"Ominis, stop!" 

 But he never budged, not once. His eyes lit with that of fury and it was all directed toward Miles.

 Miles muttered out with a tight breath. "Your true colors are showing, Gaunt."

 Was Miles out to prove something? Was dating me just a motive to screw with Ominis?

 I couldn't fathom the entire situation.

 "Ominis, what has gotten into you? I mean, out of everyone in this entire school you were always the peaceful one. You sought redemption, never revenge."

 His hand that held the wand shook slightly. I felt that I was starting to break his walls down.

 "Anger I'd never seen before just burst out of you like a wild fire, and I'm not sure why."

 He still held Miles in place, but glanced back at me. His eyes lit with rage.

 "What do you know about me?" He seethed through his teeth, and continued.

 "You barely even knew Sebastian, yet you spent the most time with him during our fifth year."

 I huffed out an irritated laugh. "Are we back to that, Ominis? Again?"

 He stood his ground. I still could not understand why he held this grudge so tightly, and maybe I never would.

 My temper hit it's high and I stormed away from both boys. "I'm done with this."

 I thought by his sight returning, he would start to see things in a new light. But the Ominis I knew was changing, and I didn't like who he was turning into.

𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛,

 Footsteps neared the seating area I occupied in the library. My usual hiding spot was here by the  restricted area. And only two people knew where to find me. 


 The wooden chair in front of me squeaked as the unknown person took a seat.

 I peaked up from my book to see who it was.

 "Please don't go." Miles said as I was about to rise from my seat.

 "Here to ruin something else?"

 He sighed.

 I placed my book out in the air in front of him. "Here, rip this. Tear it to shreds, it's what your good at."

 Miles slapped the book out of my hands. It fell and hit the ground, creating a loud echo throughout the library. The librarian shushed us from across the room. I glanced at back at Miles' eyes and caught him staring. His jaw tensed, as if he contemplated on telling me something.

 "Do you know how hard this is for me?"

 His hard tone told me he was serious. I scrunched my brows together in confusion.

 "What do you mean?"

 He hesitated, biting his lip before he continued speaking.

 "To see you.. to see you with him. I questioned things, and I thought I was crazy. I tried to convince myself that I had a shot with you. I thought you and Ominis were only friends, but the signs were all there and I chose to ignore them."

 It was my turn to question him.

 "What in the hell are you on about now, Miles?"

 He leaned in close to me, grasping my hands in his. He held them securely, not allowing an inch for me to move.

 "Don't play coy with me."

 My head tilted in more confusion. His eyes slightly widened at that.

 "Are you truly ignorant to all that goes on around you?"

 "Of course not! I have to stay aware of all types of danger."

 He shook his head. "It's not danger you should be aware of, Xyla Snape."

 "Then what should I watch for? Tell me."

 His face moved closer toward mine, his breath tickling my lips. His clouded eyes made me question everything I thought I knew. In this moment, it seemed as if he wanted to confess more of something. But his lips inched closer to mine, finally hovering right before they touched. I watched him, the question I asked before still waiting to be answered. He seemed to notice what I wanted, but I asked once more.

 "What should I watch for instead of danger?"

 He glimpsed down to my lips and back up to my eyes. "Love."

 His lips pressed into mine, deeply. The skin on his lips were slightly rough, and not at all what I expected. Him being his Ravenclaw self, I could've sworn that he used some type of lip balm. The kiss was first soft and light, but started to change through it. It became a battle of seeking union and closeness. We wanted to share one passionate and eternal moment. The heat rose more so between us and the electricity heightened. My nerves tingled with excitement as his hands made its way to the back of my neck, pulling me in closer. He was determined to never take a breath, and never to part from me. But someone beside us cleared their voice and we both seemed to have forgotten where we were. We sat back quickly into our seats.

 "Would you care to explain?"

 I glanced over at Miles, and back at Headmaster Black.

 "Honestly, I have no idea as to where to start."

 Miles chuckled, but placed a hand against his mouth. Turning away from Headmaster Black's intimidating glare.

 The Headmaster stared at us a moment longer and quirked a finger toward himself. 

"Follow me."

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