Miles' eyes slid over to me. "You didn't tell him?" A smirk played at his lips.

I shook my head and exhaled. "This wasn't quite the way I had in mind.."

Ominis groaned, "Out of everyone, you dated this pretty boy."

Miles only laughed and didn't respond to Ominis' insult.

Now we sat here in complete silence. I wasn't sure why Ominis was so baffled by my dating someone. I'd been single ever since...

"Earth to Xyla." Ominis waved his hand in the air.

I had to take a break; it was all too much. I retreated from the room, still hearing Miles and Ominis calling after me. There was no reasoning behind Ominis being this way towards Miles, and Miles seemed to taunt him. Was there something I didn't know?

I hadn't realized that I made it to the courtyard, and no one was out here. Everyone was in their classes at the moment, but because I was with Ominis, I missed going to half of the practice for Quidditch. I definitely had to make it to the rest, but right now, I just needed a moment to think.

The fall leaves danced as they fell to the ground from the tree, and they were all different shades of greens, oranges, and yellows. This time of year was so beautiful and the weather was perfection, but honestly, I was ready for the Yule Ball and the snow that came with it. But as my thoughts ran rampant about the Yule Ball, I then questioned who my date was going to be. Though I was going to be dating Miles soon, Ominis and I attended the event together last year. And the year before, it was Sebastian and I.

"I was so worried about you!" Poppy ran over and tightly squeezed me in a hug.

I uncomfortably let her hug until she released me. "I'm fine, Poppy. Ominis was the one that had to be seen."

Her eyes widened. "Ominis? Is he alright? What happened?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's okay too. In fact, he'll be more than fine. But he should be the one to tell people what's going on. Not me especially, considering the predicament we're in at the moment."

She raised a brow. "I knew there seemed to be a tension between you two, but I still haven't put my finger on why."

I shrugged and began walking to practice. "I'll catch you later, Poppy. I'm already late for practice."

She yelled after me, smiling happily. "Have a great first practice! Best of luck."

My lips turned into a light smile. She was always so supportive, even when I displayed the opposite.

𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙿𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎,

"Watch it, freak."

Gryffindor Captain Dominic Strouse flew past on his broom, knocking into me roughly.

Carigan Pines from House Ravenclaw flew up beside me. "Are you alright? What a jerk."

It surprised me to see a Ravenclaw student sticking up someone that wasn't in their house, but this was nice to witness.

"Yes, thank you. It's not the first time someone belittled me. I'll be alright."

Carigan flew off after nodding, continuing to practice with her own team.

I sped away back to my Slytherin team on the other side of The Pitch. Our coach, who was also the Head of our house was Professor Abraham Ronen. He was very good at his job, but also tended to lolly gag around sometimes, especially in class. My team mates all flew around me and came to a halt. Now we all looked over to our coach, who went over the practice plan.

"We are to practice against Gryffindor house today. Remember, each team has seven members, including two beaters, one keeper, three chasers and lastly, one seeker. Your job is to keep the seeker away from the Golden Snitch, and to make sure they do not score on our goal. I also need you to be on your best behavior and play fair. Can we all agree with that?"

Professor Ronan eyed us all before laughing. "Now, get out there and destroy them. I mean, not really, but you know what I mean!"

His voice faded behind as I took off toward the center of the field. I was placed as this year's Quidditch Captain because of Imelda Reyes getting disqualified, so Dominic Strouse and I both stared at one another as our referee held the box of balls used for the game. I was not only captain of the team but also considered a Beater. My job was to keep the bludgers away from our team and to send them to the opposite team to kick them off of their brooms.

The referee then opened the container, and not one second later, each of the balls flew out in all directions. I zoomed off toward one bludger, trying my best to catch it in enough time to throw it towards one of the other players.

"Not happening, freak."

Dominic slammed into my side, almost knocking me from my broom.

I screamed at him, "What is your problem?"

He laughed and flew off again, helping his teammates to score in our goal. He swerved around two of my teammates as his team member passed the Quaffle. He was going directly toward our goal.

"No, you don't." I whispered, as I leaned forward, speeding toward him. A bludger sped in our direction as I flew toward him, and I knew this was the best option I had for him not to score. As I went to swing, the bludger smashed straight into me - throwing me from my broom.

The air blew past as I fell to the ground. A scream bellowed out of me as I continued to plummet. I couldn't see the ground, as my back was facing it, but I could feel it nearing. Brace yourself is all I could tell myself. This would be painful, but at least they'd send me to the nurses' wing after.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

My body halted right before impact, and slightly levitated above the green grass. My hair blew up towards my face at the air pressure, but then dropped back down. After hovering momentarily, I collapsed onto the grass. My anxiety wouldn't allow me to sit up, and I laid there trying not to have a heart attack. But as I did, I could hear footsteps nearing my head. A person stood above me. I glanced up, but the sun kept me from seeing who it was.

"Are you okay? I had to make sure.. I couldn't let you-"

Professor Ronan flew to the ground and landed beside me. "Child, are you injured?"

"No, no. I think I'm okay." I checked myself by patting my arms and legs to check for injuries as I still laid there.

Professor Ronan laughed. "You should thank this young man here. He got to you before I could have."

"Who?" I breathed out as I stood up from the ground. I then glanced back toward the person who saved me from ultimate destruction.

"I saw you, just at the right time."

Ominis' arms were crossed as he stood there and his eyes ran from the ground up to my eyes.

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