Not this again

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Santana: 'ou p'omise? *looks down at Layla with sad eyes*

Layla: *smiles sweetly at the brunette* i pinky promise! *lifted her pinky up to san, letting her link hers*

*once Brittany had Santana in her arms again they both waited and the front door and waved goodbye till Debbie's car was out of sight*

Brittany: *closes the front door then makes her way upstairs to Santana's room* here you go baba! *passes san her dummy so she stops sucking her thumb*

Santana: t'ank 'ou! *puts her dummy in then goes back to laying on Brittany's shoulder*

Brittany: *walks over and opens santana's cupboard* what pretty dress is my princess gonna wear tonight, hmm? *looks at san*

Santana: *looks up at her dresses* w'ainbow mama! *pointed to her rainbow striped dress*

Brittany: good choice buba! *gets the dress and puts it on Santana's bed* now we need to pick out a pretty bow for your hair! What do you think? *carries san over to her set of drawers where she keeps all her hair accessories*

Santana: *rummages round in her drawer for a second* dis one! *holds up a blue flower clip*

Brittany: yeah...would you like one or 2 clips baby? *smiles at san*

Santana: i has 2 mama? *holds up what she thinks is 2 fingers but shes actually holding up 3 of her fingers*

Brittany: *chuckles at Santana being oblivious to her mistake* alright! Here's the other blue clip! *gives san the matching clip of the one she is holding* can you go put them with your dress for after and mama will get your change stuff? *watches as Santana happily nods her head then goes to her bed, dropping a clip on the way and giggling to herself about it*

Brittany: *grabs a pull-up, wipes and baby powder then reaches her hand out to san* bath time! *smiles as Santana holds her hand and happily skips beside her as they head into the main bathroom just across from Santana's nursery*

*Santana more of less knows what to do in he little space routine at this point. So as soon as brittany lets go of her hand to start the bath running, Santana goes over to the sink and crouches down to the cupboards that she keeps her bath toys and stuff in. Santana takes as many toys as she can carry and goes over to drop them in the bath, scaring Britt in the process coz she got splashed a little bit.*

Brittany: oh... *smiles as santana end up falling to her bum laughing at brittany* this is your bath, not mine! *chuckles as she crouches down to Santana's level and playfully boops her on the nose*

Santana: i sowwy mama! *was still giggling into her hands a little*

Brittany: *couldn't help but smile at how cute san was* its ok cutie! *kisses san on the cheek* can you get mama your mat please? *points out to san's changing mat that is on the other side of the bathroom, near the toilet*

Santana: okay! *gets help onto her feet my brittany then she goes to get the mat and places it in front of brittany*

Brittany: thank you! You are mama's best helper, aren't you? *smiles as she gives san a hand to lay on the mat*

Santana: yep! *smiles up at brittany with such pride*

*once san was done in the bath, brittany wrapped her in her special hooded towel and took her through to Britt's bed*

Brittany: *suddenly hears her phone ringing from somewhere* ill be right back! Don't go anywhere! *kisses san on the cheek the rushes round the house, trying to follow the sound of her phone*

*on the phone!

Brittany: hey dan! What's up? *was on her way back to san when she stopped in her tracks after not getting a response straight away* Dan? You ok? *was already thinking the worst*

Danny: H-Hey! So sorry to bother you so late!

Brittany: don't be silly! You can call me anytime! You know that! *was trying to hide her nerves while trying to comfort her bestie*

Danny: yeah... sorry i did mean to call you earlier but i was just so busy with work today. Then i went to get the wee man from the babysitter and we ended up having a bit of a chat about random stuff. So thats be just back in the house a couple of minutes ago.

brittany: i totally get that! Just have a seat and take a deep breath... theres no rush! *patiently waited for Danny to say something*

*at this point, brittany was back in her room. Shes got her phone on loud speaker now so she can get san all dried and dressed before she gets sick. Little did Brittany know how much she was gonna wish she didn't put her phone on loud speaker*

Danny: *took a deep breath* its Derek... *as expected, she heard absolute silence on Britt's end of the phone*

*brittany picked her phone up and put it off loud speaker as she starts to see santana shake and curl into herself. Brittany was quick to pick her up and walk around, lightly swaying her to try and keep her calm as possible*

Brittany: What about him? *found it really hard not to sound pissed off. She just hopes that Danny doesn't take it personal*

Danny: *was totally expecting this to get Britt all riled up. So she just tries to speak calmly he came in looking for San! He was really angry when i told him that she wasn't here. He was throwing things around while ken was trying to get a hold of him and kick him out!

Brittany: *sighs as she hears Santana continue to whimper and have a death grip on the blondes top* alright! Thanks for letting me know!

Danny: no worries! *kinda hear Santana's little whimpers so this makes her frown instantly* tell her ill give her a big hug if i see you guys tomorrow.

Brittany: will do! See ya then!

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