I would never get used to this. His eyes actually seeing me, all of me. Before, I was just a voice to him, but now I was physically here for him as well. I wondered if that would change things between us. Would he find it different? I questioned what the sky looked like to him now, what colors stood out for him. I was still curious about him saying that I had an aura that glowed; it made no sense to me. Maybe it was something I could pry out of him later, but right now, he only stared at me carefully. Like he had to remember every detail of my face, my hair and physicality before losing his sight again.

"Professor Ronan, I do believe it may be a good idea to keep Xyla from the rest of practice today. She seems to be slightly shaken."

Professor Ronan nodded, but watched Ominis closely. I'm sure he was curious why he could see suddenly, but that was something he'd explain later. Ominis gripped my arm lightly and pulled me along with him. I was at his side now as we walked in unison towards Hogwarts. My broom slightly drug behind as we did, and Ominis didn't say a word until we neared the entrance.

"Are you ready to tell me?"

He stopped moving and turned to me with his newly green orbs. He watched to see if I'd deflect, as I always do.

"I used all three."

That's all that I could muster up, and it seemed to be enough for him because he then nodded and released my arm.

"Was it because you felt like you had to please Sebastian, or was it because of your power?"

I wasn't sure on how to answer that. Maybe it was for each reason. Sebastian swayed me easily. But this power, it was just as tempting. Each made me feel powerful, just different types of it. Sebastian pushed me to challenge my moral limits, and as he did - I wanted more, I craved more. I suppose my answer to his question was both.

"You're correct on both ends."

The cool breeze blew by, creating goosebumps on my arms. Ominis' head tilted, his eyes never leaving mine. He remained in that spot for a few moments; I suppose he was trying to ponder what to say.

"I've done some not so responsible things in my lifetime, Xyla Snape. I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I have. You are so much better than I am."

It was my turn to question him. I raised a brow. "What have you done that's so terrible?"

His pupils seemed to dilate at my question, and he shrugged. "Nothing to speak about now."

Both of my brows raised this time. "Um, no. You had to force me to tell you my dirty little secrets. This is not the time for you to clam up, Ominis Gaunt."

He continued into Hogwarts, leaving me to chase him into the castle.

"Oh, you're not running from me now!"

With his wand no longer leading him straight into walls, he was a lot faster at getting around now. I had to jog after him, and my lungs were not cut out for it. As we turned the corner to head down the stairs toward Slytherin's secret entrance, I ran straight into someone.

"Watch where you're going, you flapdoodle-"

"That's not a nice thing to say to your boyfriend, now is it?"

I glanced up, "Miles? What are you doing here?"

Ominis twisted around on the stairs to face us as we stood at the top. "She has somewhere to be."

Miles laughed, placing his hand in mine - and I didn't pull away.

"She's been with you all evening. I think you can manage to let her go for a bit, Gaunt."

Ominis' eyes seemed to brighten in the dark stairway, catching both Miles' and my attention.

"I said she has somewhere to be, specifically with me at the moment. How about you find another person to mess with? She's busy."

Ominis walked up the stairs, grasp me by my free hand, and pulled me toward him. Physical tug of war was in session, and both men, or boys, shifted me in each direction. I forced my arms out of both of their grips and spoke in a bold manner.

"I am not some play thing! You two need to get along. I cannot handle this back-and-forth game with you both. I do not know why you both can't stand each other, or why every time you're near one another, there is extreme tension. What is going on?"

Miles' mouth was slightly open, and Ominis' lips were in a straight line.

After a moment, I cleared my throat. Then Miles spoke.

"You want an honest answer from me? I think this snake wants you for himself."

My eyes widened as I looked between both of them, my gaze then landing on Ominis.

He somehow looked much more pale than usual and seemed like he had seen a ghost. Whereas Miles' face was deep red and he seemed irritated.

"Am I missing something?" I glanced at Ominis.

He didn't speak, and only remained silent.

I blinked a few times, trying to process what I was being told.

"Wait, are you saying-"

Ominis spoke before I could finish. "Yes, that's exactly what he's saying."

Miles laughed and taunted Ominis even more. "It's the truth, isn't it? That's why you are always by her side, with never-ending loyalty. Like a dog."

Ominis brushed past me with his wand in hand, and gripped Miles' robes in one of his fists, slamming him into the rock along the staircase. His wand directly pointed into Miles' jugular.

"Careful, I might end you here. Why not, considering you all view us as monsters anyway, hmm?"

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