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It was our last year at Hogwarts. It seemed surreal that we were finally going to leave this place after so long. After everything that happened with Ranrok... and Sebastian, we didn't know if peace would ever be an option for us. Sebastian's sister Anne continued to remain in contact with Ominis and I after Sebastian went away to Azkaban due to the crime against his uncle. She settled in a nearby town and wrote letters to Ominis, updating him on her every new hobby. Ominis and I have been inseparable since then. Never allowing one another to be out of arms length. We couldn't risk any possible threat, especially now that I had absorbed all of Isidora Morganach's ancient magic. Any wizard, goblin, or other creature that was power-obsessed would soon find me and try to take it all away. I wouldn't allow that to happen, nor would Ominis. However, our motto now was to remain positive, even though we knew it was a spell in the dark.

I snuck a quick glance through the doorway into the main dining hall. New students were being placed in their houses. This year, it looked as if we had many new Slytherins and a good amount of Ravenclaw. However, not many Hufflepuff or Gryffindor newbies joined this year. But I wasn't so bothered by that, as most of my friends were from my house anyway. I decided it was finally time to walk to my table, but as I did, every other houses table glanced over to me and began whispering. They still couldn't forget the events from fifth year, and many of them felt as though I was evil for absorbing the power. There were a few who knew I was better off with this magic than someone who practiced the dark arts. I knew myself better than anyone, and only planned to use it when absolutely necessary.

I did my best to ignore those who glared and found Ominis right away. I placed my hand on his shoulder, alerting him to my presence. "I'm definitely glad to see you!"

He turned toward me as I took a seat. "You could never sneak up on me, Xyla Snape. Your scent is very profound."

His smile was just as comforting as I remembered. His gray eyes were as calming as usual, and they weren't empty in any way. Cheer filled his gaze.

"The first thing you could think to say is that I stink." I shoved his shoulder lightly.

His mellow laugh barely made it to my ears as our Slytherin classmates all spoke loudly.

"Oh dear, that's not quite what I meant."

I was quick to ask him what he meant instead, but Headmaster Black was sorting another student.

"Claudia Lockhart!" Headmaster Black yelled.

I leaned in toward Ominis and whispered, "That poor girl is probably frightened out of her wits."

He nodded his head, and then I continued watching as the short blonde girl made her way through the crowd of new students. I was surprised to see that she wasn't nervous in any way. In actuality, she strutted over to the seat, and pointed to the top of her head, beckoning Headmistress Weasley to hurry on with her sorting. The hat didn't even touch her head, and spoke loudly, "Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw table sprung up in happiness, and you could feel the cockiness seeping from them. A tall blonde guy walked from their table over to the girl who had just been named in their house. He picked her up in a tight hug and swirled in a circle. Once his face turned this way, I saw who it was. "Miles Lockhart."

His name slipped from my mouth as I realized the two were siblings. I barely knew him personally, but he was definitely the type of boy who could easily convince a girl to date him. His shaggy blonde hair, seductive blue eyes, and jaw structure could cut like ice. Ominis luckily couldn't spot me gawking at him, but he still interrupted it.

"Don't even think about it."

Even if Ominis couldn't actually physically see me, he knew me through and through. I could claim to never want to act on something, and he'd know it was a lie right away.

"I wasn't-"

He interrupted me again, saying, "Yes, you were."

I scowled at him, and of course he assumed I was. "Quit with the grumpy face. Miles is bad news. We don't need to associate with any more negative things."

"I'll admit I was thinking about him, just not in that way. I didn't realize he had a sibling, is all."

He nodded and said, "Now you know. Can we please talk about something important now?"

My eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Go on."

"If I find out you have a different partner in potions class other than me, I will put Gigglewater in your glass for the next month."

My mouth dropped open, but his fingers soon found my chin and pushed it closed.

"Ominis, last year you literally created a bomb. It blew up in my face and fried my bangs, don't you remember this?"

He laughed nonchalantly. "I didn't see anything."

I glared at him once again, "Oh no, don't play the blind card with me, Mr. Gaunt!"

He swipes my book from my hands and flips it open. "Oh, Defense against the Dark Arts!"

I swat the back of his head and yanked my book from him. "It's Care of Magical Creatures!"

He gleamed. "I see you finally learned how to read."

I glanced at him once more, "I see you haven't." A light chuckle slips from my lips.

He snarls. "You ghastly being, you tear my heart into pieces."

My smile never leaves my face, "Who else could do it as well as I?"

Headmaster Black yells out again, "Now that we are done sorting for this evening, I would like to end this night with good news! Quidditch will start again this year. Tryouts will be held tomorrow at noon sharp!"

The one thing our entire school could agree on was the love we had for Quidditch. Headmaster Black canceled Quidditch during our fifth year, and after the traumatic attack we had gone through, he postponed it one more year. But now we were getting it back! I could finally try it out.

I glanced at Ominis, "I'm totally trying out."

His shoulders fell. "I wish I could watch how well you do, but I suppose word of mouth will do."

The words spilled from my mouth before I could stop them, "I'm sure Sebastian will tell you all about it."

We both paused. Every movement stilled, and it seemed as though time had stopped as well. It was still taking us both time to realize the finality of Sebastian's choices and where he ended up due to them. Every day, we wish he was here with us. It was our final year, and we thought we'd finish school together... but that was never the reality of it. And now, here we sat, completely alone in our thoughts once again.

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