttered shut, and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was our room door creaking.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐,

Poppy plopped down beside me at lunch, "You never showed yesterday to see Highwing. She missed you."

I facepalmed and glanced over to her with a meaningful expression. "I'm so sorry, Poppy. I had a lot on my mind and... I.."

She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Xyla. Highwing did great, her baby is beautiful and absolutely healthy."

A breath of relief released from my chest, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

Her smile lit up the room, per usual. But now I was concerned about her.

"Wait, Poppy. Why are you at Slytherin's table?"

Her eyes widened and darted to where Headmaster Black stood, and he squinted his wrinkled eyes at her. I suppose she took that as a sign to run back to her houses table, as she didn't even say goodbye.

I took a drink of the cranberry juice I'd chosen earlier. As I did, I felt the bench rustle as someone moved to the spot next to me. I turned slightly to get a view of who it was, and there sat no one. I coughed on the juice and placed the cup down aggressively onto the table. Everyone turned to look at me from my table, but I was more concerned with what I had just felt - especially considering the night before.

I stood from the table and walked away, leaving the rest of my lunch there. I arrived at the open entranceway of The Great Hall and someone spoke from behind me.

"Xyla Snape, right?"

I flipped around to the voice. What did he want?

"That's right, and you must be the infamous Miles Lockhart."

He chuckled and placed a hand to his chest, "Guilty. But correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you seem to be the infamous one here at Hogwarts, yes?"

I raised a brow, "I suppose. Is there something you need? I need to grab some things before my next class."

He clasped his hands together, a flirtatious smile formed on his lips. "Indeed. I wanted to see if you would like to meet and study with me this evening in the library."

He waited, as if he knew I'd say yes.

"You and I aren't friends. Why now?"

He then raised his right brow and spoke again, "Why not? This is our last year here and I think you're a very beautiful creature."

I pursued my lips in thought and finally said, "Okay."

He smirked and nodded his head, "Let's say seven tonight?"

I returned the nod and he turned away, walking back to Ravenclaw's table. I turned back toward the entrance way to head toward my dorms to receive my notebook I had left earlier today.

Ominis stood there. His jaw tense and his hand gripping his wand tightly. I wasn't sure if he knew I was still here, but I knew he had overheard my conversation with Miles. By the looks of it, he wasn't happy about it.


He blinked and held his wand in the air, it lit at the end and he followed it as it led him past me and into the Hall.

Not even a hello. No argument.

As if we were strangers passing.

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